India excels in 3 key exports:Indeed. I've come across that article.
The middle class of India and Middle class of some developing/developed countries are vastly different entities. There exists therefore a lower/middle/upper subclassifications of the middle class. India has mostly lower middle class while China has "Middle" middle class. The consumption of sub-premium brands like BMW/Mercedes between the middle classes of two countries give an idea ( the Indian numbers are ridiculously low). Even though trying to give a positive light on the sales of a German brand in China isn't exactly comfortable for me and is quite silly, it is a nice pointer to many things considering the allure of these ever radiant German brands.
By 2020
Annual Sale of BMW in China : 500,000 appr
Annual sale of Mercedes in China: 200,000 appr
( yearly increasing)
Annual sale of BMW in India: 8,000 appr
Annual sale of Mercedes in India: 7000 appr
( yearly decreasing) !
1. exporting beef while throwing beef eating Indians into prison
2. exporting food while India produces only 1/3 the food that China does with equal population, and China still imports
3. exporting vaccines while Indians are infected with COVID
That cannot be middle class in any sense.