I was in another forum where a Japanese poster was following along the rhetoric of how China copies everyone else. I had to remind him what's Japan all about but a culture copied from China. That shut the guy up who didn't think about the obvious before putting in the mob mentality foot in the mouth.
Same goes with South Korea. Yeah like they recently didn't claim Confucius was Korean? Or I like how the Vietnamese lay claim to everything Chinese as stolen from them. And all of this was before any of these recent tensions they say has soured relations and alarmed China's neighbors. I also love how all brag about military conquests of China. And all territorial disputes with China are Chinese military conquests of them. The contradiction is they do the very same things all the time yet when China writes history that they dispute it's interpreted as Chinese aggression.
In another forum there was a South African trying to lump himself with the West stinking up the Chinese threads about democracy and freedom and human rights rhetoric. I had to remind him that the West was late in the game in the anti-aparthied movement and was a supporter of it all the time before. China was there from the very beginning of Nelsen Mandela's movement as shown by one of his very first foreign trips after being released from prison was to China. People around the world are being taught rewritten history. Should the Chinese interpret that as aggression especially when the lies directly smear China? Let me guess... anyone else can against China but China can't return the gesture. And they think they're fair and honorable?
There is no fairness or honor in media when it comes to international affairs that are related to current national interest. Of course there are decent people in the media business, but when comes to national interest, they will always stick to the story that has been rewritten to suit the current interest of their country. Same for the scholars and majority of the public.
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