China Flanker Thread II

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Lieutenant General
Over at the Chinese boards there's a story where some Russian official said the Su-35 was nearly impossible for China to copy because it's too sophisticated. If true I guess that throws out the window all the nonsense that the Russians were holding back on selling China Su-35s for the fear of intellectual property theft.

Just sounds more like the typical nonsense Russian officials habitually put out. I read that as the Russians pretty much giving up on the prospect of selling China Su35s and are now laying the groundwork to try and spin that failure as some kind of 'success'.

I can so easily see that when the Russians finally give up trying to push the Su35 on China that their excuse for why the Su35 failed was not because it wasn't good enough for China, but rather because it was too good, so that those silly unimaginative Chinese couldn't copy it, so of course that was the only reason China doesn't want it. :rolleyes:


Lieutenant General
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re ... following the few blurred images showing the prototype unpainted. These two were the first "clearer" images of the painted 1601 and I think they are almost 1-11/2 years old ... in the meantime we sadly have not gotten more (I think actually only two or three) but we now also know 1603 !

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
re ... following the few blurred images showing the prototype unpainted. These two were the first "clearer" images of the painted 1601 and I think they are almost 1-11/2 years old ... in the meantime we sadly have not gotten more (I think actually only two or three) but we now also know 1603 !

I enjoyed your article in the December Air Combat Monthly, as always well written and informative, I do love Air Combat, but I read it in the local Barnes and Noble, while wifey was Christmas shopping, yes I prolly am broke, so I sadly missed a good gun show today and didn't purchase the Air Combat, saving my money to fly little brothers OLD/New Cessna 150, he read on the internest that starts below 30 degrees Fahrenheit are "hard on it", "oh, brother???". Anyway, a very good read on the Chinese Flankers, nice job....


Lieutenant General
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I think that is highly "implausible", do you have any sources??

The first pre production J-16s are supposed to have begun entering service with the PLAAF. I too don't think they've gotten hands on 24 of them, but probably within a year should be doable.


2nd Air Force Division, a J-11 regiment

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