China's overland Silk Road and Maritime Silk Road Thread


That depends on whether Pakistan learns the most important lessons of China's unparalleled economic expansion, and they are grand vision and competent governance. Rails, roads, and fancy buildings here and there aren't enough without a vision for national development and superior governance to lay and execute plans. A 'Pakistan Dream' is needed, modeled on Xi Jinping's "China Dream," and governed by Deng Xiaoping's pragmatic methods. The two go hand in hand, and without them Pakistan wouldn't achieve its lofty goals.

As I mentioned few times earlier, the only worry (Huge worry) is our political elite who are the corruptest & always ready to do anything for their own or their master's vested interests.

However, the two most competent institutions (Military & Judiciary) are holding the things together & trying the best to nab this elite. Due to Electronic/Social media things are getting tougher on this political elite & soon Pakistani People will crab them.

Remember CPEC projects & investments are in direct supervision of Military under the umbrella of Judiciary.


That is correct physical infrastructure is only the start.The Pakistani still has to do the heavy lifting of good governance, open up the economy for competition, reform the bureaucratic regulation, be investment friendly, provide security. The list goes on and on I would say the physical part is the easy part, Now the real work start I doubt it they can pull it out

Seems you are very good giving in sweeping statements.... without knowing the will/Hard work/Dedication/Self determination of Pakistani People who suffered the most in the world from terrorism (lost thousand of lives of innocent people & armed forces). Now we stand tall as we crabbed & nabbed terrorism & moving forward.

Suggest you need to visit the ground reality prior giving sweeping statements only judging/basing on Media reports etc.


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First Project to be completed under CPEC

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Power Project 1st unit is ready and will be inaugurated on 20th May 2017 this will add 660 MW in the National Grid which will help in decreasing the Load Shedding

2nd Unit will also be ready in June 2017

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That depends on whether Pakistan learns the most important lessons of China's unparalleled economic expansion, and they are grand vision and competent governance. Rails, roads, and fancy buildings here and there aren't enough without a vision for national development and superior governance to lay and execute plans. A 'Pakistan Dream' is needed, modeled on Xi Jinping's "China Dream," and governed by Deng Xiaoping's pragmatic methods. The two go hand in hand, and without them Pakistan wouldn't achieve its lofty goals.
The first advantage even before the matters you mention - and they are important - is that businesses do not loose the time previously lost to power cuts.


Lieutenant General
Seems you are very good giving in sweeping statements.... without knowing the will/Hard work/Dedication/Self determination of Pakistani People who suffered the most in the world from terrorism (lost thousand of lives of innocent people & armed forces). Now we stand tall as we crabbed & nabbed terrorism & moving forward.

Suggest you need to visit the ground reality prior giving sweeping statements only judging/basing on Media reports etc.

Don't get me wrong I am rooting for Pakistan too be successful But the odd is stack against you now. corruption, ineffective government, Islam radicalism, etc etc
As I said they still have to do the heavy lifting now it is up to Pakistan to show that all Chinese loan is not wasted


The first advantage even before the matters you mention - and they are important - is that businesses do not loose the time previously lost to power cuts.
That's backwards thinking, and I don't mean it in an insulting way, so please don't take it that way. I say it's backwards because if a developing nation has competent governance and pragmatic leaders, then it will work out methods and plans to develop. The variable is time and not certainty of results. On the other hand, if a country is without pragmatic leaders and competent governance, then it doesn't matter if a rich and power country tender favorable loans and build infrastructures for it, because it's the certainty of outcome that will be at issue and not the variables of development.

Think of competent governance and pragmatic leaders as the foundation of a building, and the rest as the structure. Without a good foundation to sit the building on, it would fall when stressed. So, without a good foundation, it doesn't really matter how pretty the building is.


corruption, ineffective government, Islam radicalism, etc etc

I have mentioned in my several post earlier, Ya we know there is corruption & bad governance that's due to corrupt leader.....However, nothing to do with the religion ... Islam is the religion of peace & humanity & the Guide for the way forward.

No need to bring the religion....& you should learn more about Islam prior bringing the biased statements....

Seems you are pathetic person with some kind of personal agenda..


Islamic radicalism is a product of the wealth of the takfiri Saudi regime and the poverty of many Muslim countries and helped by its exploitation by Western countries as in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria.


Islamic radicalism is a product of the wealth of the takfiri Saudi regime and the poverty of many Muslim countries and helped by its exploitation by Western countries as in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria.

Don't want to drag this thread to OT....

But Ya we all remember Afghan in 80s, where local Fighters were Financed/Trained/Armed & used against USSR by CIA/US regime & called Freedom Fighters....Later when the game changed same friends were become foe & called them Taliban..

Later in 90s, Bush regime came to Iraq with the slogan ... Bringing peace & prosperity for the region & destroy WMD... Now where is peace ... where is prosperity .... where is WMD ... but now world have ISIS/Daiesh etc etc.