And I feel like I should point out, this thread has already deviated off the aims of the original post made by Jeff.
Not only has there been quite a bit of discussion and expression of personal opinion, but almost every link and every article posted aren't even geopolitically related.
In fact most of them are socio-political. I feel like this thread has already become a proxy for the differing sociopolitical views of various members to butt heads, basically since the second post (epoch times??? really??).
Fact is, any post about freedom of speech, corruption, political reform (or perceived lack thereof), or some trends in parts of the chinese population which can be construed as political (such as the chinese "exodus"), are intentionally or unintentionally criticizing and implicating the CCP's domestic policies, usually in a poor light (regardless of what the reality of the situation may be). That will always force a response by other posters who have been exposed to a lifetime of reading such articles and will respond with irritation. What will, and has resulted, is an ideological debate.
In fact, I think the only real piece of geopolitical news posted was A Mace's article at #26. Every other post has marginally geopolitical (and that's if we really stretch the definition) and they are all flamebait in their own way, imho.
imho, @Jeff, if you're serious about making this a geopolitical news thread, then make it so that only strictly geopolitical articles can be posted -- only the links and the copy/pasted article. Nothing else, no opinion, na-da.
Just my 2cents.
Concur. The contents in this thread definitely do not match the title. Was expecting more discussion of geopolitical policies and implications regarding china.