Chengdu next gen combat aircraft (?J-36) thread

reservior dogs

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Not only that. I can definitely see the value in a multi-engine, subsonic, low observable aircraft in an Anti-Surface context too. Given that a potential war against the United States would mostly play out in the naval domain, an aircraft that can more efficiently loiter, do ELINT and could potentially launch super/hypersonic ALCMs and ALBMs against naval tragets from a closer range than land based assets may provide a certain advantage that's desirable. All of that with less chances of being detected.

I may be wrong, but a B-2 took part in the SINKEX portion of RIMPAC 2024 where she sunk USS Tarawa. The Soviets also had a lot of sympathy for the idea of using bombers in Anti-Surface missions. And while a B-2, B-21 or H-20 don't provide the supersonic speed a Tu-22M3, provides, they are more difficult to detect, which could mean they can launch at closer range and thus reduce the reaction time until the arrival of the missile, which in turn increases the chance of sinking the vessel. Obviously shipborne fighters could be a potential threat, but I'd assume a bomber would loiter still relatively far away from it's target, maybe even being part of a kill-web together with UAVs, satellites, surface combatants and other manned aircraft. This kind of approach and the associated buzzword seem to be all the rage now, after all.

So yeah, I can definitely see the H-20 and B-21 being used in such a scenario. I think we'd be pretty old-fashioned to just assume it's about bringing bombs from point A to point B and hoping to not get shot down. From all we know so far the B-21 is being designed to be a true multirole aircraft. And I doubt that the H-20 will be purely focused on the bomber mission like the B-2 was in the 1980s. I think that would be selling short the talent and thought the folks at Xi'an are putting into it.
@Jason_ had a graph of how the sixth gen fighters like J-36 and J-50 (carrier born) could hunt the B-21. Once the bombs are dropped and the B-21 exposed itself, a J-36, using its super cruise speed to catch the B-21, it then circle around the the possible area where the B-21 could be. searching for the B-21 using its side radar until it hits the angle of radar reflection for the B-21 and locates the B-21. I don't know how the B-21 can escape this sort of tactic. How do you use the B-21 under this environment?


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@Jason_ had a graph of how the sixth gen fighters like J-36 and J-50 (carrier born) could hunt the B-21. Once the bombs are dropped and the B-21 exposed itself, a J-36, using its super cruise speed to catch the B-21, it then circle around the the possible area where the B-21 could be until it hits the angle of radar reflection for the B-21 and locates the B-21. I don't know how the B-21 can escape this sort of tactic. How do you use the B-21 under this environment?
To be honest, against a long endurance, high speed J-36, I don't see how a B-21 survives unless its accompanied by J-36/US aircrafts

I explicitly called J-36 a "B-21 hunter". The moment B-21 is detected, (onboard sensors, surface sensors, space-based sensors, detected after payload launch etc), a forward deployed with long loiter time, J-36 CAP would quickly rush onto it and hunt it down. Between superior super cruise, kinematics and EW, I don't give high chance for the B-21 to survive

Don't take me wrong, B-21 is a good design for what it was originally envisioned to do and definitely something that the PLA must seriously take into account, but imo the US really need something to fight off a J-36
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But why? US is still the largest military plane producer in the world. They have the scale. Also, these private MIC firms are supposed to compete to lower the price. Even if they ask for very high profit margin, the price for B21 should be 100-200 mil, (say 2x F-35) not 600-700 mil. Labor and R&D cost can't explain it.
Speaking honestly, US can produce very well functioning aviation programs on par with anything China can make, F-35 production rate is ~ as J-20.

Price tag is just a tag, I've seen claims Chengdu gets 125 mil USD for each J-20. Most of that money will just be reinvested in R&D and growing operations.

So people have this perception that US is now lagging in affordability and scale, but imho maybe it's more just a perception than anything else.

US has a smaller economy than China. It's not going to be able to throw as much cash at the wall as Beijing can. But it's not as if US aviation is in a crisis of cost compared to other actors. In fact compared to Russia, Europe and even pre 2020s China, they're very efficient.
Also there was some video explaining that the Chinese tooling are quite expensive for military projects, because they aren't allowed to use European CNCs.
China would never use euro CNCs to begin with, China's own CNC is a cut above everyone else's.
The US MIC would not have any issues like that.

"System Engineering" was supposed to be America's biggest strength. Managing large complex projects within budget on time was what made America great in the past.

I know there are jokes about $3000 hammer but those are jokes, and the Chinese MIC may also have high price like that for certain particular items. Bottom line is I want to see a full scale NGAD. Hope they can afford it.


I agree with the general consensus here in regards to the 'fighter' nomenclature. As technology matures in terms of sensor fusion, avionics, c4isr in the battlespace above ground, that line keeps getting blurrier. Many of us are at least subconcioulsy still equating fighter to close combat knife fights. Small nimble aircraft twisting and turning to get the perverbial fox 2 tone and lockon.

Knifefights are exciting and entitites like Hollywood do not help either with shows like Top Gun and dozens others. Even fantasy sci fi shows like Star Wars, Star Trek etc. with ridiculous close quarter battles in space burns into our collective psyche but it makes for exciting scenes!

