I don't discount your experience, but your group is too small for valid statistical analysis. Wall Street Journal said many millions left China for other places, and it's reasonable to believe many more would immigrate to US, Europe, Australia, Canada..., etc. if they have the means to to do so.
Like I said, you're free to believe what you want, but for those of us who have first hand experience of these things, we know there are more factors at play than the simple statistics reported by the WSJ.
Just a few examples:
1- Are illegals smuggled into the US counted in the statistic? There are huge numbers of Chinese from the Fujian area who pay smugglers to get them into US/Canada. They are often from rural areas of China and they make money by working in Chinese restaurants and grocery stores. Most of the money they make is sent back to their families in China.
2- How do the statistics take into account those Chinese who spend most of their time in China once they get PR or Citizenship status? Many wealthy Chinese come to North America, buys a house, gets their kid to enter a good NA university, and then go back to live in China, spending only the minimum required time in NA.
3- Those Chinese who are not part of the wealthy elite only have a limited number of employment options. Those whose education background are in the fields of management, arts, humanities and physics have an extremely difficult, if not impossible, time finding employment in their field. I personally know someone with a doctor degree in nuclear physics who couldn't find employment and ended up going back to China.