I don't know where you could have read that. Another one of your English problems, no doubt.Becoming upset when challenged.
No, haha, I said it's competitive and you thought it was absolute, as in everyone rising together. "Like you were saying" everything wrong.Like i was saying.
Comparatively. Is this another word that you don't understand?Nobody will deny that. It is you and PRC gov who think US becoming weak just because CHina is rising.
Unfortunately, you gave premature gratitude like applicants thanking the interviewer for their consideration when they were not really considered at all. Losing... sales? That's quite a small picture you've burrowed yourself into. Even sales will eventually start to decline when it's glaringly obvious that your tech is inferior like in 5G. I'm talking about losing dominant position, big picture.Thanks for admiting that having tech independance does not mean US losing.
It's not primordial; it is everyone seeking safety by cowering to the leading power. Only strength is primordial. China's has alliances, especially with Russia, the most powerful ally in the world other than China and the US. But until Chinese power overtakes that of America's it will lack "allies" in comparison. Fear of the American whip is the main obstacle.This is where having alliance is primordial. Where are the China allies?
This may be China's biggest strategic vulnerability because internally, China has everything well under control. Even though it is the biggest, it does not mean that it is a fatal vulnerability. You cannot entice someone to be neutral when they are afraid of American hard power. We have seen just that. So, putting the horse before the cart again, would mean that China needs to supplant American power before it gains these allies.And like member Totoro said :
"The single biggest strategic vulnerability china has is relative lack of allies and potentially small world market acess if it cant intice enough countries to be neutral and contimie trading freely with it. Evertying else, the weapons, geography, oil etc is secondary. "
No, tech is first. You can conquer the world on your own power if your tech is good enough.Tech independance is also secondary.
LOLOL WHAT? When the PRC say they "don't do alliance thing?" LOLBut PRC said they don't do alliance thing.
They give loans and loan forgiveness all the time to small countries. But really, when comprehensive power is still below the US, it's about as good as it gets; you can't make a country want to fight against America for your own good. Your reading comprehension and understanding are the only things that are incompetent, and thoroughly so.That is why they threaten everybody for everything and anything. Either they don't really want to compete with US or they are incompetent in IR.
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