Let's not be naive here. The relationship between China and Pakistan, like all international relations, is based on mutual interests. The "goodwill" of the "ordinary Pakistanis" exists as a contrast to the "bad will" against American influence.
And you believe that the contrasting Chinese and American policies with regards to Pakistan plays no role in forming the respective "goodwill" and "bad will" the two enjoy?
Past Chinese dealings with Pakistan has consistently demonstrated that China does not make its decisions based purely on China's own interest, but rather what is best for
both China and Pakistan. China has shown the flexibility to give up a little bit of its national interest if doing so would greatly enhance Pakistan's national interest. And Pakistan is reciprocating.
Second, there can be a world of differences between what Islamabad says, what urban Pakistanis think, and what isolated tribes living in remote mountain regions think. It is those tribes that are supporting the ETIM on the Pakistan-Xinjiang border.
Granted that may be true, but is there any evidence whatsoever that Pakistanis living in the tribal areas are anti-China and actively supporting terrorists working against Chinese interests?
As you yourself pointed out, the Americans are not going to be doing the Chinese any favors by targeting anti-China terrorists, but a lot of anit-China terrorists are getting killed in American raids none the less. That would indicated that the anti-China elements are doing their best to mix in with the general jihadist population instead of setting up their own private little anti-China camps.
Now, given that America not only has no interest in actively targeting anti-China terrorists, but has in fact gone out of its way to help them in the past (look at all the trouble the US has gone to to help the Uighers training in terrorists camps in Afghanistan that were rounded up after the Americans went it).
Because of this, it would not be unreasonable to believe that if the anti-China lot set up their own 'anti-China only camps', the Americans drones will probably leave them the well alone. So the obvious question is, why don't they do that?
The problem with this idea is that it can take a very long time to mobilize local Pakistan forces, potentially rendering any intelligence gathered by the PLA worthless.
Pakistani forces might not take as long to respond to a Chinese request as they would to an American one.
Certainly, the PLA, in the eventuality of such an operation, would be wise to put on a veneer of "joint operation" with the Pakistani, but I think that if the Pakistani are incapable of rooting out the terror cells currently, we shouldn't expect them to do any heavy lifting in such operations either.
Well our American friends seem to think the issue is more of a lack of will rather than a lack of firepower.
But I believe that Pakistani forces moving into a village to apprehend anti-China jihadists will not generate anywhere near the kind of hostility as the same Pakistani forces moving into the same village to apprehend anti-American jihadists.
Besides, if the entire Pakistani military is incapable of moving in to close down certain camps, just how many men and hardware do you suppose the PLA would need to send in to do a better job?
Americans strike at targets that they deem to be a threat. While their target can sometimes be beneficial to China as well, that will not always be the case.
American drone strikes taking out anti-China terrorists means that these guys are embedded within the general jihadist population. That means that if a PLA strike force wants to take some of these guys out, chances are they will be assaulting a camp/base that houses a great many more jihadists who have absolutely zero interest in causing China any trouble.
However, if the PLA went in and took the lot of them out, suddenly all those other terror groups who previously had no problems with China now have a reason to hate China.
Given how these anti-China terrorists are just retarded amateurs in comparison to the sophistication of the terrorists targeting American and western forces in Afghanistan (again, I suspect because the vast majority of Pakistanis, including the Jihadists, have goodwill towards China and have been deliberately holding back support to these anti-China elements), it would really be a massive own goal for the PLA to take some of them out at the price of making China a target for all the other, infinitely more capable and dangerous groups out there.