If it can actually hard kill incoming missiles like we've seen from some of the research papers posted around here, the analogy of a ship becomes more obvious.slap a 1130 and FN-3000 on it
If it can actually hard kill incoming missiles like we've seen from some of the research papers posted around here, the analogy of a ship becomes more obvious.slap a 1130 and FN-3000 on it
And that airborne VLS patent.If it can actually hard kill incoming missiles like we've seen from some of the research papers posted around here, the analogy of a ship becomes more obvious.
If it can actually hard kill incoming missiles like we've seen from some of the research papers posted around here, the analogy of a ship becomes more obvious.
This would be dramatically overselling what the Su-57 does or what was achievable in the 1980s.Without broadband stealth that would literally be su-57 - and that mostly because 5th gen fighter requirements are just incompatible with all aspect/broadband stealth.
Frankly speaking, it's a shame f-117n/c/x never went through - because it's possible to say that same package was in fact doable since the 1980s.
We've listed here specs and architecture approaches that appeared in 2010s, and which do absolutely separate 6th gen from everything before. I think it's more reasonable to look there. From there - different approach to air combat in general.
Other unique aspects of j-36 flow either out of them, or out of its unique range/mission profile.
Which, in principle, could be done in previous gens(fb-22/23; f-15e; etc), i.e. it isn't generational per se.
Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA), the original super 6.5+ gen aircraft.Fighter
Air Superiority Fighter
Air Dominance Aircraft
Tactical Bomber
Combat Aircraft
Tactical Combat Aircraft![]()
Well,This would be dramatically overselling what the Su-57 does or what was achievable in the 1980s.
What else did he say about it?
Because the 6th generation combat airplanes must have even better situational awareness, EW, command & control (than that of J-20S and J-16D), to a point that the performance of these capabilities are, in his opinion, becoming key differentiators between the 5th and the 6th generation. Airframes of the 6th generation therefore must be much larger in size for larger, heavier and more task payload. This makes the 6th generation more and more like "flying warships" - multi-role, all aspects capable and long endurance.要想让“突出的态势感知、电子干扰和战术指挥控制能力”更为显著,甚至成为新机区分于五代机的重要特征,那么必然需要新机如同大型特种机一般,将相当部分的空间和重量留给相应的任务设备(对设备集成度要求更高)。再加上远胜于歼20的武器携带量,特别是不适合无人机部分携带的大型载荷,意味着新一代空中平台的有人机部分必然体积庞大,越来越像“飞行的战舰”。
He then touched on that the Chinese military fans call J-20s "Galactic Battleships" because of the shinny metallic painting in sunlight. This nickname is a play of "银色" (colour of silver) and "银河" (the silver river in heaven, aka galaxy), and all kinds of powerful spaceships zooming from one galaxy to another in sci-fi works. Following this tradition, he thinks it is natural to also refer the 6th generation as "warships in air".犹记得十年前歼20的2011号原型机亮相时,其耳目一新的银色涂装,被网友们誉为“银河战舰”。而当一架飞机具备完善的态势感知与信息整合能力、足以单机形成多种对抗手段的电子战能力、涵盖远中近程的打击武器、还能够控制其他飞行器为之提供更强大的态势感知/打击范围时,“银河战舰”更为名副其实——现代化战舰的核心能力,不也正是如此吗?
You are forgetting the matter of sensor and EW power and integration into network centric fighting doctrine. Pointing to some additional sensor placements on the Su-57 misses the point. We can do the same for the J-20 and it’s got better network integration than anything the Su-57 has ever shown. Even more the case with EW suites. Some spot EW capabilities, which even the Rafale and F-35 have, is not the same as being able emit enough power to directly assert dominance over a wide EM space, which is what 6th gens are supposed to do. My entire point was that the doctrine change is what justifies the generational increment.Well,
Broadband, UV/IR/Ka-X...L sensor fused coverage - check (everything other than L(220) - 360/720 degrees);
EW/IRCM with oversized apertures in all those bands other than uv - check.
VLO - not really, but X and now IR LO - check.
Supersonic cruise/maneuver and now probably sustainable BVR - check.
What felon undersells or oversells, frankly, knows exactly zero members on this forum, and given how I have to write this - Bronk-level of attention in general. There's no more reason to underspeculate here. But enough with 57.
China doesn't invent the wheel with placing sensors around the aircraft - it was original tech for 5th gen, which sort of failed to materialize in most planes for financial/priority reasons.
Now China looks there back again, and by doing that it converges two different strands of 5th generation, caused by ATF stealth turn. At the same time - it creates new compromises(basically, ditching all current vectored WVR/BVR theory in favor of a flying "destroyer", almost in ca.1960 fashion).
But while those technical developments are not unprecedented, it's under a new way to skin a cat. And this is big:
F-15 or F-14 weren't truly all that separate from 3rd gen fighters technically; they were expensive and fancy, but still mostly same. The novelty was concept - how to do air warfare, drawing from Vietnam experience.
It was totally possible to make T-10(flanker ancestor) on contemporary tech, too - but Soviet Union didn't draw right lessons in time, losing a whole decade.
I frankly suspect that, given the speed with which this aircraft appeared, - Chinese 6th gen effort may use a lot of high readiness solutions shared with j-20b; in the end, Chinese NGAD was clearly timed to not get behind original US NGAD effort for a dangerous 2025-2030 timeframe.
It's just that US themselves ironically failed to do it, and instead of China keeping up - it's now US lagging behind, with neither new tech nor new concept in the air.
Thus, new thing here likely isn't alien techology, as there's probably none; at most it's new aerodynamics and new software architecture (which may not even be unique to it, ultimately 6th gen archive comes literally direct from 2010s commercial IT). New thing here is conceptual approach to war fighting.