China Flanker Thread II

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Junior Member
too much boasting little proof
China has placed additional orders for Russian AL-31-series fighter engines
One is for more than 150 AL-31Fs as replacements for earlier engines of same type that power the Su-27/Su-30MKK/MK2 fighters, that are designated J-11 in China. Engines under this contract will be assembled by the Ufa-based UMPO factory

independence means you export engines not you import them.

China is still dependant in engines from Russia for J-10 and J-11, if the WS-15 is in design i believe it but how advanced i do not know how far is it

I said in my own post that China is 'trying' to rid it's dependence on Saturn engines. I didn't say they were independent. Why post the same post you had several pages ago. We have hundreds of flankers with worn out AL-31's because of their poor service life. It makes logical sense just to purchase more as replacements until we can replace the entire fleet. We all know Russia has increased it's AL-31 production by one third since last year to meet the demands of China, Taiwan, India. We have almost twice the number of active flankers as the Russian air force.

Boasting is talking with excessive pride. If you think i'm boasting? then you're barking. What part of China doesn't want Russian components is based on pride. It's based on logistics and as you said, 'business'. We don't want to copy or use you Russian AL-31's anymore. The design is more than 30 years old *original design without revisions*

The fact that ws-10 engines are in service already show signs of some Chinese engine independence. I would say that it is just as impressive that China has developed a lot of the fighter chassis to transition from AL-31 powerplants and into the WS-10 without major downtime.

The engine development of the 10, 13, and 15 has been slow to ensure reliability. The sole problem we are having is the turbine blades. We don't have access to FM1's because they are only for the Russian Air Force. I can agree with you that Russian Engine development is more advanced than the Chinese, but that is only one component of the Equation.

Chinese flankers, with engagement of composite materials, revised construction methodology and improved avonics is on par, if not better than Russian flankers, regardless of engine thrust.

Looking back at the historical stance of the Russian Air Force vs. U.S. Air force. Russia has always utilized the flanker as an air superiority fighter. Massive thrust and maneuverability built specifically for Dog fighting scenarios utilizing traditional control and command. The U.S. air force circumvented this strategy by developing advanced avionics with a strike first, invisible bird scenario.

China's future competitor will not be Russia, but it will be the U.S. Chinese Flankers must be developed with advanced Avionics and reduced RCS. Engine thrust is only relevant if they were to survive the U.S. first strike scenario, and with the WS-10/AL-31 combination, the capability of the Chinese flanker is on par with the power of the F-15 and even the revised F-18SH.

So the Chinese flanker uses it's own Avionics and fire control system.
They developed their own 'improved' fighter chassis
They developed the plane for all of their own weapons.
We have some Ws-10's on birds but not enough.

If that isn't a clear sign to you that China wants to rid itself on its dependence of Russian Engines, I don't know what is. Regardless of the fact that you mentioned newer AL-31 engines have greater thrust, performance capability, it is clear, and most definitely noted in the media, that China is already moving at a fast rate along it's OWN course.


Banned Idiot
I said in my own post that China is 'trying' to rid it's dependence on Saturn engines. I didn't say they were independent. Why post the same post you had several pages ago. We have hundreds of flankers with worn out AL-31's because of their poor service life. It makes logical sense just to purchase more as replacements until we can replace the entire fleet. We all know Russia has increased it's AL-31 production by one third since last year to meet the demands of China, Taiwan, India. We have almost twice the number of active flankers as the Russian air force.

Boasting is talking with excessive pride. If you think i'm boasting? then you're barking. What part of China doesn't want Russian components is based on pride. It's based on logistics and as you said, 'business'. We don't want to copy or use you Russian AL-31's anymore. The design is more than 30 years old *original design without revisions*

The fact that ws-10 engines are in service already show signs of some Chinese engine independence. I would say that it is just as impressive that China has developed a lot of the fighter chassis to transition from AL-31 powerplants and into the WS-10 without major downtime.

The engine development of the 10, 13, and 15 has been slow to ensure reliability. The sole problem we are having is the turbine blades. We don't have access to FM1's because they are only for the Russian Air Force. I can agree with you that Russian Engine development is more advanced than the Chinese, but that is only one component of the Equation.

Chinese flankers, with engagement of composite materials, revised construction methodology and improved avonics is on par, if not better than Russian flankers, regardless of engine thrust.

