Central/South American Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


The icebreaker "Almirante Irizar" the Armada Argentina facing the last stage of its reconstruction

(defensa.com) The head of the Ministry of Defense of Argentina, Agustin Rossi, toured the icebreaker "Almirante Irizar" and oversaw the final phase of reconstruction and modernization that is taking place in the yard Tandanor. The icebreaker was completely redone after the fire suffered in 2007. In its 120 meters long by 25 habitability manga has more than 300 people. With modernization has increased the capacity of the scientific work, as it tripled the area of research laboratories. In addition, it will feature over 600 new computers, more than 1,500 domestic manufacturing equipment and latest generation engines.


The work is advanced by 90 percent and the goal is to have the ship at the next Antarctic campaign from 2015 to 2016, after completion of the testing of water and ice to be made shortly. Among the improvements are there in the vessel will operate in Antarctica, Rossi explained that "the" Irizar "will have two bridges, the command, and a similar one in the deck below that correspond to the scientists." It will also have a retardant system that will control and smother any fire. the investment exceeded 500 million dollars and employed more than 1.2 million hours of work and full Argentine national suppliers.

Secretary of Science, Technology and Defence Production, Santiago Rodríguez, said that "from the industrial point of view, we are talking about a highly complex work, allowing incorporation of new technical and production capabilities, not only in Tandanor, but dozens of domestic SMEs that participated in the work. "

Accompanying the Minister Tandanor President Mario Fadel, and technical staff of the shipyard.

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Confirmed the sale of Brazilian patrol ships Angola

(defensa.com) The signing of the final document for the sale to Angola seven patrol vessels (NPA), 500 tonnes, has already occurred. The ships of the "Macaé" class are already operating in the Brazilian Navy. This acquisition is part of Naval Development Programme Angola (Pronaval). The contract is part of the memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed in Brasilia on September 5 by the Brazilian Defense Minister Celso Amorim and his Angolan colleague, João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço.


Vessels belonging to a program led by Brazil's state EMGEPRON (Naval Projects Management Company), which is based on the "Vigilante 400 CL54" class shipyard Constructions Mécaniques de Normandie (CMN), which involved other yards as subcontractors . Details of the agreement, and possible values, deadlines or requirements of the African country were not disclosed. During negotiations, the Minister Gonçalves Lourenço said that agreements between the governments of both countries include support for the construction of a shipyard in Angola and training of operating personnel and technical

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Argentina protests British military exercise in Falklands in which participated the frigate HMS Iron Duke of the Royal Navy

(defensa.com) The Argentine government has issued a statement expressing its formal protest after learning that the frigate HMS Iron Duke took part in a military exercise in the Bay and the Arm of San Carlos, Falkland Islands, which included shooting 136 projectiles, "which is a new provocation of the United Kingdom by a purported demonstration of firepower of the British ship".


In the exercise, reports the Argentina Foreign Ministry also spoke a company of British infantry forming part of the permanent military deployment of squatting in the UK in the Falkland Islands. The Foreign Ministry summoned the officer in charge of the Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and gave him a note of protest military exercises.

As said the statement from the Argentine Government:

"The Argentina rejects in the strongest terms the conduct of these military and naval maneuvers in Argentine territory illegally occupied by the United Kingdom, which constitute an unwarranted show of force and a deliberate departure from the calls of the numerous resolutions of the United Nations and other international organizations, urging both Argentina and the United Kingdom to resume negotiations to find a peaceful and definitive solution to the sovereignty dispute involving two countries at the Question of the Malvinas Islands solution.

The persistence of the United Kingdom in military exercises in the South Atlantic, declared a peace zone by coastal states in the Atlantic region, which have also banned the introduction of nuclear weapons, is a further demonstration of a systematic policy of complete separation of the resolutions of the United Nations. In particular the lack of resolution 31/49 of the General Assembly, calling on both parties to refrain from introducing unilateral modifications in the situation while the negotiating process recommended by it is pending, and is opposed to the principle of peaceful settlement of disputes unanimously supported by the countries of the region, especially those represented in UNASUR and the PARLASUR.