6th Gen aircrafts like the J36 etc. have pushed the engagement envelope even further out than traditional BVR.
these jets are obviously designed to target bogies from the absolute limits of it's capablities. Most likely high value targets first like tankers, awacs etc but most certainly other smaller planes.

With current technology such feats is very achievable now where the F14 with it's Phoenix missiles did not do so well in the 80s. In today's battle space it would be impossible for a Tomcat/Phoenix combo to target and shoot down a 5th nevermind a 6th gen aircraft from 100+ miles out. It was designed to shoot Soviet TU95s etc. which was slow with humongous RCS!
But luckily that system was never really put into actual test.

The fact that PLAAF etc. keeps developing and improving their LR AAMs like the PL15s and PL17s should tell you us everthing we need to know.
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To be honest, against a long endurance, high speed J-36, I don't see how a B-21 survives unless its accompanied by a J-36/US aircrafts

I explicitly called J-36 a "B-21 hunter". The moment B-21 is detected, (onboard sensors, surface sensors, space-based sensors, detected after payload launch etc), a forward deployed with long loiter time, J-36 CAP would quickly rush onto it and hunt it down. Between superior super cruise, kinematics and EW, I don't give high chance for the B-21 to survive

Don't take me wrong, B-21 is a good design for what it was originally envisioned to do and definitely something that the PLA must seriously take into account, but imo the US really need something to fight off a J-36
That it can go so fast lets it impart a lot of energy on the weapons it uses, something a B-21 really can't. Not even F-35 does well at that. Plus whatever extra power generation hacks 5.5-6th gen in China's arsenal will have, since J-20S is 2 engine vs 1 on F-35.

America got royally screwed by the meta. If they had made B-21 as US version F-36, it might have flown before China's, and would have been a game changer the way US hoped B-21 would be. And China would be stuck only getting air parity after the J-36 drops. Instead they're now stuck with something that is basically a 5.5th gen only which will be hard to upgrade since it's a compact design with only 2 engines.

When your enemy doesn't have an all aspect broadband stealth flyer but you do, you get massive advantages. But if your enemy has a supercruising a2b2 stealth vs your subsonic, the massive advantages tilt back to the opponent.


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These figures are obviously speculative estimates, if not outright guesses, and will inevitably be updated and vary depending on the mission profile and the propulsion systems ultimately installed on the J-36 and H-20; however, the current combat radius "guesstimates" for these two platforms w/o aerial refueling are generally speaking 3,000km and 5,000km, respectively (please don't hesitate to speak up if that's off).

The difference here is undoubtedly material, but what are the odds that the PLAAF will actually be able to deploy the H-20 against targets in Hawaii and Australia w/o the J-36 and/or other manned and unmanned systems flying nearby as escorts?

Moreover, if J-36s will need to escort H-20s anyhow, why not just employ J-36s and attritable CCAs to accomplish the mission instead?

Not going to deny that the H-20 will almost certainly benefit from a larger payload capacity than the J-36, but unless the former can supercruise, the J-36's superior speed and by extension sortie rate may offset some of the H-20's payload advantage.

The PLAAF will ideally want to be equipped with both the J-36 and H-20, and preferably in sizable numbers.

However, in a world of finite resources, the PLAAF may get more bang for buck out of the J-36 than the H-20, especially in the next ten or fifteen years or so, unless striking aimpoints in Hawaii or Australia is of equal or greater priority than hitting aimpoints in Guam and elsewhere on the Second Island Chain.

A lot of things are stealthier than a Tu-22M3, but a H-20 is not necessarily stealthier or less vulnerable than a J-36.

Moreover, if minimizing reaction time is the goal here, wouldn't it be more optimal to hit naval targets with HGV armed DF-17 and DF-27 missiles cued by airborne and orbital ISR assets?

> but a H-20 is not necessarily stealthier or less vulnerable than a J-36.

That's to be seen when the H-20 breaks cover. But I think we can all agree that a subsonic flying wing will be less likely to be detected than the supersonic tri-engine deltawing. Especially in the infrared range, while the J-36 will most likely take reduction of the IR signature into account, these are 3 engines that will need to be able to accelerate than chonky aircraft to supersonic speeds, as well as being able to run with an afterburner. I simply see no way how three afterburning engines (yes, supercruise is a thing, I know) right next to each other in a distinct cluster would not give off a significantly higher infrared signature than 2-4 engines spaces apart in two nacelles with a very wide nozzle each to get rid of that heat.

> Moreover, if minimizing reaction time is the goal here, wouldn't it be more optimal to hit naval targets with HGV armed DF-17 and DF-27 missiles cued by airborne and orbital ISR assets?

I don't see why there wouldn't be a way to let the H-20 launch hypersonic cruise and ballistic missiles, possibly even with HGVs. Not to mention that such an airborne carrier would be all in all more survivable than ground based assets.


