China Flanker Thread II

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Jeff Head

Registered Member
It's technically sound, but strategically.. well, I hardly need to tell you gentlemen of the utter implausibility of us attempting such a thing.

Okay, let's get back to Chinese Flankers.
Well, you are the one who asked the question.

Besides, the movie was not about a first strike nuclear attack against the US, it was about a surprise attack with convetnional forces, meant to invade the US. The Chinese-Russian part was mentioned in passing.

Hehehe...besides it was fiction, it was not meant to really be completely plausible. It was meant to be entertaining to its principle audience in the US...and it was.


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:eek::eek: was this already posted ??? :confused:


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So, the above link leads to a Hong Kong report quoting a Taiwanese military source, so my B.S. meter is jumping pretty high. Don't take this too seriously. In fact, I wouldn't have posted it here if Pupu didn't post corroborative information on this.

Starting from 3:36:

According to the Taiwanese military, during the U.S.-South Korean - Japanese Naval exercise of 2010, the Chinese Air Force sent a Y-8 to monitor the exercise. The U.S. sent an EP-3 to monitor at a safe distance and two F-15 DJs later joined it in monitoring duty. They got within visual range of the Y-8. The Chinese launched 4 flankers with live munitiions to intercept, and the Japanese later launched two more armed F-2s in this confrontation. The "fighting" grew quite intense, and the Taiwanese radar lost track of the planes when they literally dropped out of sight by flying very low.

Once again, make of this what you well.


Senior Member
Lost radar contact? Did all those aircraft in the air lose contact too?

Well , story could be plausible at least . Fighters trying to get in each others tail , they gradually loose energy and descend below radar horizon of said Taiwanese radar . No actual shoots were fired a no plane was lost , because we would have already heard about that .


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J-15 at dusk:



Lieutenant General
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Again with the YJ-83K


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Banned Idiot
I suspect that is not a fully weighted dummy missile. The missile pylon appears to be the same as typical Alamo pylons on Russian su-27 family. I suspect a fully weighted YJ missile would need a different pylon.
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