Idk if it is new China's nuclear silos, hope it is, because if current 300 missiles are true, that's a weak deterrent for today soon to be first economy China.Also, this kind of shows how out of touch this guy is in terms of things outside of his field, and firing from the hip. yes indeed those wind turbines are only around 500m apart. But those are 1.5MW/ 0.75MW turbines from over a decade or 2 ago. These have blade diameter of between 70-80m. Using the rule of thumb from a decade ago, the minimum distance between turbines is 7x70 or 7x80 = 490 to 560m. Today's wind turbines are double their size in terms of turbine blade diameter, and a factor of 15 is increasing being used. (Check the goldwind's new turbines out)
A chinese poseidon nuclear UUV...
I can see a use for nuclear powered UUVs in conventional war too. It would make a great ISR platform and an infinite endurance kamikaze UUV. Poseidon is rumored to have a warhead of up to 25 tons. Can you imagine 25 tons of HBX going off under a ship?A chinese poseidon nuclear UUV...
If these solos are not real by satelite imagings, interested in finding out what they are then.I meant the story about these photos purported to show Chinese missile silos is probably gray propaganda. I didn’t believe these were real missile silos for reasons I outline further back In the thread.
Also, I bet the commercial satellite images purported to show the Chinese missiles didn’t come from an American vendor.
1. It is America that is mainly driving the hype about the China threat and the story will be more credible if the source of purported evidence didn’t come from an American entity, even if private.
2. American entities actually don’t own large segment of the commercial satellite image market despite the fact that America probably does command a technical lead in this field both in military and commercial sectors. The reason is America has been so jealous of its satellite imagining capability it places too much restrictions on them for entities trying to make a living selling them commercially to be successful.
Is there a Chinese god(dess ) of the Sea?A chinese poseidon nuclear UUV...
I think she is called Quanyin, but I'm not 100%Is there a Chinese god(dess ) of the Sea?
How about rail mounted icbm like the BZhRK "Barguzin" rail-mounted nuclear missile, but this time mount the icbm into a HSR train capable of travelling 300km/hr? This does seem to be technically more feasible than poseidon UUVI can see a use for nuclear powered UUVs in conventional war too. It would make a great ISR platform and an infinite endurance kamikaze UUV. Poseidon is rumored to have a warhead of up to 25 tons. Can you imagine 25 tons of HBX going off under a ship?
Should read Guanyin, a slip of the fingerI think she is called Quanyin, but I'm not 100%