As the old Chinese saying goes, there are always taller mountains and higher skies. When I was in high school, I m'fing hated that SOB who lived upstairs to me. My parents always pointed out how his studies were better than mine. He actually has a very similar last name to mine, different only by the tone. So, one day, the mailman got our SAT II subject test scores mixed up and sent both our scores to our apartment, so my parents could see that he had done way better than me on this one test; I mean I was in like the 70th percentile and he was in the 93rd. They beat my ass then sent me upstairs with red slap marks all over my face and tears in my eyes to congratulate him, hand him his score, and tell him we're sorry we opened it because the last names were the same and we got confused. My father never stopped talking about that until I retested next year and scored a 95th percentile. I still hate that kid today even though we're both mid 30's, haven't seen each other in 20 years and I've no idea where he is, what he looks like or what he's doing LOLOL