China MAD option


That is different scenario you mention between known and offensive power to overwhelm the opponent.

For example, maybe they are some bravado US general who dare to make the assumption US missile shield is enough to handle 400 nuclear warhead.

Thus, it is not by lying that you can deter this kind of person


Senior Member
In fact, most of the weapon inducted in China military is aimed at US. The upgraded of 2nd artillery with even longer range ICBM. SSBN Type 094 Induction and emphasize on JL-2. DF-21C ASBM, I will not be surprised if they do not even increased the number of nuclear warhead. Of cos, it will not be at an alarming rate. But definitely more than the previous stockpile estimated.

Every report says that Chinese are manufacturing new warheads, but same time they are also taking older warheads out of service (JL-1, DF-21A, DF-3A), so there has not been that great increase in amount of warheads. If JL-2 is a single warhead missile then it means that PLAN has/will have 48 warheads in it's use and Second Artillery leading with up to 75 ICBM's (includes 7000km DF-31).

Currently PRC seems to be more interested manufacturing conventionally armed MRBM's and SRBM instead of nuclear missiles, if they were really worried about US attack they would be manufacturing dozens of new ICBM's yearly like paranoid Russians do and you cannot really hide that sort of thing.


That does not mean they have enough time to adjust their mindset China has enough nuclear offensive to deter US attack on China.

how much time do you think they need??

Just like all in your 40 years time, you are mis fed with wrong info of weak opponent and suddenly you realised the truth. Does this mean you will suddenly look upon the old time foe with high esteem?

If you realize that the nuclear capability of your enemy is more important than you thought, you are certainly not going to despise him

You may even determined to try beat him once and for all out of esteem or the unacceptable change of truth.

huh, you did not do it when you thought it was weak, but you want to try now that you know he is stronger? Are we still talking about nuclear war?


Nuclear weapon started between soviet and USA, the 2 main actor. While other are just co actor( France Britain China) nuclear stockpile is irrelevant. In fact, nuclear holocaust is avoid that period becos of the EQUALITY OF NUCLEAR STRENGTH between Soviet and USA. Both have enough warhead to make any retaliation or ABM shield useless. So no one dare to start the nuke.

But now the main actor change role, its between CHINA and USA. the nuclear stockpile huge differences will risk tempting one side to commit the unthinkable. Only by achieving nuclear equality, nuclear holocaust will most likely be avoided.

Are the US actively training to nuke china like as it was during the cold war?? Nope. So With their nuclear equality, the US and URSS were more close to war than the US and china today.
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Lieutenant General
You do know the US on several occasions was on the verge of nuking China? So I think it's safe to say there has to be some preparation for such an event.


Tyrant King
Given the Napping going on in Nuclear installations it seems that the Minutemen of the cold war arn't training to nuke much more than a bowl of popcorn these days....


Senior Member
Are the US actively training to nuke china like as it was during the cold war?? Nope. So With their nuclear equality, the US and URSS were more close to war than the US and china today.

Bad comparison. During Cold War, China economic and military were very weak? Why would China will be in US picture during the Cold War? Now Cold War era is over. China had the economic prowess to win USA and going by the current trend , its military can catch up in a decades or slightly more.

Using past context to judge current context is totally irrelevant. Don't tell me American leadership are inflexible?

And your Arguement is still fault. Becos end of the day, no direct war happen between USA and soviet in cold war time. i will dare to say its the nuclear equality that make this happen and world safe.