China Flanker Thread II

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Jeff Head

Registered Member
We need to get away from the idea that the Liaoning is just a "training carrier". If it can launch and land planes that can fight then its a aircraft carrier simple as that. The J-15 is just a navalized version of the basic J-11B.

The Liaoning will be a potent asset in the PLAN and for China.
The Lioaning is a training and experimental carrier only in the sense that she is the first carrier and is necessarily spending her time now training the crew, training the airwing, developing the policies and procedure, etc.

As she gains experience and embarks her airwing, and as those policies and procedures are developed, she will most certainly be the instrument the PLAN and PRC uses to exercises those policies and procedures should they need them.

Later she will be joined by other carriers...and then she will simply become a part of that larger tool set to exercise the PRC/PLAN policies towards the PRC's interests.



I cannot read the number on that aircraft...but it does not appear to be the one we have seen on board the Liaoning.

I wonder how many of them there are? It would be very neat to see 4-6 of these fly aboard the Liaoning in the SCS.​

The number on the plane is 103. Its the third plane of the first batch. I will be happy if we can see 16 of these planes on the Liaoning somewhere in the second half of next year.​


Lieutenant General
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I wonder where and (arguably more important), when these pictures were taken.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Re: 4 Deino

Thank you for images, soulful posts and the simple lively atmosphere. It's amazing. Thank you and all guys here!

Welcome aboard Will, and please introduce your-self on the new members thread, I'm rather certain you will enjoy the Sino Defense Forum, and you are right, this is a great group of gentlemen, please read the rules and feel free to pm any questions you may have. brat


the most strenuous on the airframe is always the landing part. basically the sinkrate of about 200-300 m/s
nose landing gear cat launch is nothing compare to those loads.
Vertical velocity at touch down for land planes is typically 3 m/s or 10 ft/s, for carrier aircraft 6 m/s or 20 ft/s.


Senior Member
Vertical velocity at touch down for land planes is typically 3 m/s or 10 ft/s, for carrier aircraft 6 m/s or 20 ft/s.

sorry I misspoke
200~300m/s is a number I have been in my head lately for something else. thanks for the corection.


Junior Member
Just wondering...

The J-15's name, "Flying Shark"; a direct translation from the Chinese name characters 飞鲨 (correct?)

Is the English version, (ie. "Flying Shark") an official name for the J-15 or is it just Netizens' translation? What I mean is the English name ("Flying Shark") actually mentioned in official English language newspaper/news outlets, OR, is it just a name that is mostly being use (or originated from) forum similar to this one?

Ps. sorry if this had been asked before.



Lieutenant General
Over at the Chinese boards there's a story where some Russian official said the Su-35 was nearly impossible for China to copy because it's too sophisticated. If true I guess that throws out the window all the nonsense that the Russians were holding back on selling China Su-35s for the fear of intellectual property theft.

Not sure if this was posted before.

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Just wondering...

The J-15's name, "Flying Shark"; a direct translation from the Chinese name characters 飞鲨 (correct?)

Is the English version, (ie. "Flying Shark") an official name for the J-15 or is it just Netizens' translation? What I mean is the English name ("Flying Shark") actually mentioned in official English language newspaper/news outlets, OR, is it just a name that is mostly being use (or originated from) forum similar to this one?

Ps. sorry if this had been asked before.


What I can remember is that years ago before the first photo of J-15 leaked out, there was a posting in Chinese website showing a black plastic model J-15 with painting of a shark head on the nose. It was called flying shark by the poster. I believe that is how the name Flying Shark starts to spread on the internet. Whether it will be called Flying Shark officially, I think we have to wait for official announcement.
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