China's panzerfaust, a really small RPG


Junior Member
VIP Professional
My bad, short range weapons that can defeat the frontal armour of MBT's, for the extended range, there should be something like the dual purpose M72A6


Junior Member
VIP Professional
An infantry AT weapon that sacrifices range for penetrating power would be a good idea, the thing with most modern infantry AT weapon is that their range are unnecessarily long and don't have enough penetrating power, engaging enemy armour at the range of 300m shouldn't be the job of light infantry, they should fight enemy tanks in close terrain, so, it will be best for them to have a weapon with a range of 50m and be able to penetrate the side armour of modern MBT's potentially fitted with ERA.

I agree, engagement of MBT and any other armoured vehicle by infantry is best done perferably in terrain where the firepower and movement of the MBT is constricted, this will give the infantryman the best advantage. However the other philosophy is to destroy the MBT as far away as possible.


Junior Member
VIP Professional
Yes, you can attack MBT's as far away as possible, but I don't think 300m is a good distance, see those M72 SRAW? You seriously think that you can hit a moving tank 300m away with those flip up sights?
So something guided that can engage tanks from 1 km at the disposal of an infantry company will be nice, such as Milan and Metis M, Javelin is just way too heavy.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
see those M72 SRAW? You seriously think that you can hit a moving tank 300m away with those flip up sights?

Exactly, You need to be really good to hit even stable target with them. Your thougths are good about the hitting power in ecpence of range, expecially in the unguided weapons that are useless in the long distances. But such weapons arent supposed to be main antitank weapon of any unit, but an emergy equipment if the mounted infantry is suprised by enemy tanks. In big and well equiped armies, no squad leader is supposed to engage tanks in anti-tank manner by its LAW type weapons, unless the situation is so worse and real anti-tank units are abcent.

But in ATGMs longer range is more defendable feature becouse the precission is better and like RedMercury said, they are usefull in other aspects as well, becouse they presents the only current direct fire method that infantry companies and battalions have, outside of their vehicles armament.