Central/South American Military News, Reports, Data, etc.

Jeff Head

Registered Member

>>>>>>>>>>>> MODERATOR'S COMMENTS <<<<<<<<<<<<

FYI, I created a new thread for Brazil:

Brazilian Military New, Photos, Videos

I moved one TEs post from the Carrier thread about Brazil's S-2 aircraft there as well as my repsonse to it.

You can now post Brazil specific Military News there...not here on the South American Thread.

Brazil is an emerging power in South America in terms of its overall reach, influence, and military. The most powerful nation in South America, and a nation that more and more of the large nations are looking to establish relations and military contracts with.

As such, a separate thread for Brazil is now warranted.

A word to the wise...

DO NOT create separate threads for other individual nation's militaries. The SUPER MODS will do this as required. Otherwise we simply end up with too many individual threads.

>>>>>>>>>> END MODERATOR'S COMMENTS <<<<<<<<<<



>>>>>>>>>>>> MODERATOR'S COMMENTS <<<<<<<<<<<<

FYI, I created a new thread for Brazil:

Brazilian Military New, Photos, Videos

I moved one TEs post from the Carrier thread about Brazil's S-2 aircraft there as well as my repsonse to it.

You can now post Brazil specific Military News there...not here on the South American Thread.

Brazil is an emerging power in South America in terms of its overall reach, influence, and military. The most powerful nation in South America, and a nation that more and more of the large nations are looking to establish relations and military contracts with.

As such, a separate thread for Brazil is now warranted.

A word to the wise...

DO NOT create separate threads for other individual nation's militaries. The SUPER MODS will do this as required. Otherwise we simply end up with too many individual threads.

>>>>>>>>>> END MODERATOR'S COMMENTS <<<<<<<<<<

Excellent idea! I was noticing that around 50% of my post were about now weapon systems and programs in Brazil.

I will now get back to bottling my Malbec


China also official presentation of the VN-1 to Venezuela

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In Peru postponed the tender for the acquisition of anti-riot equipment for $ 15 million

(defensa.com) International Competitive Bidding (PEOC Project / 14/90691) for the "Purchase of Bulletproof Vest, Ballistic Plates, Riot Equipment and Scopes for the National Police of Peru", in charge of the Office of the United Nations for Project Services (UNOPS) by the Ministry of Interior (MININTER), was postponed until further notice. According to the basics of the process, the opening of technical and financial proposals, and the award of the contract - which would be notified immediately MININTER - was scheduled for November 19. The budget for this acquisition amounted to just over 15 million.

The injunction issued by UNOPS considers the acquisition of 10,000 body armor - known locally as Robocop - and a similar number of shields and riot helmets, gas masks and 2,000. Additionally, about 8,000 Level IIIA body armor, 800 Ballistic Plates Level IV and 300 Scopes Binoculars were requested.

The Interior Ministry decided to entrust UNOPS procurement of equipment Riot after the failure of the auctions conducted between 2011 and 2012. The last, in mid-2012, led to the annulment of the contract is then awarded to the True North Tactical Peru SAC after discovered evidence of alleged links to dubious companies and for not submitting documents duly credited the experience required to qualify the process.

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The Marines of Venezuela receive equipment manufactured in China[/B]

(defensa.com) A delegation of Marines Bolivariana (IMB) headed by Admiral Jairo Quintero Avendano, commanding general of the Bolivarian Armada, was moved Monday to the PRC to attend the delivery of the first batch of equipment. The IMB delegation went to the premises of the company North Industries Corp. (NORINCO) where she was greeted by Vice President Yi Zhen and different regional delegates and project managers.


This first batch would consist of a number of armored vehicles unpublished VN1, 30T tractors and ammunition of 30 mm., Material was seen in stores in Dalian NORINCO and will soon be transported to Venezuela. The VN1 export variant ZBL-09, an armored personnel carrier, amphibious 8x8 equipped with a tower with a 30mm cannon.

This release corresponds to the trade agreement with NORINCO signed by Venezuela in 2012, valued at $ 500 million to re-equip the Marines Bolivariana and including different material from light combat vehicles, amphibious armored vehicles, multiple rocket launchers, mortars self-propelled, logistical material and campaign communications systems besides

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Five officers of the Chilean Air Force will be processed by the CASA 212 crash in which 21 people died

(defensa.com) Although the case had been closed when the court decided to adjudicate Juan Cristobal Mera, the Second Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court ordered the case reopened last April, assuming the Minister Dobra Lusic research has determined now the prosecution of five officers FACh for his role in the deaths of 21 people in the plane crash in Juan Fernandez on September 2, 2011, including the air Force pilots Carolina Fernández and Juan Pablo Mallea.

