China Flame Attendants

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Junior Member
Those leaders who succumb to pressure to fore go the opening ceremonies may see their athletes booed at said ceremonies. Chinese sports fans have been far more rude in the past, for example to visiting Japanese soccer teams.


Junior Member
Chinese sports fans have been far more rude in the past, for example to visiting Japanese soccer teams.

In terms of rudeness they are no where near some of the NBA fans, especially for fans from Utah (personal opinion), but this is Olympics, athletes don't get hundreds of millions to compete, I wish they would receive the proper respect and I think they probably will. After all, the Chinese attitudes toward the Japanese and the rest of the world is fundamentally different(not trying to start a flamming war, but just stating basic fact).

Booing athlete based on Political division is against the spirit of Olympics, an attitude which CCTV has been painstakingly cultivate amongst the general population. WE ARE throwing a party in our OWN HOME, it is best for all Chinese to bring out their best behavior. I think if people can improve their politeness and other thing, then all the trouble of hosting this event is worth it and so much more. I mean just compare the cleanness and politeness of Singapore and some Japanese cities to Beijing, not saying Chinese are the only ones have problems, but as long as there is room to improve, then we should.


VIP Professional
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Sometimes administrators and very aggrogrant and do not respect forum members, they always think they are on top of others and display an attitute of "don't you dare to talk to me like that".
This happens to both Chinese and US forums.

What you call arrogance is in fact us mods expressing their frustration over the fact that such a simple task than to read and understand our rules and act under them is so duly ignored and in fact laughted at. You can compare it to drill instructor who is fed up his to his trainees constantly disobeing the same rule.

Now let get this straight once and for all: This isen't a democracy. There is no freedom of speak in SDF which allways to say and post any nonsense that you may think of. Instead there is a clear and simple rules and code of conduct. You are all obligated to read those rules and act upon them if you wish to be members in this forum. This is a military forum, ment to allow a place where you can discuss chinese related military matters. We expect that to happen maturely and paying respect to the universal idea of military disipline.

And yeas, Moderators are above you common members. Thats becouse A) there needs to be someone with technical powers to keep the forum clean and
B) Becouse the experince shows that without strick guidance and harsh but fair and determend devotion to the rules the forum would be a total chaos, kindergarden of no meaningfull concept.

This thread is closed as the Tibet issue/other political mambojambo cannot be keep out of it. If you wish to discuss about the Tibet, the horrors of those who ever suites you best, do it somewhere else, political discussion isen't allowed in here. Shouldn't be a new thing. Also warnings shall be issued as well.

Ps. If you disagree to our rules and policy, direct your complains to Webmaster.

Moderator in charge

Sometimes administrators and very aggrogrant and do not respect forum members, they always think they are on top of others and display an attitute of "don't you dare to talk to me like that".
This happens to both Chinese and US forums.

I hope you read what gollevainen says. You opinion is so off base it it ludricous. Trust me, we mods have given many members of this forum much lee way over the years. Much.

I'm 54 years old my friend. I spent 20 years in the US Navy. I'm not on any power trip. I'm just here to inforce the rules so are forum does not deteroiate into the typical childish bashing that occuried in this thread. Enough said.

bd popeye super moderator
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