China's overland Silk Road and Maritime Silk Road Thread


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China-Pakistan Economic Corridor benefits Pakistani people, Source: Xinhua
by Liu Tian

With the smooth implementation of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a flagship project of the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative, the people of Pakistan are gaining tangible benefits.


Residents of Pakistan's southwestern port city of Gwadar will enjoy better emergency medical treatment thanks to the opening of a hospital donated by China earlier this month.

The hospital, which opened Sunday, was donated by the Red-Cross Society of China and is the first of its kind along the CPEC, a route connecting Gwadar and the city of Kashgar in western China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

Construction of more similar hospitals designed to provide basic diagnosis, small surgeries and emergency rescues will follow suit.

Adjacent to the newly built hospital is Faqeer Primary School where over 300 pupils sit in new classrooms with freshly painted desks. Opened in September 2016, the school was the first China-donated project aimed at improving the livelihood of people along the CPEC.

Sher Mohammad gave a piece of his own land to the local government for the school's construction. The 60-year-old said that although land prices in Gwadar are surging after China helped develop the port, he never regretted his donation.

"I'm happy about my decision because I had the chance to give this piece of land to local kids for their future," he said.

Another training school will also be built within the next couple of years in Gwadar to help young people master a skill so that they have a means to earn a life in the future.

Meanwhile, China State Construction Engineering Corporation (CSCEC), which has a branch in central Pakistan's historical city of Multan, is also engaged in projects that direct have an impact on the lives of the locals.

The company is now building the Sukker-Multan section of the Peshawar-Karachi Expressway, a 392-km road with a total investment of 2.89 billion U.S. dollars that involves some 10,000 Pakistani as well as 1,500 Chinese engineers and laborers working around the clock on the site.

Once completed, the project will shorten the eight-hour travel time between Sukker and Multan by half.

You Xunming, vice general manager of the project, said his company has a responsibility to maintain the friendship between Pakistan and China.

Even vendors along the expressway welcomed the project, saying it has boosted demand for their goods, such as cigarettes, bottled water and fresh juice. They expect sales to only increase in the future.

Pakistani workers install a solar photovoltaic panel at Zonergy 900 MW Solar Project in Bahawalpur, Pakistan, Aug. 27, 2015. The 1.5-billion-U.S.-dollar Zonergy 900 MW Solar Project is a power project under the framework of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). (Xinhua/Ahmad Kamal)


Energy is a major pillar of CPEC projects. According to Sun Weidong, Chinese ambassador to Pakistan, 11 of the 19 CPEC early harvest projects fall into the energy category to address Pakistan's chronic power shortages. They include coal-fired plants, hydropower facilities, wind and solar power farms.

For example, the first phase of a solar power plant constructed in Bahawalpur, Punjab Province by China's energy conglomerate Zonergy in 2016 will meet 30 percent of the region's power demands.

Yet the 300-megawatt plant with an annual capacity of 495 million kilowatt-hour of electricity is relatively small compared to the three coal-fired plants planned in Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan provinces. Gradually coming into service, the plants, each with a capacity of 1,320 megawatts, will provide electricity for some 4 million households.

Sun told Pakistani officials and scholars last week that China will not dump outdated industrial capacity into Pakistan, nor will the CPEC add any financial burden to the local population.

The CPEC projects will cover all provinces and regions of Pakistan and will hire over 60,000 Pakistani workers, Sun added, citing preliminary statistics.


For countries along the CPEC, the corridor is not only about economic gains, but also about cross-cultural and people-to-people contact, which could involve the likes of Iran, Afghanistan and other Central Asian countries.

"It is not only an economic issue. It is also cultural because cultural means people to people," said Mushahid Hussain Sayed, a senator who heads the CPEC Pakistani Parliamentary Committee.

Mushahid said in an interview with Xinhua that the CPEC serves as an alternative for war-torn countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Lybia with its vision of inclusive development.

Talking about the upcoming Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing, which he will attend, Mushahid said Pakistan wants the forum to know of the Corridor's success.

"We want to convey the success story to other countries," Mushahid said, "how we have done it, how we are doing it together with our Chinese friends, and how it is important not just for China and Pakistan, but for the region as well.

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- New Silk Route:pakistan-China Friendship tunnels in Gilgit-Baltistan,. China help Pakistan, built 5 tunnels of 7 kilometers each in nearly 3 years. These highways form a vital part of Karakorum Highway. Citing tourist influx, Gilgit-Baltistan is important for CPEC.

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Motorway :2.7 KM Long
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Bypass Tunnel ( 2 LANE ) will Link Mansehra with
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There is > 10000 MW projects currently under construction, actually near to completion. Some are in this year & some next year.

