This is nice infographics. The thing is you dont seem to take into account that you're jamming from the sidelobe of the TPY-2. Which for 25000 TRM in average equals to about 1/25344 = 0.0004 or -44 dB This will work against your jamming power. Where the TPY-2 can burn through the jammer and still detect the target.
Even then the sidelobe can be further lowered down via use of appropriate weighting of the array e.g Taylor -40 dB Which can help lower the averages of the sidelobes to about -48 dB, with manufacturing quality of the antenna can allow at current industrial tolerance -50 dB, this sidelobe level also complicates engagement with Anti radiation missile and even electronic intelligence in the first place. It's the reason why every modern SAM's be it Western, Russians and Chinese are moving on phased array, even PESA can be made with such low sidelobes.
The more appropriate equation to use is this from David Adamy's "EW-101". This is for Standoff jamming case, which also apply here as you dont jam directly within the mainlobe. This allows you for directly calculates the Burn through range
View attachment 142610
Where :
PJ : Jammer power (dBm)
Pt : Transmit power (dBm)
Gj : Jammer Gain (dB)
2GTr : Radar antenna gain, 2x because antenna reciprocity theory (gain during receive = gain during transmit)
Grj : The radar sidelobe gain to the direction of the jammer this is the sidelobe gain
Dj : Distance between jammer and radar
Sigma : Target RCS (sqm)
J/S : Jammer to signal ratio which required for the jamming to "work" (bigger means worse, while smaller means better)
I also take liberty in recalculating some of the infographics.. for starter the THAAD
THAAD is known to have 25344 TRM's and 9.2 sqm antenna, also being Full FOV array, this put the frequency at 9072 MHz The basic average sidelobe level is that -44 dB but with Taylor -40 dB weighting it can be -48 dB with tradeoff of antenna efficiency which drops to 76%. Thus make the gain 47.8 dB instead of 51 dB.
TPY-2's power is sized based on ABM treaty which put limit on average power to 3 Million Watt/sqm Which correspond to about 1-10 Watt of average power/ Module, 20% duty cycle is assumed thus making the peak power of 1.267 MW. The range against the -20 dB target is then calculated to be about 210 km assuming Swerling case-1 target with 50% PD. 90% made it 126.2 km or basically Low Earth Orbit. This is without jamming
As for the jammer, assuming same working frequency. Your cheek AESA will have about 688 TRM's and unweighted (to maximize gain) 33.35 dB and 20KW power as specified.
Using the equation from EW-101 shows that the range reduction from the jamming is about 11%.
View attachment 142622
The TPY-2 can still detect that -20 dB target from 186 Km. Clearly brute force approach is not the way. Better attempt is to get Penetration aid.
The spreadsheet for the calculation is available here :