I think a big Taiwan strait crisis is inevitable before Jan 20 when Trump may or may not leave. DPP and Trump are simply not going to stop in their provocations. China will have to respond with more and more kinetic actions. Whether its missile tests or Flyover or even takeover of Pratas, something big must happen to stop Taiwan and US attempts to Salami slice Taiwan independence.
But the problem CCP is not serious enough with the war effort Just like Huawei they squandered a lot of time and money for unrelated effort. Why should they spend 100 billion dollar to support African countries building their infrastructure when they should build hundreds of LHD, LPD, LST I don't understand that
Their military spending is piddling less than 2% of their GDP. Even developing nation spend more than that
Their transport ships can support invasion of Taiwan with only 30LST, 8 LPD that barely enough for 5000 soldiers. And you want to invade Taiwan?
The opposing force notice that that is why they keep ratcheting up the provocation knowing they won't have pay the price
By now they should convert their economy to war economy Put 20% of GDP to produce war material there is no more technological bottle neck to speak
And why some of type 52 D languished for 3 years in the dock When they should hurry up and commission those stupid ship.
The truth is the Chinese bureaucracy are staff with people graduated from the western colleges and they have this mentality of deferring to the west and has defeatist mentality.
Apart of Germany I don't know of any country that reunited peacefully It will never happened You have to take it by force ! All this BS about of peaceful reunification is just a mask to hide their defeatist mentality!
Qin Shihuang where are you?