The president of Ecuador estimated at 1,718 million dollars invested by the Government in the Armed Forces
(defensa.com) During the change of command ceremony of the General Commander of the Ecuadorian Navy (after two years in office Vice Admiral Luis Jaramillo leaves his post to Vice Admiral Luis Santiago Chávez), Rafael Correa noted that it has invested nearly 6 times more than during the previous governments in the country (2000-2006), whose defense ministers were passive military service.
The President recalled that the National Government allocated 1,718 million dollars to meet the Armed Forces and publicly rejected arguments to the effect that they have not been properly addressed, "because with the Citizen Revolution is improved working conditions -aumentando pay five sometimes more, reinforcing the equipment with the acquisition of 18 subsonic aircraft 12 supersonic aircraft and 3 logistics aircraft House; addition of modernization for the Navy and Land Forces ", he said.
Correa reiterated his criticism of those who manage a double discourse on the facts of the 30S and those who say it is intended to weaken the Armed Forces with the constitutional amendment, "because supposedly we divert it from its primary function." What is sought, he said, "is that they have complementary roles comprehensive security for the country. (...) Will contribute to reassure his countrymen that ultimately are their families and their community, "he said.
Meanwhile, the new commanding general of the Navy, Vice Admiral Luis Santiago Chavez, thanked the President for their support to the Navy of Ecuador facilitating several projects materialize as increasing the deterrent capability of the Navy to through modernization of two submarines, the repowering of three boats and three corvettes, the acquisition of intercepting boats and unmanned aircraft, plus 4 coastguard vessels.
While he said that has been modernized laboratories and armories, which should provide the necessary logistical support to the force and reduce dependence on foreign technology. Improving the quality of life was another issue addressed by the new commander of the Navy, recognizing the investment made by the Government for the staff have optimal conditions to develop their task. The change of control occurs through Executive Decree No. 533, which does what it says Article 31 of the Organic Law on National Defence Staff regarding the position of commander, exercised for a period of two years.
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(defensa.com) During the change of command ceremony of the General Commander of the Ecuadorian Navy (after two years in office Vice Admiral Luis Jaramillo leaves his post to Vice Admiral Luis Santiago Chávez), Rafael Correa noted that it has invested nearly 6 times more than during the previous governments in the country (2000-2006), whose defense ministers were passive military service.
The President recalled that the National Government allocated 1,718 million dollars to meet the Armed Forces and publicly rejected arguments to the effect that they have not been properly addressed, "because with the Citizen Revolution is improved working conditions -aumentando pay five sometimes more, reinforcing the equipment with the acquisition of 18 subsonic aircraft 12 supersonic aircraft and 3 logistics aircraft House; addition of modernization for the Navy and Land Forces ", he said.
Correa reiterated his criticism of those who manage a double discourse on the facts of the 30S and those who say it is intended to weaken the Armed Forces with the constitutional amendment, "because supposedly we divert it from its primary function." What is sought, he said, "is that they have complementary roles comprehensive security for the country. (...) Will contribute to reassure his countrymen that ultimately are their families and their community, "he said.
Meanwhile, the new commanding general of the Navy, Vice Admiral Luis Santiago Chavez, thanked the President for their support to the Navy of Ecuador facilitating several projects materialize as increasing the deterrent capability of the Navy to through modernization of two submarines, the repowering of three boats and three corvettes, the acquisition of intercepting boats and unmanned aircraft, plus 4 coastguard vessels.
While he said that has been modernized laboratories and armories, which should provide the necessary logistical support to the force and reduce dependence on foreign technology. Improving the quality of life was another issue addressed by the new commander of the Navy, recognizing the investment made by the Government for the staff have optimal conditions to develop their task. The change of control occurs through Executive Decree No. 533, which does what it says Article 31 of the Organic Law on National Defence Staff regarding the position of commander, exercised for a period of two years.
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