China can and will achieve total air superiority over Taiwan


Banned Idiot
bud, All you need is to knock out the runway. thats not hard to do at all. My main point is that any war between RoC and PRC will be so chaotic with so much Hi Tech systems being put into play it will be like the first U.S civil war in the context of troops lining up only to be killed by rifled guns and breach loading field guns with explosive rounds.

Neither side will have a true concept of the absolute devastation they will strike down on each-other. it will be falklands times 10,000....Look, during desert storm it not like I was playing a video game were you have total situational awareness. All kinds of information filters down and then becomes absolute chaos. During Iraqi freedom via close friends it was a complete??? Thats why the whole thing was kept so simple with a two pronged attack. They"my friends" in the business say any war with the PRC would be Information overload,chaos,over and under situational awareness while at the same time super sonic KH-31A/P are hitting anything with radar while we are popping off HARMS of are own.

Next not to mention JH-7,Q-5s J-8, SU-30 and cruise missiles will make runs on ALL airfields, Kilo and Song boats firing torps and ASM at anything that has a wake or radar/sonor signature. Fast attack boats with more ASM firing at anything that scares them. Ballistic missiles by the hundreds falling on The RoC while cruise Missiles from the RoC and F-16 make north and south runs against the PRC outside of the S-300 box. It would be 360o warfare from all angles and angles we dont even know about yet.

THIS TALK OF AIRSUPERIORITY IS JUST TO SIMPLE MINDED GIVEN THE ADAVANCES IN OTHER SYSTEMS..You Guys even know The S-300 will go after surface targets...we think..the same as the block upgrades for the standard missile hitting ground/sea targets because of the visual advances in 3-D radar.

From all the Intel I have and learned this conflict would be outside the thought processes of mankind in carnage, not knowing and in the end no one wins. I can just see some poor sap in some CIC radar room and his monitor goes blank and then on and off tracking 4,000 planes, ships, drones, missiles and then BAMMMM. Look at the gap in WW1 20years to ww2 then fast forward to now 60+ years and hear we are. any war with the exception of say US vs Iraq or Iran but two first rate HI Tech armys will be an absolute shocker in the way war is fought.

I base this mostly on how I was able to look down onto a wadi and killed 14 APC in less than 4 minutes. My big boy killed 120+ men in those 4 minutes. I wonder If they had thermal vision and KORNET would I still be alive as I had a failure to fire on both my cadillacs and manual 3 turns with the electric charger primer then tossed the HEAT out of the tank while continued to kill with the Ma deuce and thank god the 7.62mm coax M240 will go through a MTLB at 200 meters. next morning went down saw my handy work and pucked my guts out.mankinds technology can be serious killers.

please see the article which I posted in " The 100th raptor is here" thread,you can save many many of the fighters and pilots lives.


Junior Member
VIP Professional
please see the article which I posted in " The 100th raptor is here" thread,you can save many many of the fighters and pilots lives.

bud, you have to be kidding me. you think 25-100 F-22 will mean a hill of beans against the full weight of the PRC military. Bud, do you think that the 1.3 billion china-man are stupid? They are putting out military grade engineer's, and all sorts of stuff to counter the U.S.

F-22...dont look big... have your 10GHz radar prosser look for the Mach 1.9 chimpanzee testicle flying through the air. or the side aperture satellite shoot down on top of the plane. you will get a return.....


Senior Member
bud, you have to be kidding me. you think 25-100 F-22 will mean a hill of beans against the full weight of the PRC military. Bud, do you think that the 1.3 billion china-man are stupid? They are putting out military grade engineer's, and all sorts of stuff to counter the U.S.

F-22...dont look big... have your 10GHz radar prosser look for the Mach 1.9 chimpanzee testicle flying through the air. or the side aperture satellite shoot down on top of the plane. you will get a return.....

How the heck are you going to put a weapon onto target? We have seen in Red Flag exercises that getting a weapons lock on a F-22 is virtually impossible, even when you see the F-22 right in front of you. We have seen only 2 'kills' of F-22's in training exercises, and both were done through gun kills.


Junior Member
VIP Professional
How the heck are you going to put a weapon onto target? We have seen in Red Flag exercises that getting a weapons lock on a F-22 is virtually impossible, even when you see the F-22 right in front of you. We have seen only 2 'kills' of F-22's in training exercises, and both were done through gun kills.
==Note, the reason why it was impossible to lock on to F-22 with in visual range during Red Flag Exercises was because the F-16's and F-15's didn't not have HMS or AIM-9X, so they had to point their noses at the F-22 to lock, but they couldn't do it because the teens weren't as manoeuverable as the F-22. Also, most of those exercises were conducted in isolated environments in which the participants receive little electronic or AWACS support.