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@Jason_ had a graph of how the sixth gen fighters like J-36 and J-50 (carrier born) could hunt the B-21. Once the bombs are dropped and the B-21 exposed itself, a J-36, using its super cruise speed to catch the B-21, it then circle around the the possible area where the B-21 could be. searching for the B-21 using its side radar until it hits the angle of radar reflection for the B-21 and locates the B-21. I don't know how the B-21 can escape this sort of tactic. How do you use the B-21 under this environment?

lol, you are going to wait for B-21 to drop before hunting it down?

What if B-21 hits you from 1000 km out with like 10 JASSMs? Then, how are you going to find it?

The best way to take it out is by attacking its air base. That's why having something like J-36 is important. You are not reliant on a few DF-26/27s to try to take out hardened air shelters. You are going to bring a much larger force to control the air, have ballistic missiles overwhelm the defense, while you apply maximal EW pressure, launch stand off missiles, ARMs & other munitions do more damage against air base. It still won't be easy anytime you have to deal with refueling thousands of km away from your border. That just adds complexity to your mission.

The other way that I can think of is like the approach to hunt advanced submarines.
Your satellites detect when it leaves its airport. You have a good sense of how long it will take and what path it will take (approximately) to get to your air base. you have a network of drones and controlling J-36 or J-XX out there to patrol. And try to use sensor fusion of different radar scanning data on different frequency from different directions to get a sense of incoming aircraft and then if you detect something, narrow beam in that direction to see if you can obtain better tracking data.

To be honest, against a long endurance, high speed J-36, I don't see how a B-21 survives unless its accompanied by J-36/US aircrafts

I explicitly called J-36 a "B-21 hunter". The moment B-21 is detected, (onboard sensors, surface sensors, space-based sensors, detected after payload launch etc), a forward deployed with long loiter time, J-36 CAP would quickly rush onto it and hunt it down. Between superior super cruise, kinematics and EW, I don't give high chance for the B-21 to survive

Don't take me wrong, B-21 is a good design for what it was originally envisioned to do and definitely something that the PLA must seriously take into account, but imo the US really need something to fight off a J-36
B-21 is basically what you get taking a revolutionary design in B-2 and modernized + shrunk it. It was always meant to be a cheaper, lower risk platform.

So from that aspect, it has made the job of PLA hunting it down a little easier.

If they went with a real 4-engine monster that had 6000 km combat radius, it would've taken the attack air base option out of the way. Now, they can both attack the air base or wait for it come.


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Moreover, if minimizing reaction time is the goal here, wouldn't it be more optimal to hit naval targets with HGV armed DF-17 and DF-27 missiles cued by airborne and orbital ISR assets?
Well, DF-17 is range limited and DF-27s are in stock in limited numbers. And they will be facing strong counter measures from adversary to cause them to miss target. Hitting moving ships with strong counter measures while traveling at mach10 isn't easy.

Having J-36 and H-20 + CCAs around will make things significantly more difficult for defensive force. Since you are dealing with better targeting (provided by your high end platforms that are not too far away), more EW pressure on defense, additional type of missiles and directions where defense will have to figure out how to defend. Variety, directions and breadth of attack make a huge difference in hit probability.

That's why I expect J-36 to be testing for a while. Being able to severely disrupt adversarial naval radar system is a huge difference maker.


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That it can go so fast lets it impart a lot of energy on the weapons it uses, something a B-21 really can't. Not even F-35 does well at that. Plus whatever extra power generation hacks 5.5-6th gen in China's arsenal will have, since J-20S is 2 engine vs 1 on F-35.

America got royally screwed by the meta. If they had made B-21 as US version F-36, it might have flown before China's, and would have been a game changer the way US hoped B-21 would be. And China would be stuck only getting air parity after the J-36 drops. Instead they're now stuck with something that is basically a 5.5th gen only which will be hard to upgrade since it's a compact design with only 2 engines.

When your enemy doesn't have an all aspect broadband stealth flyer but you do, you get massive advantages. But if your enemy has a supercruising a2b2 stealth vs your subsonic, the massive advantages tilt back to the opponent.

> If they had made B-21 as US version F-36, it might have flown before China's, and would have been a game changer the way US hoped B-21 would be.

That's not the role of the B-21. The B-21 is a supporting asset. The B-21 and the NGAD are more or less completely seperate, even though the B-21 is expected to work in tandem with the PCA fighter component of NGAD and the Navy NGAD (F/A-XX).

I highly doubt the US doctrine sees the Raider go over mainland China and dropping dumb bombs. Rather it will be the launch platform for whatever system comes out of the USAFs efforts to field a hypersonic ALCM. Which gives it significant stand off range and doesn't make it necessary to leave the friendly AD umbrella provided by naval assets and aviation.

I also don't really know how the J-36 would engage a B-21 which is stealthy and puts heavy emphasis on electronic countermeasures. Unless there is a super missile that negates stealth somehow.

The concept of hunting B-2s, B-21s or H-20s down like that just because the aircraft that's being vectored in has speed and AAMs isn't really realistic at this point. Especially when the next generation of figters like the J-36 and NGAD will mostly rely on CCAs to do the frontline fighting.