look to start all what i said has basis in physics and studies from ITP a real engine maker, your opinions are just from your opinions without actual real proof, just mere opinions of a forum no more you are welcome to say whatever.
In the real world, Sukhoi does not care about your opinion niether Lockheed or ITP
Actually, what you have said are merely your opinions, and regurgitation of marketing gimmicks from engine manufacturers. What I have offered is not an opinion, but a fact; and when I say fact I refer to the lack of enthusiasm of TVC displayed by the air forces around the world. If TVC is so great as you proclaimed, then every air force would flock to equip their fighters with one. Yet that is not the case, and this alone is enough proof to dispute your list of advantages.
Of course the Chinese want TVC nozzles, and a Supercruise engine, i do not work for Interfax, so If China and Russia are actually in negociations is something i can not prove beyond what interfax says.
The only thing i said is only time will tell, if China has the engine, yes they are not going to buy Su-35s, in fact, Su-35 is basicly a 4 generation Su-27 airframe with a 5th generation core avionics and engine.
China is testing some core avionics of 5th generation aircraft on J-10, the engine i do not know, do they have the supercruising engine? i do not know, is J-20 flying with a supercruising engine now? i do not know i know PAKFA is now on test for supercruising regime
J-11B could be a likely candidate to test such engine.
Russia chose to modify the Al-31 with fifth generation engine technologies, actually 117 has many new technologies, 117S is even more advanced.
Su-35 can fly supercruise in fact it has 3 of the 4S that J-20 needs, it has supercruising capability, supermaneouvrability and STOL it only lacks stealth airframe and an AESA radar.
So for me is a great mystery where is the 5th generation chinese engine i do not know if it is on J-20 or J-10 but it seems still is not there, the rest i leave it to your imagination
Of course China doesn't want the Su-35, and they have been pretty explicit about it when they disputed the rumors about Su-35 purchases months ago. In your own argument, you stated that China would want the Su-35 for TVC and supercruise engine. So, the fact that China doesn't want the Su-35 shows China does not want TVC and supercruise engine from Russia. It is that simple. China has no need for Su-35 and its subsystems when domestic alternatives are superior. Furthermore, Su-35 lacks stealth, lacks the capability to fire Chinese missiles, lacks the capability to data link with Chinese C4ISR, and lacks the capability to work with Chinese logistic structure. There is no mystery why China does not want to pay for an inferior product that doesn't work with Chinese systems.