China Flanker Thread II

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Thanks ... and here even larger !


  • J-16 1601 - 31.12.13.jpg
    J-16 1601 - 31.12.13.jpg
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asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Personally I think J10B, J15 and J16 are in either low rate serial production or just serial production

There is lots of units under construction I bet we see all Regiments standing up next year, it's going to be flying frenzy!


Junior Member
Pinko posted this J-11B with a dark nozzle WS-10(?).

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It is the improved WS-10B with 135KN of thrust and FADEC !

This is actually an old picture !! In 2012 WS-10B being tested on J-11B. That is a J-11B because of the black radar dorm !!

WS-10B is starting mass production in 2014 to replace the WS-10A. This is also the reason why Russia offered China the AL-31FM1, because China already has engine that is as good or even better than the AL-31FN. Otherwise Russia will never offer China better stuffs !!

In another 3 years, by 2016 or so, WS-10 should reach the 117S performance !!
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Junior Member
Not sure ... the WS-10B was said to be the version for the J-10B with its gear-box on the bottom. :confused:

It is the WS-10B, just look at the nozzle, it resemble a WS-10A. AL-31F has a longer nozzle and blue and black nozzle parts!!

WS-10B will first equip the J-15 and J-16, then perhaps the J-10B. J-10B's first batch will be AL-31FM1 with 133KN of thrust and FADEC also. However AL-31FM1 has better acceleration than the WS-10B due to smaller by pass ratio.

WS-10B might be used on the J-10P for Pakistan Air Force around 2016 or so.

There are also rumor that J-20A might use WS-10B, but this seems unlikely because by then China will have WS-10G ready with 148KN of thrust or get AL-31FM2 with 145KN of thrust.

One thing for sure is that J-20A will NOT use 117S and the Su-35 deal is now in serious jeopardy !!
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Lieutenant General
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To admit You are wrong in either the whole story or with the simple designations:

To start with no AL-31 or WS-10 is interchangable between a Flanker and a J-10 since the Flankers need the gear-box mounted on to of the engine and the J-10 on the bottom. That's the reason why the AL-31F became the AL-31FN for the J.-10A.

As such if the J-11B uses the WS-10A no J-10 can use this engine ... and therefore the WS-10B was developed:

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This engine however can not be used by any Flanker version and so either this J-10B-TH-version is not called WS-10B or the new TH with these black nozzles can not be a WS-10B.

Even more if You say:

WS-10B will first equip the J-15 and J-16, then perhaps the J-10B. J-10B's first batch will be AL-31FM1 with 133KN of thrust and FADEC also. However AL-31FM1 has better acceleration than the WS-10B due to smaller by pass ratio.

WS-10B might be used on the J-10P for Pakistan Air Force around 2016 or so.

... then this can't simply be !



  • WS-10B.jpg
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Junior Member
To admit You are wrong in either the whole story or with the simple designations:

To start with no AL-31 or WS-10 is interchangable between a Flanker and a J-10 since the Flankers need the gear-box mounted on to of the engine and the J-10 on the bottom. That's the reason why the AL-31F became the AL-31FN for the J.-10A.

As such if the J-11B uses the WS-10A no J-10 can use this engine ... and therefore the WS-10B was developed:

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This engine however can not be used by any Flanker version and so either this J-10B-TH-version is not called WS-10B or the new TH with these black nozzles can not be a WS-10B.

Even more if You say:

... then this can't simply be !


The picture with J-11B flying CAN NOT BE AL-31F !!! Period !!!

Just go take a look at a SU-27 or J-11A with AL-31F or AL-31FN and compare it yourself !!

That engine has a much shorter nozzle than the Al-31F, I can easily tell them apart !!!

That is a WS-10 engine with black nozzle !! Most likely an improved variant AKA rumored WS-10B !!!

They earlier WS-10A has a white engine nozzle but that does not mean that WS-10B or WS-10G can not have a black nozzle. To tell apart a AL-31F or WS-10 they key is to look at the length of the nozzle not the color !!

Also, WS-10 engine is NEVER intended for the J-10 in the first place, because when J-10 was under development it was using AL-31F all alone. Unlike the J-11B, J-15 and J-16 which have been powered by the WS-10 engine for most of the time. They are far more likely to receive the priority rather than the J-10. This is also why J-10B is now using the more updated AL-31FM1 rather than the old AL-31FN with 1 more ton of thrust and FADEC !!

China might put WS-10 series engine of exported J-10s such as the J-10P or F-20 for Pakistan due to the fact for political reasons. However for domestic J-10s are will be using AL-31FM1s for now.


Junior Member
Here take a look at the clear differences between AL-31F and the WS-10 engine. Even the WS-10B with black engine nozzle are clear different from AL-31F !!!

First J-11A with AL-31F !!!



And now the WS-10 engine with black nozzle !!


Here is WS-10A with White engine nozzle. You can see how their engine nozzle is identical to each other but much shorter to the AL-31 series



Can you see the differences now ?? AL-31F, AL-31FM, 117S will NEVER have white and black engine nozzle. It is always Black or Blue with Black. Unlike in the above picture it has White and Black parts !!!

Also, The AL-31 has significantly shorter engine nozzle than WS-10 !!
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Junior Member
Side by Side Comparison between WS-10B and AL-31 F

Here I made a side by side comparison between the two engines !!

Side By Side !!.jpg

1. The engine nozzle of the AL-31, AL-31FN, 117S, AL-31FM1 is a lot longer than WS-10A/B/G !!!

1. The engine nozzle of the AL-31, AL-31FN, 117S, AL-31FM1 has neither blue or black color but NEVER silver or white of the WS-10A/B !!

Peace out !!

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