I disagree with this, particularly in China's case. Actually this subject applies to all non-profit public institutions, particularly in China. One of the most important government reforms in China was to separate commercial operations from government institutions, particularly during Jiang/Zhu administration. The logic is the same. Once a critical government institution like military owns and/or operates for-profit commercial enterprises, corruption is inevitable and most likely irreversible. Chinese have an ancient saying: 挡人财路如同杀人父母.The idea that military can help in civilian projects is not bad in itself, the issue is that it can't be a permanent situation.
During the early era of Deng, the economy was not doing well and stimulus was required. By the time of Jiang, it was not needed anymore.
When Jiang issued the order and the process began, fortunately it was not too late for PLA to cut off that sweat poison. And Xi Jing Ping has gone further, banning almost all socializing perks and costs on government tabs. So it is fair to say, as of today, the Chinese government in general and PLA in particular is much cleaner than the Deng era.
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