The Lioaning is a training and experimental carrier only in the sense that she is the first carrier and is necessarily spending her time now training the crew, training the airwing, developing the policies and procedure, etc.We need to get away from the idea that the Liaoning is just a "training carrier". If it can launch and land planes that can fight then its a aircraft carrier simple as that. The J-15 is just a navalized version of the basic J-11B.
The Liaoning will be a potent asset in the PLAN and for China.
As she gains experience and embarks her airwing, and as those policies and procedures are developed, she will most certainly be the instrument the PLAN and PRC uses to exercises those policies and procedures should they need them.
Later she will be joined by other carriers...and then she will simply become a part of that larger tool set to exercise the PRC/PLAN policies towards the PRC's interests.