Basicly (without going to too boring details which are hard to me to explain in english) you fill the holes with spesific gravel-type in two to three layers, each time compressing the layers and finally drew the asphalt atop and with special bitumen-mix you make a smooth joints.
And all that doesen't take much time from experineced crew with proper machines and proper materials.
If you want specisifc timeframes, give me the size of the hole(s) and we shall count the K2 and K3 capacityvalues adjusted to wartime situtions.
Just for fun:
Durandal anti runway bombs leaves a 5 meter deep, 15 meter wide crater.
Thats probably a worst case scenario.
Use a couple of those and calculating how long it takes.
You also have fiberglass mats and other short term solutions you can use. (not making it perfect, just making it work)
For Rodger, have you ever worked with soilconstructing?
I try to explain it in most simpliest ways:
The layers which I mentioned are the stuctual layers of almoust any soilconstruction sites, roads, ground works of buildings and so on. First you make the filter layer. Then the weight distriputing layer and last the weight bearing layer. Its done basicly by just dumping the proper soilmaterial to the hole, compress it (which doesen't take practically no time whatsoever) make the next layer similar way and last you lay down the Asphalt or other consumptionlayers
If you want specisifc timeframes, give me the size of the hole(s) and we shall count the K2 and K3 capacityvalues adjusted to wartime situtions.
It seems as if a return to the World WarII, the old bombers used TNT bomb bombers field, and then ground crew immediately repair the runway,planes are still taking off, landing, only more difficult.
Modern High-Tech technology, warheads and ammunition is unthinkable destructive power, if the airport runway were to be hit, not just a small hole, and it should be like the collapse, a big hole blown soil, large area nearby collapse, loose, and dump trucks,All kinds of vehicles for the airportwork this to activate, there are busy people, road construction machinery used,the fighters?....we don't know.
If the cunning enemy of choice when it rains ....
After the Korean War, we have not seen such scenes, really want to see in the TV News.
If you look at this, its more like 3 hours
They use penetrator or cluster munitions against runways.
Apache - Cluster
SCALP - penetrator.
Unitary warheads is used because you dont have anything better, and are not really effective.
Golly, I haven't done any paving myself, but I've seen workers pave roads for a long time.
If a given highway is dotted with big pot-holes, it takes more than a few hours for a determined crew to plug them up. You need a lot of manpower to smooth over the gravel or soil or whatever filling you have. If it's not smoothed over, some parts will be bumpy. That much is obvious. And if you have to go over it with several layers, gravel, soil, asphalt, cement... it's not a two hour job.
Golly, I haven't done any paving myself, but I've seen workers pave roads for a long time.
If a given highway is dotted with big pot-holes, it takes more than a few hours for a determined crew to plug them up. You need a lot of manpower to smooth over the gravel or soil or whatever filling you have. If it's not smoothed over, some parts will be bumpy. That much is obvious. And if you have to go over it with several layers, gravel, soil, asphalt, cement... it's not a two hour job.