Looking back at the historical stance of the Russian Air Force vs. U.S. Air force. Russia has always utilized the flanker as an air superiority fighter. Massive thrust and maneuverability built specifically for Dog fighting scenarios utilizing traditional control and command. The U.S. air force circumvented this strategy by developing advanced avionics with a strike first, invisible bird scenario.

China's future competitor will not be Russia, but it will be the U.S. Chinese Flankers must be developed with advanced Avionics and reduced RCS. Engine thrust is only relevant if they were to survive the U.S. first strike scenario, and with the WS-10/AL-31 combination, the capability of the Chinese flanker is on par with the power of the F-15 and even the revised F-18SH.

So the Chinese flanker uses it's own Avionics and fire control system.
They developed their own 'improved' fighter chassis
They developed the plane for all of their own weapons.
We have some Ws-10's on birds but not enough.

If that isn't a clear sign to you that China wants to rid itself on its dependence of Russian Engines, I don't know what is. Regardless of the fact that you mentioned newer AL-31 engines have greater thrust, performance capability, it is clear, and most definitely noted in the media, that China is already moving at a fast rate along it's OWN course.

Look, we are just two guys saying our opinions.

in your opinion you claim chinese flanker airframes are even better than Russian made Flankers.

That is just an opinion, only that and of course an opinion not shared by Sukhoi.

i do not know if you cared to read the link that says

, самолет получил новое крыло, новую систему управления, новый двигатель с увеличенной тягой и поворотным вектором тяги

Радиолокационная заметность истребителя по сравнению с самолетами четвертого поколения, уменьшена в несколько раз.

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this says the Su-35 has a new wing, this detail you won`t see it if you do not read the link plus also says it has a reduced RCS


Во время полета умная автоматика имитирует другие цели и создает помехи, делая самолет невидимым.. Это станции помех индивидуальной и групповой защиты для самолётов типа Су-30. Эти станции мы поставляем вместе с самолётами КБ "Сухого" в страны всего мира
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this talk about new materials used and equipment to aid Russian aircraft to reduce RCS.
I would not say it makes it more invisible than Chinese Flankers or it does not, but only Russia has not stopped improving the airframes and your assertion the J-11B has a more advanced airframe well it is your opinion but unless you can work for the Kaluga Research Institute of Radio Engineering and Shengyang you will know the true.
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too much boasting little proof
What a perfect description of the current state of Russian aerospace industry. It's all talks and little proof. All we hear are claims about how Su-35 is superior and every country including China wants one, yet not a single country has brought one.

October 3, 2011, 4:45 AM
China has placed additional orders for Russian AL-31-series fighter engines
One is for more than 150 AL-31Fs as replacements for earlier engines of same type that power the Su-27/Su-30MKK/MK2 fighters, that are designated J-11 in China. Engines under this contract will be assembled by the Ufa-based UMPO factory

The second contract is for more than 120 AL-31FN engines to power newly built Chengdu J-10 fighters. Engines under this contract are already being delivered, from the Moscow-based Salut plant
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independence means you export engines not you import them.

China is still dependant in engines from Russia for J-10 and J-11, if the WS-15 is in design i believe it but how advanced i do not know how far is it

Wrong. Independence means the country is capable of designing and building an engine from start to finish. China is perfectly capable of doing so, evident by the existence of WS-10A and WS-15. The US for instance imports engines from Rolls Royce which is not an American company, yet no one would dare to claim US does not have independence in engine manufacturing. Your fairy tale, driven by pure fantasy, is silly as usual.

The major reason to purchase AL-31F is the well known short lifespan of the engines driven by quality issues. None of the AL-31F will be used on J-11B. Likewise, many of the AL-31FN are going to use for similar purpose while some will go into new J-10A, but WS-10A is about to take over as J-10's powerplant with the introduction of J-10B.

Without Russia, China is perfectly capable of manufacturing AL-31 itself.
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to extend the life its engines.
In mid-2010 a Chinese television program revealed that the “5791 Plant” under the air force had succeeded in increasing the life span for AL-31 engines from 900 to 1,500 hours, a factor of 1.6.


Look, we are just two guys saying our opinions.

in your opinion you claim chinese flanker airframes are even better than Russian made Flankers.