Current demand is 20000 & production is ~ 15000 & with these projects 10000 MW will be added in system (total 25000) which will be quite sufficient for next 6-7 years. Plus there is extensive rebuilding work is going on distribution lines as there was huge power loss earlier due to old lines.

Further, majority of current projects are based on Coal/Gas/Nuclear/Wind however, there are > 35000 MW Hydro Power projects are in different level of construction/planning/financing & feasibility stage & will be expected to be online in next 7-8 years.

Below is what, I mentioned above earlier.....

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to invest $50 Billion to develop Indus River Dames generate 40,000MW hydro electricity
Chinese side conducted survey and studies on the North Indus Cascade including the sites of
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in February 2017.

The Chinese government-owned CTG expressed an interest in financing projects in Pakistan The CTG owns and operates the Three Gorges Dam, the world’s largest hydroelectric power plant with a capacity of 22,500MW,

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Forum; Pak China Sign
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Agreements And MoUs

Beijing: (May 13, 2017) The Prime Minister of Pakistan Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif this Saturday Morning held meetings with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang in The Great Hall of the People, Beijing. The two sides discussed progress on China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), – an important part of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s One Belt, One Road vision.

Later, a number of MOUs were signed that included;


Speaking to the reporters after the meeting, the Minister for Planning Development and Reform, Prof Ahsan Iqbal briefed that it was a historical day as signing of the MoUs for cooperation within the frame work of the silk road will provide opportunities for the two countries to work together to form synergy between the Belt and Road Initiative and Vision 2025 of Pakistan.

Minister Iqbal further said that the signing of MoUs would also enhance policy coordination and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, especially to jointly promote the construction of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in a steady manner.

"The agreements would realize peaceful development and common prosperity of the two Participants and would promote cooperation" maintained the Minister.

He informed that the two countries would promote the bilateral cooperation, guided by the principles of wide consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, the two Participants will respect each other’s core interests and major concerns and deepen political mutual trust. Further it was agreed that in accordance with the vision of cooperation, development and win-win progress under the Belt and Road Initiative, the two countries will make full use of existing bilateral cooperation mechanisms, multilateral mechanisms that they have both joined, such as CPEC, to form synergy, give each other support and learn from each other so as to complement and fully display each other’s strengths.
Minister Ahsan Iqbal also informed the media that MoUs on the implementation of up gradation of the ML1 Project and establishing the Havelian Dry port are a step towards the implementation of the strategic Project in an orderly manner.

Both, the Ministry of Planning Development and Reform, Pakistan and NDRC (National Development and Reform Commission) China, being the focal agencies, will provide support, and guidance to the relevant companies for early commencement of the Project through the signed MoUs.

The Minister Iqbal also stated that it is a historical day for Gawadar as the grant agreement for the GWADAR Airport has been signed paving the way for commencement of the Project in the year 2017.

He also briefed that the ML1 project will not only generate thousands of jobs for Pakistani Workforce but will also accelerate the engine of growth and development in the Country. With the development of Gawadar, it will be become the Hub of trade for the region.

The Minister also informed that many other MoUs are being signed in the sidelines of the Belt and Road Forum on various sectors including Defense.






The Pakistani economy will grow significantly already by having power provided reliably instead of the frequent interruptions of the last many years.
That depends on whether Pakistan learns the most important lessons of China's unparalleled economic expansion, and they are grand vision and competent governance. Rails, roads, and fancy buildings here and there aren't enough without a vision for national development and superior governance to lay and execute plans. A 'Pakistan Dream' is needed, modeled on Xi Jinping's "China Dream," and governed by Deng Xiaoping's pragmatic methods. The two go hand in hand, and without them Pakistan wouldn't achieve its lofty goals.


Lieutenant General
That is correct physical infrastructure is only the start.The Pakistani still has to do the heavy lifting of good governance, open up the economy for competition, reform the bureaucratic regulation, be investment friendly, provide security. The list goes on and on I would say the physical part is the easy part, Now the real work start I doubt it they can pull it out

China and the east Asia miracle is the exception rather than the rule . Grounded by Confucian ethic that emphasize rationality and not religion, Work for the common good, respect for education and family etc etc

Last night I watch excellent NHK report on the fate of capitalism basically it said the west is now stagnating because short of frontier figuratively speaking. Frontier mean real frontier and frontier of economy I think it is right on . This BRI if successful is exactly the prescription that the world need right now, It is Marshall plan in steroid,

Or it could be waste of money depending on the execution of the host country. like they say "Now you got fishing pole, it up to you to find the fish or not"

I suggest everybody to watch excellent presentation by NHK. But unfortunately is not now uploaded. They were on youtube but removed due to IP
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