for god sake STOP PLEASE, before your imagination starts to run away with you, please take a closer look at the bidding materials. The earthwork to be excavated is a large pit with an upper base of 1150mx1150m and a lower base of 100mx100m at a depth of 90 to 150 m. If you remember the formula for the volume of a quadrangular platform, you can see what its volume is.Dude, spent nuclear fuel doesn't need 40 million m^3 to fill and 90-120m depth won't be enough.
I did some research on the company. It seems to be a subsidiary of China National Nuclear Corporation, set up in 2015 to construct a "中核甘肃核技术产业园" which said to be a multi-billion project. The local government said it can't disclose some of the company's information due to military secret.
Dudes, this stops make sense to me, a reprocessing plant surely doesn't need tens of billions of money to reprocess. Or they are reprocessing uranium, plutonium to make nuclear warheads for the silo 150km away.
The CEO of 中核龙瑞 is literally former 404 factory's CEO, one of Chinese nuclear weapon factory in the cold war. 王俊峰, then manager of 404 is now manager of 中核龙瑞. 刘士鹏, then president of 404 is the president of 中核龙瑞. The same men for the same jobs but in different name.
Even if everything about the bidding is fraud, the silos are not fake and China needs to produce new warheads to fill those silos. It appears to me that the company 中核龙瑞 is a cover-up for nuclear weapon production, with duties to dig the holes and produce warheads.
Government source:
You can keep your imagination going, but it has nothing to do with missile silos!