Sadly, that might not be the case here, it is always cheaper to buy a bullet than get a shield, the space arms race could eventually end up with both side full of "bullets" and no "shield" like the nuke standoff currently - maybe the only way for mankind to united as one is when we saw the UFO coming
Well in a nuclear standoff situation having the capability to destroy your enemy, in other words having "the bullet" is also having "the sheild". Offensive nuclear weapons are also defensive weapons because of MAD. However, in space, you have capability that you need to protect. Since satillites (communication, reconnisance, GPS, etc.) indirectly influence the battle on Earth they need to be protected to have any value once your enemy has ASAT weapons. What good does having lots of ASAT capability do you if you lose your own satillite network (well its obvious that you deny the enemy the use of space, I'm not dumb) especially if you are a nation like the US that is heavily dependent on satillites. That is why ASAT weapons will inevitably be followed by anti-ASAT weapons. AASAT weapons, if you will. Because just having the ability to destroy in a space conflict is useless; you need to be able to protect your assets as well.