China demographics thread.


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OK... I dunno about their rights; the right to not be adopted out of the country isn't really something I've heard of but I agree that today, they'd be better off in China, even under foster care, than in the West.
The rights being violated is that orphans should not be deported just because they're... Orphans. There is no way to verify where they are going, the people/countries they're sent to do not have past records in China, so their character cannot be verified. Or the quality of the country they're being sent to.

Imagine being a child born to a teenage couple in a 1st or 2nd tier city, so you end up in foster when your biological parents can't take care of you. Then suddenly you're permanently ripped away from your safe and rich environment to a bottom tier country like Ukraine or South Africa. And it's a permanent deportation. How is that fair to the child?

Indeed I am throwing the decisionmakers that enabled this under the bus. It is cynical and greedy to sell even unwanted or disabled people, they are still your own citizens.

Just let them grow up under group care if absolutely no one takes them.


The rights being violated is that orphans should not be deported just because they're... Orphans.
Orphans too young to speak have no ability to indicate if they'd like to be adopted out of the country into a family or if they'd like to stay in the state system and let loose at 18. Those who can talk should be respected but those who cannot yet require people to make a decision in their best interest to the best of their abilities.
There is no way to verify where they are going, the people/countries they're sent to do not have past records in China, so their character cannot be verified. Or the quality of the country they're being sent to.
Are we talking about the same thing? I'm talking about parents from rich first world countries being heavily vetted with long wait lists, multiple interviews and home visits by their end of the adoption terminal before even having their applications forwarded to the Chinese end.
Imagine being a child born to a teenage couple in a 1st or 2nd tier city, so you end up in foster when your biological parents can't take care of you. Then suddenly you're permanently ripped away from your safe and rich environment to a bottom tier country like Ukraine or South Africa. And it's a permanent deportation. How is that fair to the child?
I've never been to Ukraine or South Africa. I have no idea what you're talking about. But I have seen a few Chinese kids adopted into the US taken care of by American parents. They're well-cared for, nothing bad happened to them. They often exhibit hallmark Chinese elite performance at elite schools. Maggie MacNeil was taken to Canada and she was clearly well-cared for. I'm talking about this, which is not a bad path for an orphan at all.
Indeed I am throwing the decisionmakers that enabled this under the bus. It is cynical and greedy to sell even unwanted or disabled people, they are still your own citizens.
Just let them grow up under group care if absolutely no one takes them.
We've gotta be talking about different things because adopting Chinese orphans out to first world Western countries, especially a few decades ago when China was much poorer in comparison, is not a cut-and-dry bad decision for them.


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Exclusive: China to issue $284 billion of sovereign debt this year to help revive economy​

Sept 26 (Reuters) - China plans to issue special sovereign bonds worth about 2 trillion yuan ($284.43 billion) this year as part of a fresh fiscal stimulus, said two sources with knowledge of the matter, adding to a string of measures to battle strong deflationary pressures and faltering economic growth.
As part of the package, the Ministry of Finance (MOF) plans to issue 1 trillion yuan of special sovereign debt primarily to stimulate consumption amid growing concerns about a stuttering post-COVID economic recovery, said the sources.
Part of the MOF proceeds raised via special bonds, which are floated for a specific purpose, will be used to
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for the trade-in and renewal of consumer goods and for the upgrade of large-scale business equipment, said the two sources.
The proceeds will also be used to provide a monthly allowance of about 800 yuan, or $114, per child to all households with two or more children, excluding the first child, the first source said.
A step in the right direction.


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Exclusive: China to issue $284 billion of sovereign debt this year to help revive economy​

A step in the right direction.

Like China has targets for GDP, it should now have targets for births.

There have to be sustainable annual births of around 15 million which with a life expectancy of 80 would give a sustainable population of 1200 million.

With 9 million, it's just 720 million people, and the birth rate will still decline, until the fertility kicks up.

Jiang ZeminFanboy

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Why current TFR of east Asia is almost at extinction lvl (China is at about 1.08 in 2023)

In 4 generation from 1000 people you go to 91 with TFR of 1.1 and unfortunately it looks like China TFR might fall below 1.0, but not this year. We need to push the TFR to the American lvl of 1.6. This is the lvl which the demographics is bad but not terrible. Look at the table and TFR of 1.7 should be the goal.



Junior Member
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Why current TFR of east Asia is almost at extinction lvl (China is at about 1.08 in 2023)

In 4 generation from 1000 people you go to 91 with TFR of 1.1 and unfortunately it looks like China TFR might fall below 1.0, but not this year. We need to push the TFR to the American lvl of 1.6. This is the lvl which the demographics is bad but not terrible. Look at the table and TFR of 1.7 should be the goal.

Because East Asians continue to smoke copium around demographics. You see it plenty in this thread where people sell everything from “you can’t predict the future!” to “no need for humans if you have robots!” to “only poor countries have lots of children so China having less means it’s doing great!”

There are days when I wonder whether half the people here are actually CIA plants looking to sabotage China. Other days I am reminded that people really have a hard time with change that occurs over the course of generations. If they can’t see it happen with their eyes then it’s “fake news.” Despite all the math being right there in front of them.