At the Special Session on the Question of the Malvinas Islands on 10 November, the MERCOSUR Parliament again rejected British military presence in the South Atlantic, as he felt that it was contrary to the policy of the region of attachment to finding a peaceful solution to the sovereignty dispute. Thus this statement PARLASUR adds to expressions of concern to the British military deployment made by the whole region and the Ibero-American Summit, the Summit of South American and Arab Countries (ASPA) and the Ministerial Meeting of the Area Peace and Cooperation of the South Atlantic. "

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Almost half of the border between the US and Mexico guarded by Predator UAV

(defensa.com) Since 2013, according to data released by the Associated Press, under the UAV program aimed at preventing illegal immigration in remote areas of the border between the US and Mexico, more than 3,000 kilometers, of which 1,000 are fences, especially in the area of California, there have been 10,000 flights have covered an area of about 1,500 km, primarily in the Texas border. From Yuma, Arizona west to the coast of Texas, there are large tracts of wilderness, crossing dangerous and difficult to monitor agents on the ground.


According to data from the Associated Press, in mid-2012 the US had already spent $ 250 million on the program UAV surveillance at the border and had nine devices. A study published by the Center for International Policy (CIP), the Working Group for Latin America (LAWGEF) and the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA), reported meanwhile, in late 2013, the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection US (CBP) of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), had seven Predator B drones deployed along the border between the US. and Mexico. The Office for the US Government (GAO) and then criticized the effectiveness and cost of the program, but political pressure has kept in place and likely to get even more robust funding.

United States also has authorization to operate unmanned Mexico over its airspace and aircraft took part in limited inspection operations since 2009, with some of the UAV effectively being thrown from within Mexico. But mostly DHS have shown disappointing results of tests performed in the course of recent years, claimed the document, especially considering the expense of operating platforms, the cost has reached $ 3,234 per flight hour as reports prepared by the GAO .

The Predator deployed in the area carry surveillance cameras but not weapons, as used in the conflict zone. Manufactured by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems US, it reported last June, the first flight of the export version of the UAV, the Predator XP at the aerodrome of Castle Dome, in the testing of the US Army Yuma, Arizona.
The flight lasted 35 minutes and marks the start of the tests of this model, which will continue with the evaluation of the electro-optic surveillance systems, satellite communications and the ability to land and take off automatically.

Externally has the same characteristics of the original, since it has the same dimensions, reaches the same speed, altitude and range (up to 35 hours). The main difference from the Predator XP is that it can not carry weapons although the original electro-optical sensors have also been replaced (we have installed a system electro Star Safire 380-HD FLIR Systems instead of the Multi-Spectral Targeting Systems for Raytheon turret).

General Atomics has developed the XP version of the Predator to market the UAV in those countries to which the US government does not authorize the sale of the original systems from Control Regime Missile Technology that limits the sale certain types of high technology outside the United States or its allies.

Thus, the manufacturer hopes to increase sales of Predator, above the 500 units already in service in the Armed Forces primarily in the United States and its allies like Britain, Italy and Turkey.

The company will market the system in markets such as Middle East, Africa, Latin America and Asia, indeed UAE is the first client version as announced in February last year its intention to acquire a non-published number of these UAVs for value of $ 197 million. Kazashtan recently announced its intent to evaluate this system and for this GA-ASI has signed an MOU with the state defense firm Kazakhstan Engineering (KE).

The cost of each Predator XP is between 3 and 4 million for the export version, but other versions such as maritime patrol may exceed 6 million. But the manufacturer claims that a system is much cheaper to purchase and maintain than a manned aircraft specific.

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The Navy of Peru will receive the November 21 Fokker 50MPa acquired Netherlands

(defensa.com) devices would be arriving in Lima on November 18. The Navy of Peru particular acquisition, on a government to government negotiations, the 2 maritime patrol aircraft Fokker 50MPa for approximately $ 9.5 million. According to unofficial information, the -excedentes aircraft of the Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF) and who were in Fed does include Fons Aler U-05 and U-06 Robbie Wijting, same to arrive to Peru in the middle of this week.


Its mission will be to handle checks against illegal activities, the protection of life, protection of natural and biological resources, and the integrity of the territorial sea, which, following the ruling of the International Court in The Hague, joined a 50,000 km². seawater.

