China's overland Silk Road and Maritime Silk Road Thread




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Pakistan's Ambassador at United Nations Hon Dr. Maleeha Lodhi at the exhibition at UN for China's Belt & Road initiative. Pakistan is an integral part of
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which is a Flagship Project under One Belt One Road
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Pakistan's prominent role is highlighted in the standee.






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Hydro power Project

Right Headrace Twin Tunnel - 2nd Breakthrough of NJ TBM S-696 Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) S-696 has successfully made the broke through with 100% precision after excavation of about 10km long tunnel. The conditions were not favorable, rock burst claimed the precious lives of laborer’s and Chinese Engineers but the team work make it happened successfully.

The right tunnel from downstream side joining it with the portion which had already been excavated through traditional drill-and-blast method from the upstream side. With this development, all NJHEP tunnels stands excavated.






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Beijing prepares for the upcoming Belt and Road Forum on May 14-15, 2017, as banners hang on avenues of capital Beijing.

This forum will definitely be one to watch.

Contrast China's OBOR with the New Silk Road Initiative Hilary Clinton announced and tried to build when she was Sec State...


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Pakistan Showing Strong Growth & Reduced Fiscal Deficit: Moody’s

Credit rating agency Moody’s kept Pakistan’s B3 rating with a stable outlook in a recent analysis, saying strong growth performance, fiscal deficit reduction, and improved inflation dynamics underpin the rating.

Riding the high-tide of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a project that has received acclaim from international rating agencies in the past, Pakistan has achieved a B3 rating with a stable outlook from Moody’s yet again.

Credit Challenges
At the same time, credit challenges include a relatively high general government debt burden, weak physical and social infrastructure, a fragile external payments position, and high political risk. In particular, the government’s very narrow revenue base weighs on debt affordability. Meanwhile, exports and remittance inflows have slowed and capital goods imports have risen, resulting in renewed pressure on the external account.

How The Credit Rating is Determined
The analytical factors that are used in its Sovereign Bond Rating Methodology are:

Economic strength, which is assessed as “moderate”.
Institutional strength “very low (+)”,
Fiscal strength “very low (-)”
Susceptibility to event risk “high”.
Moody’s notes that prospects for growth have improved following Pakistan’s successful completion of its three-year Extended Fund Facility (EFF) program with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in September 2016 and the launch of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project in 2015.

“Since 2013, implementation of economic reforms and increased foreign investment flows have contributed to macroeconomic stability and higher GDP growth. However, government debt remains elevated and pressure on the external account continues, “said William Foster, a Vice President and Senior Credit Officer at Moody’s.

Sustained Progress is Key
Upward triggers to the rating would stem from sustained progress in structural reforms that would significantly reduce infrastructure impediments and supply-side bottlenecks.

This would improve Pakistan’s investment environment and eventually aid a shift to a sustained higher growth trajectory. A fundamental strengthening in the external liquidity position and meaningful reduction in the government deficit and debt burden would also be credit positive.

Moody says that the following factors would result in a credit negative rating:

Stalling of the government’s post-IMF program economic reform agenda
Material widening of the fiscal deficit,
Deterioration in the external payments position
Withdrawal of multilateral and bilateral support
Unstable political environment
The stock market made improvements with the index going to an all-time high of 50907 points. The market gained +1056 points inthe intraday trading.

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Construction work on Mohmand Dam 800MW to start in November.

Construction work on the Mohmand Dam Hydropower Project, aimed to generate 800 megawatts of electricity, will begin in November 2017.

In this regard, the Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) has invited an Expression of Interest (EoI) from experienced consultants to undertake consultancy services for design review, construction supervision, and contract administration for the Mohmand Dam Hydropower Project. WAPDA has been entrusted with execution of the project for which the PC-I has been submitted to Ministry of Water & Power (MoW&P) for approval of ECNEC through the Planning Commission.

The Project is expected to commence from November 01, 2017 to be completed after 5 years and 8 months i.e. June 2023, along with a one year Defect Notification Period and six months for closing of the Project.Overall, completion time is 7 years and 2 months, reported WAPDA. Mohmand Dam Hydropower Project is a multipurpose facility with the objective of hydropower generation of 800 MW, flood control, irrigated agricultural development of 6,773 hectares and a drinking water supply of 13.30 cumecs to Peshawar. The dam site is located on Swat River basin, about 48 km from Peshawar in Mohmand Agency, FATA. The reservoir area of the dam extends upstream to Mohmand and Bajaur Agencies in FATA. The total length of the reservoir is about 56 km in the rocky gorge of Swat River.

The area is formed by barren and rugged hills and the command area is spread across administrative units; namely Mohmand Agency, Tehsils Shabqadar and Tangi of district Charsadda, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The total cost of the project including engineering and administrative cost, taxes, duties, interest during construction etc. is Rs 291.86 billion - Rs 224.24 billion is local funding and Rs 67.71 billion is foreign funding. The Project is proposed to be financed through 66 percent equity (WAPDA and PSDP) and 34 percent debt by Foreign Re-lent loans/ Supplier's Credit and CDL/ Local Commercial Loan.

The Dam, upon construction, will store approximately 1.3 million acre-feet of water and generate the most economical hydropower of 800 megawatts, thus helping to overcome the country's energy crisis. Additionally, the project will help irrigate nearly 17,000 acres of barren land, thus bringing a green revolution and prosperity in the area. The dam will be useful in controlling floods by averting flood damages downstream of the dam and also serve as a source of many job opportunities.

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