just another indiction that China likes to downplay its capabilitys, clearly J-15 is multi-role and can do this role from ski jump
this comes after it was reported that from ski jump J-15 can only do air-to-air which i personally highly doubt!
If J-15 keeps the internal layout of the Su-27 family than it can carry 12 tons of internal fuel.
I will assume J-15 will have no problem taking off in STOBAR with a full internal fuel load and some light AA load. If J-15 does have problems with even this, then it is really seriously crippled by STOBAR even in its basic role, and Liaoning's ability to maintain even a combat air patrol over the fleet would be weaker than it appears because its fighters would not have even the type's nominal staying power over the fleet.
Given it can take off with full fuel load and a AA load, this suggests the J-15 has a large amount of room, at least 8-10 tons, to trade fuel weight for additional weapon weight if it must get AshM and A2G audinance weight into the air. So I think it was always ridiculous to suggest J-15 had no capability to launch with AshM or A2G load out. I would never have fallen out of my chair if I saw pictures of J-15 taking off from Liaoning with 18 1000 lbs bombs. For a short demo flight flight, I would have no doubt the J-15 can get into the air in STOBAR mode with 9 tons of ordinance dummies and only 4 tons of fuel, enough to jetison the dummies and circle around for a landing.
The real question is how muchweapon load J-15 can take off with with a full fuel load, or coversely, how much internal fuel must it sacrafice for each given level of ordinance load. Sure, J-15 can probably launch 2 or 4 AshMs plus some AAM load, or several tons of smart bombs. But, can the J-15 with 4 AshM, taking off in STOBAR mode, outrage a F/A-18 with 4 Harpoons and benefiting from CATOBAR?
If both aircraft took off from a long land runway, then J-15 almost surely can handily outrange the F/A-18 with equivalent load. But with STOBAR for J-15 and CATOBAR for F/A-18, it's not clear. I suspect it can't.