In October, the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) said-through Supreme Decree No. 013-2014- national interest the hiring process in the overseas market 2 multipurpose aircraft, for the Public Investment Project called Creating Electronic Surveillance Service Captaincy District 3 National Maritime Domain (SNIP Code No. 293 744). This project is important to mention, believes that the national maritime authority must have adequate capacity for surveillance and electronic reconnaissance with fixed wing air platforms, it must be equipped with signals intelligence systems and communications, radars and art data integration systems that yield high coverage with precision and discrimination of all that is in the sea, with the ease of integration with the System of Maritime Traffic Control (SIMTRAC) of DG and Coastguards (DICAPI).


Currently, the Commander of Naval Aviation operates four Fokker 60: 2 and 2 MPA version ICU version, which were acquired in 2010. 60MPa, which already have radar Telephonics APS-143 (V) 3 Ocean Eye and ATOS (Airborne tactical observation and Surveillance System) observation and tactical surveillance, would eventually converted to the MMA version (Maritime multimission Aircraft), increased its operational reach, and endowed with the ability to launch the missile antiship AGM-84 Harpoon (Alejo Marchessini correspondent Edefa Group of Lima).

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Avibras MBDA CAMM present a version adapted to the Brazilian Armed Forces


(defensa.com) Avibras MBDA submitted a jointly developed solution for the Brazilian Program Media Altitude Air Defense part of the adaptation of the missile CAMM (Common Anti-Air Modular Missile), a next-generation French manufacturer. Would involve the development of a national missile, currently known as AV-MMA (Antiaircraft Missile Modular) starting from CAMM and use by the Brazilian Armed Forces of all vehicles and technologies developed for the ASTROS 2020, and the current system.

National participation in the program would be 70 percent. The CAMM provides the ability to be used by all three branches of the armed forces, reducing development costs, maintenance and logistical support. In the UK, it will replace the missile vertical launch of the Royal Navy Seaworlf VL, and Brazil is one of the missiles being studied for adoption by future class corvettes "Tamandaré". It has also been acquired by the Royal New Zealand Navy.

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Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia continues within system development data link Link BR 2 for the Brazilian Air Force

(defensa.com) Mectron is evaluating the final format of LinkBR2, a system that the company developed for the Brazilian Air Force, designed to integrate and process information in real time between the centers of the aircraft and control. Signed in December 2012 a contract for $ 80 million in direct purchase mode, the system will be delivered in mid-2017.

It was developed by 91 technicians under the command of the engineer Andre Brumer, Director of Contracts Mectron, who estimated that only slightly more than five countries, this technology is used. "The project is an integrated development conceived in Brazil. It is an opportunity for local industry to acquire new technologies," said his Parye Brigadier air José Augusto Crepaldi Affonso, president of Copac (Coordinating Committee Aircraft Program Combat).

According Crepaldi, the LinkBR2 initially installed in four Embraer A-29 Super Tucano two Embraer E-99M, radarizados supersonic aircraft and four F-5M, and various ground stations. An initial version of Link BR2 has been installed in the first batch of aircraft A-1 recently modernized. The program started with Embraer, in regard to data communication protocol, and the finals went into orbit Mectron.

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Plasan presents SWAT vehicles for the Police of Sao Paulo

(defensa.com) The Israeli company Plasan has unveiled the first of six Guarder vehicles developed for SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics) Police in Sao Paulo, whose award was announced in June this year. The Guarder is shielded with 22 tons wheel drive vehicle based on a MAN truck can carry up to 22 people plus the two that make up the crew.


Offers STANAG Level III armor type in the hull and on the ground Level I plus anti-blast seats. It has a hydraulically operated tailgate, a transport capacity of 3,500 kg. and can be used for personnel transport, mobile command post or ambulance. Includes a retractable mast with video cameras that improve situational awareness of personnel on board and can move avoiding ditches 60 inches high, climb slopes of 60 degrees or riding in a side slope of 25 degrees, plus fording watercourses 60 cm.


In June already proposed the main features of this contract worth $ 9.5 million that binds to another contract also announced in June amounting to 7.5 million for the development of four armored vehicles Sandcat for the Federal Police in Sao Paulo . If Guarder known for their stunning looks, the opposite happens with these other four vehicles as they are configured so that their external appearance is not striking and can perform missions of observation, detection and interception for the fight against organized crime. For this they are fitted with systems intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR), command and control and rapid response which have been developed by Atech, a subsidiary of Brazil's Embraer Defense Systems. The police want to have these means if the situation of insecurity rebound occasion of the Olympics to be held in 2016 as happened during the World Cup Soccer.

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