Banned Idiot
The small RCS on a stealth aircraft allows it to see the opponent long before the opponent can see the stealth aircraft. A stealth aircraft can shoot down non-stealthy aircraft like F-15 and Su-35 without having to get close and maneuver with them.
Update your self, passive radars, IRST and UHF radars detect stealth, a detail NEBO is an aesa radar complex but uses UHF radar signals
The asymmetric dimension to future Russian air warfare programs entails the development of counter very-low-observable (CVLO) radar technologies and long-range, high-speed surface-to-air missile (SAM) designs, complemented by a new generation of short-range point defense weapons intended to destroy incoming guided weapons, especially anti-radiation missiles, cruise missiles and guided bombs. All systems are built for high mobility, typically with 5-min. “shoot and scoot” times to permit “scooting” inside of the targeting and engagement cycles of most guided munitions.
The focus in Russian CVLO radar has been in the 1-meter VHF band. Stealth shaping in fighters is largely ineffective in VHF because components such as stabilizers and wingtips have dimensions close to the radar wavelength. Radar-absorbent treatments developed for S-band and above are ineffective in VHF due to both electrical behavior and thickness. The flagship product is the NNIIRT/Almaz-Antey 55Zh6M Nebo M 3-D radar system, of which 100 were recently ordered to re-equip Russian air defense forces. The Nebo M is uniquely a “multi-band” design, comprising three radars and a central data fusion and command post module, all carried on separate high-mobility 8 x 8 24-ton vehicles.
The Nebo-SVU was credited with space-time adaptive processing technology similar to that or the Northrop Grumman E-2D Hawkeye, and in 2002 NNIIRT's Igor Krylov said “We can see the stealth [F-117A] as clearly as any other plane”.
Once you have a NEBO radar or a cassidian pasive radar in the case of Europe you can use a Su-35 or a Rafale with a very long range PESA and IRST that will detect the F-22 in a range of 90km and flies at supercruise making hard for the F-22 to fire its AAM near the no escape zone
Advances in processing power may enable better tracking systems for long-wavelength radars that reduce the historical LO technology advantage. We know very high frequency (VHF), and ultra-high frequency (UHF) long-range air defense radars can see stealth aircraft at great distances, because LO techniques are targeted towards X-band target-tracking radar systems.28 As the longer wavelength reflects off an aircraft, it significantly increases the Radar Cross Section (RCS), which enables VHF and UHF radars to detect stealth aircraft at further distances than fire-control X-band radars.
New Russian models like the Nebo surface vehicle unit, a VHF adaptive electronically steered array radar, likely presents a significant counter-stealth capability. By 2035 other technology advances could leverage this capability.
Another counter-stealth technology is Passive Coherent Location (PCL).
Currently many countries are fielding PCL radar systems such as the Russian VERA-E, which is said to be the only system that can detect the B-2
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