I can’t imagine a nuclear strike on Chinese ports aren’t answered with a megaton strike on CONUS targets. Failure to do that will simply invite more nuclear attacks on Chinese mainland targets. American are delusional if they think China will not strike back at CONUS.It depends on how the CMC/CPC decides to perceive the strike.
If they mainly perceive it as a nuclear strike on military forces, I would find hitting US naval facilities in Japan to make sense: namely USFA Sasebo and USFA Yokosuka.
Let's say the US specifically targets Yulin and Qingdao, Shandong and Liaoning's respective homeports, in what they view as a proportional response to the sinking of the two CSGs (even if say, Fujian also ends up being based in Yulin).
USFA Sasebo and USFA Yokosuka would make sense due to them being the primary regional US naval facilities. Their validity as retaliatory targets could be stretched further if USN amphibious assault ships are considered to be aircraft carriers, making Sasebo and Yokosuka both (formerly) home to one American carrier.
If the US is targeting more facilities, this could be expanded to other regional facilities. Okinawa is home to a multiple docks capable of handling LHAs. JMSDF bases could be included as well, assuming the JMSDF is fighting on the side of the US and American ships have begun using JMSDF facilities.
If they mainly perceive it as a nuclear strike on the Chinese mainland, it would be difficult to respond proportionately.
The best option, in my opinion, would be to strike US territory other than CONUS. Only one regional target is a good match; Naval Base Guam. If the DF-27 has the range to reach Hawaii, Pearl Harbor could be targeted as well. Diego Garcia may not be a viable target because it would involve firing in the direction of India. It is also British territory, making it a poor choice for retaliation specifically against US territory.
These two targeting options could be combined to fulfill both perceptions of the strike: retaliation for nuclear strikes on PLA forces and retaliation for nuclear strikes on the mainland.
I do not think the US would target naval formations out at sea, because all of their weapons apart from gravity bombs are designed for use against fixed targets, and realistically an F-35 with a B61 is not going to make it in range of a PLAN CSG or SAG. In my scenario I'm assuming they used Trident IIs with the low-yield W76-2 warhead.
I would like to highlight that this is my own opinion of one possibility. Apart from doctrine, individual CMC officials and Xi himself may have a different views about how to best respond and how to deter further escalation. As the actual military (and in the case of Xi, political) leaders of China, it is their prerogotative about how to respond.
I highlighted specific scenarios in previous posts not to suggest they are the one strategy that China "must" use to prevent armageddon and win the war, but rather to highlight how the possibilities of US reaction could vary and thus to meet those possibilities and achieve the best outcome, as well as to better fulfill the modern CMC/CPC's requirement for what retaliation might look like, it makes sense for China to have a variety of options at hand.
As for striking American bases on the First Island Chain. Those are on other people’s soils, nuclear attack on them will nuke (pun intended) Chinese relationships with them for many years to come.
Guam and Pearl Habour are worthy targets, but why use kiloton class warheads when China could and should use megaton class warheads.
Look, the whole reason for having nuclear weapons is not to use them in war but to discourage their usage. China is building up her nuclear arsenal because PLA can match the American conventional forces and likely defeat them in a conventional fight, but afraid of the Americans being sore losers start to use nukes. China has a lot more to lose than the Americans in a nuclear fight. It is supremely stupid to follow the so called ”escalation ladder” when China needs to discourage the usage of the ladder in the first place. If the Chinese leaderships are smart, they should communicate to the Americans that any use of nuclear weapons will be answered with strategic strikes.
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