China Ballistic Missiles and Nuclear Arms Thread

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Quite a few different ballistic missiles and cruise missiles gathered at one location. Can anyone ID where this is?



Lieutenant General
Anyone have any sources/further discussion of this? I thought it was fake, but apparently real:
Really, what's the point of this letter? Seventy percent of Americans already look at China as their enemy. The only thing left is to get Americans not to buy anything from China or to get Americans to spend their way into bankruptcy trying to counter China?

When the US believed they had full military advantage over everyone else, all we saw was Americans using their military power to threaten others for fun. This is the result. Trump brought on a new nuclear arms race because he decided to use the weight of US power to whimsically demand China engage in nuclear arms reduction when the US had more nukes than China. Only a white supremacist thinks that logic is sound. The only universally reasonable answer for China is to make more nukes not reduce them because Americans mistakenly believe Chinese are scared of losing theirs lives as much or more than Americans at losing theirs. Where did they get that idea? Because Americans are scared of losing their lives that to them are worth more than everyone else... combined. And of course to make themselves feel better for any misgivings for having that kind arrogance, they simply think everyone else is worse than they are hence why they gleefully act like terrorists in their threats when they comfortably believed they had full military advantage.

It doesn't comfort them to just make more nukes to counter China. What is it they say that keeps American foreign policy experts up at night? It use to be North Korea with just one nuke. But it was also a terrorist organization with just one nuke. What turned Americans against the Iraq War? It was when American deaths became only a statistic. In the beginning, casualties were so low, the media could spend the time getting Americans personally to know those who died and families got Americans' sympathy personally. But when those deaths became only a number and families were left alone to mourn, that's when they turn against war especially the one's they start. That can only happen during a long unchanging military campaign or with a nuke all at once.

The US has already the ability to destroy the world. More nukes for them doesn't matter. How many people they kill doesn't matter. But China being able to inflict more casualties on them troubles them. They would love to believe Chinese are scared of losing their lives more than Americans are in losing theirs but people with that kind of thinking... the only thing that matters to them is they're scared of losing theirs.

If China can get a hypersonic glider to drop nukes, it doesn't matter if the US can be able to defend itself from one hypersonic glider. The US will have to be spending the money to defend itself from all corners of the US. China won't need saturation attacks. That's called bankruptcy like the Soviet Union at the end of the Cold War before the war even starts. This ain't fantasy like the movie Top Gun where the F-14's radar was 360 degrees. They're going to have to spend the money to cover the entire US with no holes from a hypersonic bomber that can travel the world changing and coming at any direction at any time. It ain't just Alaska anymore.


Junior Member
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don't think China would risk being accused by the west of nuclear proliferation.
this news may be a ploy by the west to warn MBS not to come too close to China, otherwise, the west will begin to demonize SA.
I guess the recent successful conclusion of Xi's visit to SA and the Gulf States has really alarmed Biden.


Junior Member
Registered Member
don't think China would risk being accused by the west of nuclear proliferation.
this news may be a ploy by the west to warn MBS not to come too close to China, otherwise, the west will begin to demonize SA.
I guess the recent successful conclusion of Xi's visit to SA and the Gulf States has really alarmed Biden.
Well, I wouldn't be surprised if MBS might demand nuclear warheads sharing (PRC owns the warheads, but Saudis and Pakistanis could use them with authorisation from Beijing, like NATO's nuclear sharing mechanism) in exchange for the PRC settling oil payments with the RMB. You are talking risking a US invasion now for undercutting dollar dominance.


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I was wondering if China would offer security to MBS in exchange for his taking the risk to use PetroYuan. We all know that the CIA is an expert in toppling governments and assassination of anybody who gets in the way.
how about China setting up a major military base near Riyadh as well as a naval base at KSA complete with all sorts of weapons to guarantee security to KSA, and to provide special forces acting as personal bodyguards to MBS??


Registered Member
Cross-posted from the Breaking World News Thread, since the topic is related to this thread as well. No idea about its authenticity.

According to sources from 那年那兔那些事, China already gave the Saudis a Nuclear warhead with authorization from Beijing in the 80s. Who is more reliable, 那年那兔那些事 or military sources in Israel?

This nuclear sharing thing might be interesting since China is very pissed at US selling nuclear-powered subs to Australia. Nukes just outside Israel can give the US huge headaches, and also teaches Israel a lesson on voting against China on key UN votes.


Senior Member
Registered Member
According to sources from 那年那兔那些事, China already gave the Saudis a Nuclear warhead with authorization from Beijing in the 80s. Who is more reliable, 那年那兔那些事 or military sources in Israel?

This nuclear sharing thing might be interesting since China is very pissed at US selling nuclear-powered subs to Australia. Nukes just outside Israel can give the US huge headaches, and also teaches Israel a lesson on voting against China on key UN votes.
US, for decades, uses the proxies to fight dirty wars for them. Now Australia becomes the deputy sheriff and acquiring the nucleus subs, and under the thumb from the master, ask yourself a simple question, if a war starts, the radar installations and tarmacs for US warplanes will not be turned to dusts? China is so close to Austalia if and when the war starts, would uncle Sam have the will and the guts to send carriers and war materiels to help Australia? Let's not foget China have the hypergliders and DF series missiles guided to sink their aircraft carriers years ago. These weapons are now more acurate and lethal.
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