I don't think B61 is a nothing burger. I don't think PLAAF and PLAN can 100% cross their heart and give guarantee that absolutely no F-35 will penetrate the A2/AD zone and drop the bomb on AR fleet. Likewise it's actually dropped it has the yield to do potentially quite some damage. So used tactically it's certainly a threat.The B61 is a nothing burger. They need to overfly a target to hit it. China's long wave radar will detect the strike way before that happens. The real problem is if/when the US starts deploying the Dark Eagle missile. But for that they need to actually get it to work first.
It's only a nothing burger in terms of "wave the nuclear stick to salvage conventional defeat" situation. CPC has long made the call and openly declared US to be paper tiger, when it comes down to it CPC will once again tell US you guys don't have the balls to drop the nuke, the same way that you didn't back during the Korean War before PRC was a nuclear power. But unlike Korean War just in case you are crazy enough to actually do it PRC has answer in terms of nuclear tipped DF-26. Just as a B61 might make reunification harder by taking out some of the fleet, that advantage will be nullified almost immediately by PLARF taking out a US base within 2nd island chain with nuke tipped IRBM and we're back to square one. And then what? More B61 or we go straight to MAD? Or the president is going to argue at the UN that "it's so unfair! Their warheads have much bigger yield than ours even though yes, we used it first."
More fundamentally, Ayi's point is that Nuclear Blackmail by ways of building smaller and smaller tactical nuke to lower the barrier for nuclear weapons use is no deterrence at all. Russia is waving the nuclear stick right now yet it's not deterring NATO from giving significant aid to Ukraine. On the contrary your opponent is not an NPC incapable of agency. When you start to show this posture they will start to respond by expanding their own arsenal. We are seeing China expanding strategic weapons at great scale with all those silos in exact response to this and US is in an awkward position of not really able to respond properly as Minuteman are 50 year old and need replacement quick, Ohio are similarly in need of replacement and B21 with gravity dropped bombs have questionable ability to deliver the payload on top of PLA (never mind the laughable B-52 in Australia thing), they are having enough trouble as it is trying to keep the current delivery vehicle count much less expanding.
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