Central/South American Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


(Naval Infantry) Marines with FN FAL
About 80 men exercise in basic combat skills and leadership training





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I will now get back to bottling my Malbec

Jeff Head

Registered Member
(Naval Infantry) Marines with FN FAL
I own an FN FAL.

Semi-auto version. I have four or five 20 round clips.

I love that weapon. Been firing it for over 20 years. Put many thousands of rounds down range with it.

Best coyote and large varmint gun I have ever had...and would apply equally well to any four or two-legged varmint.


The Swedish Government denies pressure to his Brazilian counterpart to sign the contract for the Gripen NG FAB before elections


(defensa.com) Prime Minister of Sweden, Stefan Löfven, said the sale of 36 Gripen aircraft to Brazil by 5,400 million dollars is "a business that goes far beyond the plane" and denied he had pressured the Brazilian government to sign the contract with Saab before the second round of the presidential election between Dilma Rousseff and Aetius Neves, held last October 26.
The Air Force finalized its purchase of 28 Gripen E (cars) and eight F version (tandem), precisely on October 24. The 36 aircraft are still in development and the contract provides for the transfer of technology to the domestic industry can produce locally this new generation fighter. They begin to will arrive in 2019, with final delivery date of the batch in 2025. In an interview with Brazilian journalists in Stockholm Löfven said it was "an agreement between the company [Saab] and the country. I was informed about the transaction in general, not specifically for the moment. "

The prime minister, elected last September, refused to say if 5,400 million would be an exaggerated value to spend on fighter jets, while Brazil has serious problems in other sectors, while noting that Sweden also increase spending on defense in the coming years due to regional issues, such as the defense of the Baltic and the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

"The first thing I would say is that Brazil is a democratic country and made his own decision. We will also increase defense spending in the coming years, after an analysis of the regional situation," he said. "Brazil has to do its own analysis and can not comment at all, is a subject of particular country. we believe that when Brazil made its assessment and realized that I needed the tickets, we had a good aircraft. it is important and is the cornerstone of business. but there is much more involved: about technology, innovation, industrial cooperation that our authorities are building in São Bernardo do Campo This is the future, are the new jobs, not just military purchases is technology in different areas and.. believe that this cooperation is very good for both countries. "

Löfven said the agreement on the Gripen makes Brazil a strategic partner in the industrial area of Sweden. "I definitely believe that. The business is much more than an airplane. The cooperation we are starting in São Bernardo do Campo is a long-term commitment," he said.

At the same time, the Centre for Research and Innovation Swedish-Brazilian Clearing (CISB) meets today in Sao Paulo with representatives of companies, universities and research centers to discuss opportunities for strengthening cooperation between two countries in the areas of research and innovation, in addition to the presentation of success stories. The fourth annual meeting of CISB with the participation of members of central Brazil and Sweden, Saab, Volvo Cars, SENAI, Royal Institute of Technology, among others, and partners such as the ITA, elmunicipio Curitiba and Lindholmen Science Park .

Immediately thereafter, on Thursday and Friday this week, will take place on 1st Wokshop Swedish-Brazilian Aeronautics and Defence in the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA), São José dos Campos. The event is organized by the ITA itself and CISB, aiming to stimulate and expand exchanges between Brazilian and Swedish researchers on topics related to innovation and technological development.

They will present around 300 participants attending conferences and debates of scientists, researchers, representatives from universities, governments and development agencies as well as industry executives aviation, security and defense of Brazil and Sweden.

Don’t forget to check out the World Picture of the Day

I will now get back to bottling my Malbec


UK will block access to the Gripen Argentina Brazil


(defensa.com) On October 21, during the presentation of new transport aircraft KC-390 Embraer Defense Minister Argentinean Agustin Rossi, announced the start of talks between Brazil and Argentina for the acquisition of 24 Gripen fighters NG made in Brazil. Argentina and Brazil signed a "strategic alliance for the aviation industry" and the Brazilian Air Force released the Argentine interest in airplanes.

However, the British response was not long in coming. UK recalled through its Department for Business, Innovation and Skills existence of a veto. The UK Government is determined to ensure that no team with British export license will be used by Argentina to impose an economic blockade on the people of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas) "to prevent a legitimate right to develop their economy." The House of Commons was echoed as well in this matter on November 5 addressing the issue of the implications for the defense of the islands against possible sale of Gripen to Argentina.

