I’m a little bit confused of Chinese (not actually)new silo: what does that mean considering that US bombers and CM can bypass any early warning system?
1. The silos are deep inland. If cruise missiles are flying over Chinese cities and towns in very low attitudes, I am sure someone will be alerted. Also, even JASSMs can be detected by anti-stealth radars deployed in coastal areas.
2. Even if B-21s are in service right now, they will not be able to penetrate Chinese air defenses on their own. If they are supported by fighter escorts, ECM planes and tankers, then Chinese air units will definitely know that something is up. A conventional war will just break out.
3. Hitting 1 target with CM is easy. Hitting 300 hardened targets at the same time is nigh impossible. Keep in mind that even if 1% of these missiles fail in flight, 3 silos will survive. So millions of Americans just died because some missiles failed.
I have an hypothesis but I don’t know if it’s reasonable: perhaps they can be used as orbit bombing system, so they can launch them automatically based on signals from short-ranged warning system(which is still useful for stealthy targets) and make decision after launch. Since OBS can keep in orbit for a long time, false alarm would not be a big thing.
Launching will alert American IR satellites. They know that the silos are armed with nuclear missiles. They saw those silos firing. There is no point in assuming that China will not launch a nuclear retaliation. So there is no point in setting up such a system because launching anything there will automatically trigger American nuclear response.
DoD said China has tested some kind of FOBS, do you think it’s relevant?
It is for bypassing American BMD by approaching in different directions.