Junior Member
VIP Professional
How the heck are you going to put a weapon onto target? We have seen in Red Flag exercises that getting a weapons lock on a F-22 is virtually impossible, even when you see the F-22 right in front of you. We have seen only 2 'kills' of F-22's in training exercises, and both were done through gun kills.

red flag, blue flag, green flag.....good god you have to be kidding me. you are going to compare a staged liner war game to a real all out war....I give up. I am done

Please condisder joining the U.S air force and flying a F-22 within 10 miles of china under war time. you wont be posting anymore.


Junior Member
Registered Member
F-22 indeed impressive but launching an arsenal of 100 Raptor against the full weight of the PLA to retain air superiority over China home soil. Your just fooling yourself here.

Now with this simulation stuff about the ridiculous 100+ kills the Raptor did its completly BS and overated. First a single Raptor doesnt have enough air to air missles and Secondly its CR gun isnt gonna score high percentage hits either.

Now PLAAF has an arsenal of 400+ fighter jets that can deploy BVR missles, and these 400+ fighter jet pilots are the elites of the PLAAF. And so are the Raptors of course so yeah that just contradicts everything.

Home soil no way, but further out of its air defence missle coverage and fighter jet operational range. US will have a dominant position.


New Member
We all know PLAN has access to spy satelite, comm satelite and guidence satelite.
What about ROCN, the last time i checked, they don't have as much battlefield awareness as PLAN. Point taken the island's territirial water is small and landline comm is good. But ROCN doctrine of keeping PLA at arms length is hopeless, they don't have what it takes to operate in blue waters.
If you can't keep PLAN/PLAAF away, there are no way to save your infilstructure from destruction. That mean airfield, barracks and bases etc.

US may offer intelligence initially, but sending their own men at the start of hostility is impossible, any buildup of coalition force will take time. They won't go in blind. It took Un forces from beginning of auguest 1990 to january 15 1991 thats 6 month to begin hostilities. There are also other commitment in Iraq, Afganistan and North Korea is also an unknown when hostility breaks out. Don't count on F-22 going across the mainland, this weapon system is too sensitive to risk being shot down. A stealth craft can avoid ground radar, but it can't avoid a moving Awacs plane followed by a squadron of J-11/Su30 with IR missiles.
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New Member
bud, you have to be kidding me. you think 25-100 F-22 will mean a hill of beans against the full weight of the PRC military. Bud, do you think that the 1.3 billion china-man are stupid? They are putting out military grade engineer's, and all sorts of stuff to counter the U.S.

F-22...dont look big... have your 10GHz radar prosser look for the Mach 1.9 chimpanzee testicle flying through the air. or the side aperture satellite shoot down on top of the plane. you will get a return.....

I don't know. The hardcore stealth technology that has not to our current knowledge been surpassed (the F-111 stealth and the Stealth bomber) might be used in the opening phases of the war. I doubt the Raptors or their possible Chinese equivalents will be committed to battle until the "Wild Weasel" forces on both sides first knock out radar and thermal stations on both sides that might be known for the potential of piercing the lesser grade stealth technology seen on the newest tactical fighters.

However your point about their being a informational fog of war so intense as to cause commanders on both sides to be overwhelmed by the data they receive... may just be correct.


Junior Member
VIP Professional
and this issue of the U.S sending carrier battle groups into the straits of taiwan is just insane. One day....bamm..a carrier group disappears along with 7,000 U.S military men and women.

A 70 warplane attack (40 SU-30 and 30 JH-7 by the PRC backed by drones and ground launched ASM,subs and fast missile craft could be launched in less than a hour. It would be a disaster.


VIP Professional
A carrier group is likely to stay east of Taiwan, where the island would form an immense natural barrier with its mountain tops that makes it difficult for an attack with low flying aircraft. The SAM defenses on the island would add to the defensive position of the carrier. It would be difficult for the PLAN to "access" the carrier without a twin pincer movement one north and one south of Taiwan.

My tip for people to play potential wargames is to use Google Earth. You can easily find the main Taiwan airbases and their relation to the geography there using GE's 3D terrain feature. You can come to your own conclusion about their securities and vulnerabilities there.