Central/South American Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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Any comments on this, @Miragedriver ?

Argentina's Jet Fighter Replacement Options Narrow

BUENOS AIRES AND ISLAMABAD — The UK’s moves to block the sale of Gripen fighters to Argentina has triggered a round of angry accusations in Buenos Aires, while laying bare Argentina’s dilemmas in replenishing its fighter fleet after years of neglect.

It also raised the prospect of Argentina purchasing fighters from Russia or China, experts said.

While Gripens are made by Saab of Sweden, about 30 percent of the aircraft contains parts supplied by the UK, Argentina’s longtime foe.

On Oct. 31, Argentina’s defense minister announced an interest in purchasing 24 Gripens. According to a senior military source in Buenos Aires, the proposal to sell 24 Gripen fighters, at a cost of US $2.9 billioncame as an initiative of the Brazil’s Ministry of Defense and was briefly discussed and accepted by its Argentine counterpart. In October, Brazil signed a deal to purchase 36 Gripens.

The same source pointed out that Saab, the original builder and owner of the design of the Gripen, “never made any attempt to offer the aircraft directly, neither new nor second-hand, possibly because the firm’s officials knew that the UK would block any sale to Argentina.”............

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Defense Minister of Peru informs Congress of the country's defense budget and announces acquisitions


(defensa.com) During his last appearance in Congress, Defense Minister of Peru, Pedro Cateriano, reported that the budget for the sector for the year has been executed to 76.3%. He also made some announcements about current acquisitions, including the arrival of four new Russian-made helicopters next week, which will join the four already received (from a total of 24 purchased for the Army Aviation Brigade). Social Compensation Program and Industrial (Offset) associated with this acquisition includes the delivery of a simulator and building a Maintenance and Repair Center in the San Camilo, near the Air Base of La Joya in Arequipa .

In December there will be the launching of the ship sailing school "Union", which is building the yard Industrial Services of the Navy (SIMA) with Spanish assistance. Also got the first two training aircraft KT-1P South Korean co-production of eight other units being planned for the coming of a total of 16 that were included in the partnership between governments year.


The minister announced in the House of Congress some data on the budget for 2015, some acquisition projects for the Armed Forces will be launched. In March and April will reach two transport aircraft C-27J Italian manufacturing valued at 122 million dollars, having recently announced the purchase of two other airplanes of the same type for the Air Force of Peru (FAP). The minister announced the purchase of four-dimensional radars worth $ 71.1 million and increased inspection 10 fighter aircraft Su-25. Are planned modernization 4 submarines for $ 79.6 million each task that is would be in charge of the yard SIMA, which is also responsible for the construction of two patrol Class Taeguk. Finally, Cateriano spoke of the opening of the National Operation Center Satellite Images that will process the material captured by the French-made satellite acquired and will be located in Punta Lobos, Pucusana.

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Any comments on this, @Miragedriver ?

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Sure, please go back to post 516 (page 35 of this thread). Basically Argentina will need two things: First would be a change in the Socialist/Maxisist Christina leadership to a more US friendly government with a conciliatory hat in hand and working relationship with England.

Second would be a reinvestment in the Argentine aviation industry (which was top notch, but is eclipsed by Brazil’s aviation industry) and begin a co-production or license production of the JF-17.

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The submarine ARA "Santa Cruz" entered the Syncrolift platform Argentine Naval Industrial Complex (CINAR)


(defensa.com) The Argentina Navy submarine arrived in early November at the premises of the Argentine Naval Industrial Complex (CINAR), which involves putting a dry, currently undergoing a comprehensive reparations program, among which include replacement batteries propulsion.


After undergoing in recent months to allow adaptation tasks putting dry, the main work being done on the ship is changing its battery cells and maintenance of their systems in order to be again operating at short notice. It should be noted that these tasks do not include cutting the pressure hull. The work being done by TANDANOR with the support and verification of Submarine Project, under the Directorate General of Material Navy Argentina and staffing of the unit itself. Also, the submarine ARA "San Juan" twin "Santa Cruz" was subjected to a repair half-life and is currently conducting sea trials for, once concluded, definitely go operational.