That is just an opinion, only that and of course an opinion not shared by Sukhoi.

i do not know if you cared to read the link that says

, самолет получил новое крыло, новую систему управления, новый двигатель с увеличенной тягой и поворотным вектором тяги

Радиолокационная заметность истребителя по сравнению с самолетами четвертого поколения, уменьшена в несколько раз.

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this says the Su-35 has a new wing, this detail you won`t see it if you do not read the link plus also says it has a reduced RCS


Во время полета умная автоматика имитирует другие цели и создает помехи, делая самолет невидимым.. Это станции помех индивидуальной и групповой защиты для самолётов типа Су-30. Эти станции мы поставляем вместе с самолётами КБ "Сухого" в страны всего мира
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this talk about new materials used and equipment to aid Russian aircraft to reduce RCS.
I would not say it makes it more invisible than Chinese Flankers or it does not, but only Russia has not stopped improving the airframes and your assertion the J-11B has a more advanced airframe well it is your opinion but unless you can work for the Kaluga Research Institute of Radio Engineering and Shengyang you will know the true.

That's the typical self-centric talk from Russia military fanboys. Making improvements to the airframe with new materials and reduction of RCS are hardly something to boast about. Shenyang does not have the best reputation in China, yet
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to J-11 variants.
Redesigned air inlets of engine intakes to reduce the radar cross section, this coupled with the adoption of composite material, and application of radar absorbent material has reduced the radar cross section (RCS) of 15 square meters of Su-27SK to just >3 square meters of J-11B.

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provides even more detailed descriptions of the improvements on J-11B:
Although based on the Su-27SK, the latest incarnation has substantial improvements including a reduced radar cross-section (RCS), strengthened airframe and an improved fire control radar as well as new flight control system, glass cockpit and engine.
Additionally, the empty weight of the aircraft has been reduced by about 700 kg through the use of composite materials.
The J-11 AL-31F engine will be replaced with the WS10A turbofan, providing longer lifespan and reduced fuel consumption.

Claiming Sukhoi did something that a Chinese company with poor reputation have already done is not a proof that Russia is ahead. It only illustrates Russia is being overtaken.
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Who cares if Su-35 is superior to J-11B/J-16? Su-35 represents the best of the best for Russian aerospace, J-11B/J-16 are really 2nd string for the PLAAF and have never had the premier fighter role. Flankers have never received much love or resources in China, they are just a cost-effective workhorse that are tossed in after the J-10s and J-20s (in the future) have done most of the A2A work.


New Member
Look, to claim the J11B is better than the SU35 is not being objective. Adding composite materials or not, the J11B is still the original airframe designed some 30 years ago (for China, it was in a "just copy and make plenty of, with compatibility to own weaponry" era). The SU35, on the other hand, was updated with more recent design trends. It is the "ultimate" bird of the Flanker family, with new capabilities that seen before in a Flanker.

However, its incremental improvements, together with its price tag, just cannot find its customer in today's market place. As someone else in this forum pointed out, it is a few years too late to market! Had it come out five years ago, it might have a completely different fate. As is, countries that can afford it would rather wait a few years for stealth. As for China, I am sure their engineers would love to get their hands on a few to play with, but not at the cost of 50 birds!

So, both sides are correct: It's a better Flanker, but China won't buy, for reasons that Rhino123 summed up very nicely in earlier post.


Lieutenant General
Five years ago the Russians wouldn't sell their most advanced fighters to China. So it's pretty irrlevant unless they're willing to sell what China needs. So it's safe to say if the Su-35 is far superior to anything China has, it wouldn't be sold. Since they're trying to sell it to China, it must not be at most that much better than what China is capable domestically.


New Member
and 1 thing more important if china not to buy it , who will buy,same to su27 .when china is first customer to buy su27 then it sold very good in the market .people wait to see how good china use b4 buy it.


Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
and 1 thing more important if china not to buy it , who will buy,same to su27 .when china is first customer to buy su27 then it sold very good in the market .people wait to see how good china use b4 buy it.

Totally not true. If that is the case, then Mig-29 will not be selling at all, because China didn't buy any.

Different countries had different defence protocol and criteria, some find Su-27 (and its other variants) meeting their criteria and protocol so they make the purchase. Others find Mig-29 good enough or was the only one that can meet all their criteria (which include cost factors).
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