Approximately 30% of JAS-39E / F is based on NG Gripen Brazil chosen part of products and systems produced by British companies. Among these we find the Selex radar ES, Martin Baker ejection seats, landing gear, and other electronic systems. Not to mention the General Electric GE F414 engine American-made, surely it would be problematic to supply Argentina. Embraer can replace any of these items is feasible but complex and expensive, which would increase the price of the 24 planes that Argentina is interested and would purchase unrealizable
The Government of Argentina, through its president, Cristina Fernandez de Kirschner, has announced its interest in oil resources are there in the coastal area next to the Falklands / Malvinas. This would be a growing interest in this area, which would explain the desire to acquire new capabilities for the Air Force. Argentina takes years announcing possible acquisitions of new aircraft or used to replace Mirage available to the Air Force. In fact, one of the latest proposals that sounded most strongly was the sale of F-1M discharged by the Spanish Air Force, transaction not forged for various reasons, one of which was pressure on the Spanish government by UK diplomats, to this sale.

Argentina have decided to participate in the Gripen NG by leveraging industrial Embraer connection with this Brazilian company, which supplies some components for the transport aircraft KC-390. The fact that the UK was one of the most satisfied by the choice of Gripen in Brazil is given precisely because the British technological and industrial component built into the plane. When asked about this issue for the Swedish company, Saab spokesman stated that there was no request to replace equipment from British sources of the aircraft and the Gripen exports would still be subject to very stringent regulations.

Actually today as a global defense industry, the only way that Argentina is not affected by European or American industrial policies or restrictions, equipment would choose Chinese or Russian origin. But 2020 is expected to enter into service the first of the new Royal Navy aircraft carriers, which would have again UK with vector major deterrent available for deployment in any area of interest to the UK

Don’t forget to check out the World Picture of the Day

I will now get back to bottling my Malbec

Jeff Head

Registered Member
UK will block access to the Gripen Argentina Brazil

...the British response was not long in coming. UK recalled through its Department for Business, Innovation and Skills existence of a veto. The UK Government is determined to ensure that no team with British export license will be used by Agentina.

Approximately 30% of JAS-39E / F is based on NG Gripen Brazil chosen part of products and systems produced by British companies. Among these we find the Selex radar ES, Martin Baker ejection seats, landing gear, and other electronic systems.

Not to mention the General Electric GE F414 engine American-made...
Well, it is just as we discussed.

The UK will not allow its parts to be a part of an Argentine Gripen. That means the Brazil manufacturing would have to find another source for the Selex radar ES, the Martin Baker ejection seats, the landing gear, and those other electronic systems.

Even if they could, you can bet that the UK would lean heavily on the Uniterd States to not allow the GE F414 jet engine to be a part of the deal to Argentina either.

Sounds like it will never get off the ground...just as we surmized.


Well, it is just as we discussed.

The UK will not allow its parts to be a part of an Argentine Gripen. That means the Brazil manufacturing would have to find another source for the Selex radar ES, the Martin Baker ejection seats, the landing gear, and those other electronic systems.

Even if they could, you can bet that the UK would lean heavily on the Uniterd States to not allow the GE F414 jet engine to be a part of the deal to Argentina either.

Sounds like it will never get off the ground...just as we surmized.

Basically the only options available to Argentina (without a change in government and foreign policy) are as we discussed prior. Russian or Chinese. This reduces the available systems to used J-10s & MiG-29s or new build JF-17.

I will now get back to bottling my Malbec


Tyrant King


I will now get back to bottling my Malbec


now You may ask, lighter then what?
impressed yet? there was one even bigger the Barc over 100 tons of payload
these old boat cars
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Senior Member
Brazilian Navy statement: FAB Purchase Agreement of the Gripen NG will benefit the Navy of Brazil
The Brazilian navy (Marinha do Brasil) issued a statement regarding the aquisition of Gripen fighters: On 24 October, the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) signed with the Swedish company SAAB the contract for the purchase of 36 Gripen NG fighter aircraft. The first aircraft will be delivered in 2019 and the last one in 2024. The investment of approximately US $ 13 billion involves the training of Brazilian pilots and mechanics in Sweden, logistical support and technology transfer to Brazilian industries.
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