Banned Idiot
First of all I did not bash You as a "Russian Fan-boy" but if You feel like one, then I apologize.
Anyway, the problem is not that we both don't have the same opinion and that I can't repect that You to have a different one to mine ... it's Your persistance: You can not only tell us once what You think since again each time anyone repeats to Your "toooooooooo-looooooong" posts, Your answers they are getting looooooonger and looooooooooonger.
We all know what You think to some topics and it's more than fine how You add links, sources and what-ever to prof Your claim, but in the end it's up to each other here to decide what to think.
As such - and here I speak for me myself - I accept Your different opinion, but I get angry to read all Your posts over and over again; You won't change the opinion of others with that altitude nor will anyone we persuaded by the number of additional links nor the number of words You post. Honestly You will even more persuade if You too accept the other's opinions.
Just keep it simple and clear ...
To be honest i do not understand what do you mean, up to what i understand, and this is my personal opinion, i add links for a simple reason, if i will have an opinion i like to based upon the most reliable baisis, not just my personal opinions.
But here i will be honest, in any forum you have different opinions, for example here you have a common opinion that Su-35 was never offered, my opinion differs.
And i will be honest i do not think i am breaking any forum rule by having my own opinion as long as i am respectful.
So i do not think you should get angry at me as long i am respecful, i just think you have different interests than me, you might be interested in news, pictures and perhaps confirmed reports, which is fine with me, however an opinion does not go against the forum purposes.
But i think you should not say Russian links are unreliable, i have found excellent Russian links as i have found ones which are not good too.
This news about the Su-35 being or not being purchased by China, should not makes angry at each other, niether claim we know all, only the Russian and Chinese government in their military cooperation know what really did happen.
An in fact the statement given by the Chinese defence ministry, was friendly towards Russia.