China demographics thread.


I'm old, married and way out of the dating market which is why I can call it the way I see it instead of dancing around. To right wingers, what I said is exactly that. that's the stereotype using the most racist terms possible all rolled up into 1. Does anyone actually fit that stereotype? no. But it is indeed what the public thinks which is why Chinese Americans get hate crimed.

As for the dog eating stuff? Other than my personal experience, I have seen whites defend Chinese politics but they can't say shit with the dog meat festival, that's how bad it is. They'll talk about hey maybe it's good that Mao shot the landlords... but then someone brings up Yulin and they're all "yeah China sucks". Communism is more defensible than eating dog in the west.
I'm out of the game too but it doesn't make any sense and it sounds like a whiney tantrum to ask the Chinese government to make laws that make Chinese men more attractive. Seriously, WFT is that? It sounds like there's just nothing Chinese guys can do for ourselves and you need the government to start freaking out like, "You must date at least 1 Chinese guy a month. When you see a Chinese guy, you have to lick your lips and wave. If you don't right swipe at least 60% of the times on Chinese guys' profiles to your dating app, you'll get deactivated and pay a fine." That's the level of desperation people think about when you say make laws to make Chinese guys more attractive.

In reality, we are just like everyone else; if a Chinese guy wants to be attractive, he should get educationed, get a white collar job and go to the gym on a serious workout schedule. If a counry is influencing its media to discriminate against you and make it unfair for you as a Chinese person, 1. date the Chinese girls there who are proud of our heritage and 2. plan your trip home with all the valuable skills you've learned. But seriously, if you're rich, well-educated and jacked, they just can't beat you because you bring too much value to the table, just like how hot girls are treated like queens everywhere no matter where they're from or where they're at. Japanese girl in Nanjing? Drunk guys all over the bar telling her history is nothing; only the future is important. Pakistani girl in India? Guys on her like she was a moniter lizard. No weird laws needed, max out your personal value, stay proud and eyes on the prize.


Registered Member
Also, while some men in China might be open to foreign brides, my gut feeling is majority of men in China (especially rural China) would not be as open to non Asian wives.
trend has been shifting. more and more foreign brides getting popular. even in Rural areas.

i have seen a lot Slavic-Chinese couple in China in recent years. Laotian and Vietnamese are second most popular.

see this my old post ..

Chinese-Armenian couple. currently is in China with their Armenian friends. extremely positive about China and Chinese culture.

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Chinese-Ukrainian couple.. having two children's

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Chinese-Vietnamese couple.. Vietnamese daughter in law family was in China. and they were shocked to see the infrastructure. and girl planning to bring her sister in China for studies and stay.

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Chinese-Egyptian couple. having two daughters.

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Chinese-Russian couple. having a son

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Chinese-Ukrainian couple. Ukrainian daughter in law family was in China

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Chinese-Vietnamese couple. Vietnamese daughter in law family were in China.

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Chinese-Russian couple.. having a very cute baby. their daughter has become sensation on Chinese internet.

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these are some notable channels. i could literally post hundreds..

i have seen a lot Chinese-Slavic couple in China in recent times. this has become a new trend. Ukrainian , Russian , Belarusian , Serbian girls flocking to China for study and tend to stay due to various reasons and finding a suitable man. thanks to rich Chinese family culture..

Laos and Vietnam second most popular destination.

This American-Polish family currently living in China for past 25 years. they were first came to China as English teachers. but decided to stay. having three daughters and one son. this family desperately wanted Chinese citizenship. having no home outside china and every year this family need Visa. must watch video.

during interview. girl was crying


Another Chinese born American. have a Chinese boyfriend. she says, I just want a visa to stay here, why it is so hard? i m also a Chinese citizen.

entire family lives in Guangzhou for 23 years. but don't have PR or citizenship..

i think families like these deserves permanent residence atleast. hope Chinese government introduce some Law..
In reality, we are just like everyone else; if a Chinese guy wants to be attractive, he should get educationed, get a white collar job and go to the gym on a serious workout schedule. If a counry is influencing its media to discriminate against you and make it unfair for you as a Chinese person
It's already gotten a lot better in the past decade or so. A lot more Chinese men are paying attention to personal grooming, fitness, dressing well etc. And with the quality and affordability of plastic surgery in East Asia these days... you have no one to blame but yourself for being "unattractive." Only thing that can't be fixed these days is being short. But even then, there are some options (albeit expensive and painful) to partially remedy that issue.


Registered Member
just like how hot girls are treated like queens everywhere no matter where they're from or where they're at. Japanese girl in Nanjing? Drunk guys all over the bar telling her history is nothing; only the future is important. Pakistani girl in India? Guys on her like she was a moniter lizard. No weird laws needed, max out your personal value, stay proud and eyes on the prize.
Too funny man! Is this how we trigger trolls in this thread :p


It's already gotten a lot better in the past decade or so. A lot more Chinese men are paying attention to personal grooming, fitness, dressing well etc. And with the quality and affordability of plastic surgery in East Asia these days... you have no one to blame but yourself for being "unattractive." Only thing that can't be fixed these days is being short. But even then, there are some options (albeit expensive and painful) to partially remedy that issue.
No need to "fix" it. Be confident, be strong. I have 2 Asian friends who are 5'6". They go to the gym and are like little jacked monsters. Seriously, these mesomorphs can put a lot of taller ectomorphs to shame with what they can lift. Both MD PhD earning like $400K now, 1 Chinese, 1 Korean. Got that Vegeta vibe going on. They never wanted to do some freak surgery to get 2 inches taller and they never lacked dates. Always confident where-ever they go. Just be the best version of yourself you can be and unless you're just totally genetically fucked, that should be enough.


Senior Member
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Add 50 points to your Gaokao score when you submit proof you're a parent, add another 50 if you show proof you're a parent of 2. Let the tiger moms handle the rest, they'll quickly have their kids fix that fertility rate for the Party :)


Add 50 points to your Gaokao score when you submit proof you're a parent, add another 50 if you show proof you're a parent of 2. Let the tiger moms handle the rest, they'll quickly have their kids fix that fertility rate for the Party :)
I think you mean add 50 points to your Gaokao if you have a sibling, 100 points if you have 2 siblings.


New Member
Registered Member
A lot of the advice here re: dating for men is pretty out of date. About 10-15 years out of date. But that's understandable given the age range of the people discussing things.


Both is good. +200 points to your Gaokao, who would turn that down?
Giving points to the parents is saying that you need to be a high schooler with 2 kids. Gaokao is the University entry exam. Why would we be encouraging high schoolers to become parents? And besides, I think having to care for children when you're in high school will cause more than just 100 points of damage to your score. It's not a walk in the park. Parenting is for people who have their lives under control.
A lot of the advice here re: dating for men is pretty out of date. About 10-15 years out of date. But that's understandable given the age range of the people discussing things.
I don't think so. I'm out of the game but I'm out by just 2 years. The advice I'm saying is timeless. Build yourself up. Build your body at the gym, build your brains up in school, be a high earner who is athletically impressive. If that's not what she's looking for then she's looking for a punk who will ruin her life.
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