Just asking if he's Russian. To have a Flanker buzzing over a school in a timeframe a little while in the past rather sharply
limits the places one should come from, and all the more amusing when his user name is USAF.
Am also wondering if he came from the world of Red Dawn.
You never know. The SU-27s have been flying for a number of countries for a number of years.
Russia since 1985
Poland since 1985
China since 1992
Ukraine since 1992
Belarus since 1992
Algeria since 1992
Angola since 1993
Ethiopia since 1997
India since 2003
Indonesia since 2003
Eritrea since 2003
Uzbekistan since 2006
Vietnam since 2006
Venezuela since 2006
Kazakhstan since 2007
Malaysia since 2007
Uganda since 2011
So since kids are generally 7-8 years old in the second grade, anyone since 1997 would be over 25 years old. So, for someone who is 25 years old at least, thy could be from:
Russia since 1985 (Up to 36 years old)
Poland since 1985 (Up to 36 years old)
China since 1992 (Up to 29 years old)
Ukraine since 1992 (Up to 29 years old)
Belarus since 1992 (Up to 29 years old)
Algeria since 1992 (Up to 29 years old)
Angola since 1993 (Up to 28 years old)
Ethiopia since 1997 (Up to 25 years old)
Of course, it could also have been an airshow in several other countries, at a school near the air show, so that woud increase the countries too.