Meanwhile, at the Pentagon:How I expect the J-XXX will be used, part 1. Yes, I am aware that the PLAAF will also have CCAs. Not included because the star of the show is the J-XXX and because I don't know what it looks like and how it fits the PLAAF's current doctrine. #stopamericanscopingJ-XXXisabombernotatruesixgen
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LOL Angry old has-beens be like, [add heavy Southern accent], "Chiiineese fighter mah ass! Imgon ram that mofo with mah pickup truck! Put 90 gallons gas-o'-line in the back camp-out tank. Ain't nothin' gon survive that!"
These are ex USAF pilots with 2k hours in air superiority platforms. They believe that F-16s will be able to shoot them down easily because a tailless delta configuration can never outturn an F-16 in visual range, and that the Chinese actuators for the control surfaces are stone age technology because of how large they are. In fact they are eager to 'dogfight' against it.
Old fart rollin' up to dogfight a J-36 in an F-16:

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