They are accused of "breach of military duties" and wrongful death for authorizing the flight of CASA 212 but had favorable conditions for flight. The highest court upheld the appeals only in the aspect ordering investigate possible crimes of defaults military duty against staff of the Air Force of Chile that planned flight.

At the time, the attorney for the Chilean Air Force, Isidro Solis said, referring to the expert reports, that "there clearly is no crime" in the crash of Juan Fernández: "The manufacturer, Airbus, and one that validates done by the University of Concepción, establish that the direct causes of the accident are firstly an extraordinary, very special, very circumscribed weather phenomenon, which generates two opposite rotating tornadoes that make a real mixer on the channel formed between the channel Juan Fernández and Isla Santa Clara. This added to the low altitude of the aircraft allowed to enter into this phenomenon. "

In August 2012, the Magistrate Judge Mera refused to prosecute the former officials FACh responding in resolution with a "it is not appropriate" because of "the nature and objectives of their research" to writings which presented three prosecuting attorneys in cause many of the families of the victims.

The judge Mera research intended to close out considering all proceedings in the case after receiving the reports from the manufacturer of the aircraft and the Air Accidents Investigation Board on the causes of the accident.
The C212 in the Armed Forces of Chile
In late 2013 the closing of the last C-212-100 of the Chilean Army was known, which meant the end of an era for the 100 version of this tactical light transport that served in Chile for 35 years. 17 copies in its various versions have operated with the Army, 9, appliances, Navy, 4, and Air Force with other 4. The first units acquired the then Aeronautical Constructions SA, Airbus Military today arrived in Chile in August 1978, with the suffix C-212-100-A11 the Naval Aviation and C-212-100-A10 the Army. Los 4 ejemplares navales fueron asignados al Escuadrón Aeronaval VC-1, entonces en la Base aeronaval de El Belloto. Los del Ejército pasaron a engrosar la capacidad de transporte del entonces Comando de Aviación de Ejercito, con base en Rancagua, y posteriormente a los Pelotones de Transporte, dependientes de las Divisiones de Ejército.

Posteriormente, a partir de marzo de 1995, la Fuerza Aérea de Chile recibió dos C-212-200 para el Grupo N° 1 en Iquique y otros dos C-212-300 para el Grupo N°5, en la B.A El Tepual, y en 1998 el Ejército también recibía otro lote de 3, de la versión C-212-300 (AB10).

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Russia is preparing to ship the first Mi-171Sh-Q for the Aviation Brigade of the Army of Peru

(defensa.com) On November 27, will arrive in Peru, aboard an Antonov An-124 Ruslan, the first 4 transport and combat helicopters Mi-171Sh Hip H-P for the Army Aviation Brigade (BRIGAE). In the same way, 4 other devices are scheduled to arrive on December 4th. Once in the country, we will immediately begin the assembly process and the corresponding flight test and acceptance by the technical staff of Rosoboronexport and the Aviation Brigade, to be presented on the occasion of Army Day, the 9th December.


The Peru in December 2013 signed a contract with Rosoboronexport for the supply of 24 combat and transport helicopters Mi-171Sh Hip H-P for about $ 528 million for Army Aviation Brigade. The contract stipulated that August would be delivered in late 2014 and another 16 in 2015. The Programme of Industrial and Social Compensation (Offset), valued at $ 180 million including, among others, a maintenance center for helicopters - to be built in the San Camilo, near PAF Base of La Joya (Arequipa) - and a flight simulator as well as co-production of parts and ammunition manufacturing plant. The country's Defense Ministry plans to acquire another 8 Mi-171Sh-P (out of 16) for the Air Force of Peru and later 5 for the Navy. If realized these acquisitions (involving an investment of around $ 500 million) the Armed Forces of Peru dispondrían -sumando 6 Mi-171Sh acquired in 2010 - a fleet of 45 machines.

The Mi-171Sh Hip H-P has a length of 18.4 m, a height of 4.7 m. and a rotor diameter of 21.3 m. At the request of the Army of Peru will be equipped with 2 motors VK-2500-3 2,700 HP (20 percent more powerful than TV-3-117BM). The cruising speed is 215 km / h, the range of 580 miles and service ceiling of 4,800 m. at full load. The Mi-P will have 171Sh-art avionics and night vision goggles. Their design allows them to carry 36 troops or 4,000 kilos of cargo. The armament comprises supplying a large number of PKM 7.62 x 54R, cannon pods UPK-23-250 23 mm. and S-8KOM rocket 80mm illumination flares and 26mm

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Expodefensa 2014

In Bogota, Colombia there was a Military Fair of EXPODEFENSA 2014. Here some pictures.

Part one small arms (for TerraN)






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