China Flanker thread

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Banned Idiot
Does not matter what you mean by the "most advanced mechanical radar". Its still a mechanical radar, and the array does not multitask its scanning like phase array and AESA does. Go ahead and explain to me how a slotted array can split its beams and head them to different directions when its the mechanical arm behind the array that points the array and turns it around.

I simple repeated what the magazine said, the author do not porvide technical explanation how the slotted array radar able to performed this feat.
rather all there information come from both manufacturer and the pilot.


VIP Professional
I think the magazine is either wrong (editing mistake) or has been misread. That capability you mention can only come once the radar has been converted to an AESA.

Please understand this, this is the equivalent of asking a single human arm to carry an assault rifle and a hand gun at the same time. Just not physically possible.


Banned Idiot
this is old news,it been reported from russian press, that china attempt to obtain link-16 type data link illegally from russia,this come after a russian AF personnel attempted to cross into China with data link system.
the SU-30mkk sold to China,unlike the indian version,is bit down graded in avionic,example the radar for IAF has slightly longer range and better target discrimination and may contain data link.
Link-16 JTDS is force multiplier,it feature in Chinese aviation magazine,during desert storm 37 out 39 iraq were shoot down with data feed via link-16,during the enduring freedom,link-16 provided US command a real-time reccon strike,sensor-to-shoot capability, in iraq war it provide the pilot "situation awarness".in uSAF opinion, a a combat aircraft without link-16 are far more likely chance of getting shoot down.
KJ-200 for example carry 2 small antenna,one in the nose,the other in the tail,which is no doubt datalink system.


VIP Professional
Why would China need that? Su-27SK and Su-30MKK come with their data links. China can study that. The closest Russia has to Link 16 datalink is the Lightbulb data links, and you can find those in the Sovremannies.


Senior Member
They probably want their own indigenous data links that can handle more data faster, and one that suits their needs best.


Junior Member
What sort of specialized military tech would there be in a data link?

If it's just a digital radio, then civilian tech is much more advanced anyway, and adapting widely available communications technology to military use is probably more productive than trying to steal somebody else's military design.

Or is there something special about military data links that makes them fundamentally different from what's used in the civilian sector?


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some speculations by the admin on cjdby


saying that J-11B is still in the testing and validation period. SAC's J-11 production work is 40% complete. Also, the production schedule is pretty tite, so certain parts are becoming useless, dragging on the production schedule. Estimate that J-11B joining the fleet will take until end of the year. (numerous planes are on production line, waiting for that part).

The final J-8 version is waiting for some parts, but has not left the factory.

After this batch of J-8 leaves factory, J-8 production will finish (unless plaaf needs more). SAC will concentrate on J-11B and naval fighter. As for 5th generation plane, no news. Many competing designs, air force not sure which one to pick.


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more funny stuff from Pinkov on the latest kanwa
Basically, claiming that China has interesting in su-35 (according to him) and China's relation with Sukhoi might blossom again. The gist of the argument is that China (according to Pinkov) is interested in 117C engine and Irbis-e radar for its own fighters. But in order to get those technology, China would have to buy the entire fighter (ie: su-35). And that in the near future, the only thing the Russians can offer is su-35. So from this, Pinkov concludes that China will get su-35.


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