China demographics thread.


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China needs to follow in Israel's policies regarding diaspora imo. But first China needs to make itself attractive enough for overseas Chinese to want to move back.
It's far more important to raise the native birth rate.

China needs to correct the cultural zeitgeist that children are thieves of joy and well-being. Contributing a properly raised child to society should be seen as every bit as valuable as any other form of productive labor.

It is mathematically better for Chinese society that half the eligible population - and it doesn't just have to be women - at any given moment are raising the next generation over doing labor.

Sure, it leads to reduced industrial productivity in the short-term of maybe 30%, but in the long-term, it means a constant supply of labor.

Where by contrast, in the case where everyone works, the total productivity of the country will just keep shrinking until it is no longer sustainable.

This needs to be understood and acted on. Raising children should be treated the same as a prestigious career.


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China has stopped allowing adoption abroad with the exception of stepchildren or to other of former PRC descent of within 3 generation.

No clue why this was ever greenlighted to begin with.

Tons of Chinese couples looking for adoption or even having to spend out of pocket finding surrogates and adoptions abroad, when they should turn to domestic foster homes first and foremost.


Registered Member
No clue why this was ever greenlighted to begin with.

Tons of Chinese couples looking for adoption or even having to spend out of pocket finding surrogates and adoptions abroad, when they should turn to domestic foster homes first and foremost.

Probably some sorta of corruption involve. I suspect some nefarious western NGO convince Asian countries (which worship the west because of economic standards and modernization) in the 80s that this was a good idea and pumped money into it. The west gets humans for economic growth or christian converts that they can raise and whom they assimilate easier with western parents.

Like all gov, there are lazy and incompetent leadership... death stare to China's propaganda/marketing and arts/censorship


No clue why this was ever greenlighted to begin with.

Tons of Chinese couples looking for adoption or even having to spend out of pocket finding surrogates and adoptions abroad, when they should turn to domestic foster homes first and foremost.
I think the vast majority were unwanted girls who wouldn't be adopted in China. I've never heard of Chinese people being unable to find an adoption match in China and adopting abroad before, especially if they were ok with a girl. Surrogacy is something different completely; that's done because you want your own bloodline carried on.

Nonetheless, I agree with this change. When Margaret MacNeil, a Chinese adoptee defeated Zhang Yufei in the 100m fly finals by 0.05 seconds in Tokyo bringing that gold medal to Canada, I was so upset that a Chinese-blooded Champion was not correctly aligned to her blood country. But I could not help but understand because she was overlooked by Chinese adopting parents, thrown away by China and raised by Canadians; how can you expect her to turn against them for us?
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Junior Member
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I think the vast majority were unwanted girls who wouldn't be adopted in China.
I think it's just foster kids in general. Its guaranteed out of so many people there will be a lot that aren't ready to handle kids still getting them. But they should all be homed either in China or continue within the foster system until they are 18, anything else is an aberration against their rights.
I've never heard of Chinese people being unable to find an adoption match in China and adopting abroad before, especially if they were ok with a girl. Surrogacy is something different completely; that's done because you want your own bloodline carried on.

Nonetheless, I agree with this change. When Margaret MacNeil, a Chinese adoptee defeated Zhang Yufei for the 100m fly gold medal by 0.05 seconds in Tokyo bringing that gold medal to Canada, I was so upset that a Chinese-blooded Champion was not correctly aligned to her blood country. But I could not help but understand because she was thrown away by China and raised by Canadians; how can you expect any different behavior?
It was not China that threw her or other wrongful adoptees away, but rather corrupt and evil people who managed to get into social services sectors. The blame should be on policymakers for essentially selling their own countrymen.

They need to recieve punishment, although it will be nearly impossible legally when there's no one that can directly levy charges on them.

It should be a national scandal that kids were trafficked to couples that have statistically likely less means to provide for them, no cultural ties and maybe not even the willpower to provide parenting. And in exchange, NGOs were paying foster home workers directly in the pocket.


I think it's just foster kids in general. Its guaranteed out of so many people there will be a lot that aren't ready to handle kids still getting them. But they should all be homed either in China or continue within the foster system until they are 18, anything else is an aberration against their rights.
OK... I dunno about their rights; the right to not be adopted out of the country isn't really something I've heard of but I agree that today, they'd be better off in China, even under foster care, than in the West.
It was not China that threw her or other wrongful adoptees away, but rather corrupt and evil people who managed to get into social services sectors. The blame should be on policymakers for essentially selling their own countrymen.

They need to recieve punishment, although it will be nearly impossible legally when there's no one that can directly levy charges on them.

It should be a national scandal that kids were trafficked to couples that have statistically likely less means to provide for them, no cultural ties and maybe not even the willpower to provide parenting. And in exchange, NGOs were paying foster home workers directly in the pocket.
Is there some evidence for this corruption? Government officials who make the rules represent China, so China did let these girls go. I don't remember ever seeing Chinese people complaining that they could not adopt a little girl because the foreigners were taking them all. I don't remember seeing any opposition to allowing these girls to be adopted out. So, I'm thinking it was prevalent Chinese will that they were unwanted and could be sent abroad. Blaming these officials who, I think represented public will, or at least did not go against it in solving a problem, is throwing your own politicians under the bus.

I think the situation is that China was poor and had the One Child Policy so there were many girls who were unwanted and put up for adoption. You could either let the state take care of them until 18 and set them loose or you could allow foreigners to adopt them and at least at the time promise to provide a proper family for them. Under those circumstances, it's not necessarily wrong to let them go because it would usually mean that they could be loved in a family and enjoy a higher quality of life.

Things are perhaps different today. China is a lot richer now with no limits on childbearing, which decreases the number of girls left at hospitals. And sexism is on the decline in a modernized China. This policy change probably reflects a new situation where there are less and less unwanted children and there is now some competition between foreign and domestic adopters looking for children and for girls. So the foreigners, especially those from hostile countries, should be shown the door.


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The group leader left the country in 1989 and has never been back until 2017. Unless you have a time machine, this is kind of unsolvable.

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Applied research rarely gets Nobels unless it literally changes the world, and this doesn't.

Better to hire international talent, ask them to move to China, so that your best domestic students don't need to go abroad.