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Norinco VN1 8x8 amphibious armored Infantry Venezuelan Marina vehicle enters the water for wading and buoyancy tests in China, prior to its official release


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Senior Member
Sure, please go back to post 516 (page 35 of this thread). Basically Argentina will need two things: First would be a change in the Socialist/Maxisist Christina leadership to a more US friendly government with a conciliatory hat in hand and working relationship with England.

Second would be a reinvestment in the Argentine aviation industry (which was top notch, but is eclipsed by Brazil’s aviation industry) and begin a co-production or license production of the JF-17.

One thing I forgot to ask you :D If Argentina decides to reconcile with UK, that would probably mean recognizing Falklands as British sovereign territory . How would Argentinian public take that decision (both those on left and right of political spectrum) . And if they do accept that, would not that be catch 22 for Argentinian airforce, something like: "We could obtain Gripen now but we don't need such an expensive plane cause we don't have open territorial disputes. Better spend money on something else. "

Second, concerning JF-17, you said you would want government with closer ties to US and other Western powers . Would such government want to buy license for production of what is essentially Sino-Pakistani plane with Russian engines ?


One thing I forgot to ask you :D If Argentina decides to reconcile with UK, that would probably mean recognizing Falklands as British sovereign territory . How would Argentinian public take that decision (both those on left and right of political spectrum) . And if they do accept that, would not that be catch 22 for Argentinian airforce, something like: "We could obtain Gripen now but we don't need such an expensive plane cause we don't have open territorial disputes. Better spend money on something else. "

Second, concerning JF-17, you said you would want government with closer ties to US and other Western powers . Would such government want to buy license for production of what is essentially Sino-Pakistani plane with Russian engines ?

Those are two good questions Thunberchief, and there should be a clarification on my part (I’ll get to that). The majority of educated Argentines know that the chances of ever reclaiming any form of governance (full or shared) is out of the question with United Kingdom after the fiasco of a war. There is no military solution and there will never be one. The only way to come close to any sort of “joint custody”, or to be able to excerpt influence on the islands would be to have a strong and robust economy that would provide a better standard of living for the islanders. However, even with that it would be near impossible to sway any questionable number of inhabitants to vote other than the way they have voted. Also for Argentina to have a robust economy it would have to change its progressive socialist & trade union political agenda, which it will not do, since it would be political suicide.

Please see these post to get the history of the rivalry between Chile and Argentina and Britain:


PART THREE: Close Calls and the South Atlantic War, post #5

The main objective now is and should be the upcoming political negotiations that will begin over territorial rights to the Antarctic. Argentina territorial claim overlays that of Chile (a major nemesis to Argentina) and Great Britain (a supporter of Chile, and, well you know the rest). The only logical course of action is to apologies to England for the actions of the military junta (explain that it was a momentary lapse of common sense) and ask England to let bygones be bygones, after all they forgave the Germans.

Once the laurel leaf is extended and accepted then agreements regarding fishing mineral and petroleum resources can be negotiated. This type of behavior will be rewarded when the time comes to negotiate the overlapping Antarctic territories. If Argentina has a good track record (honoring and enforcing agreements) with England it will go a long way to avoid any conflict down the road.

Yes there would be disappointment in the nation over the relinquishment of the islands, but worse things have happened to the nation and people adjust and move on. Especially if the economy and standard of living increases.

If regards to the JF-17. Argentina needs a new combat aircraft (multirole) and in sufficient quantities to be a deterrent. 18 or 24 F-16s from the US will hardly be sufficient, especially against Chile 48 (soon to be 62 F-16s). The reason I said 18 to 24 F-16s is that it was the maximum number offered by the USA twice to Argentina in the late 1990’s by Bill Clinton. Of all the aircraft available to Argentina the only options are Chinese or Russian, I will explained:

1) JAS-39 Gripen, even though one can make peace with England I don’t think that they will agree to British equipment (Avionics/Radar, etc…), and they own an interest in Saab so that eliminates the JAS-39

2) The F-35 is completely unaffordable.

3) The SU-30 is a great aircraft but is unaffordable in large numbers to make a difference and the maintenance and operating expenses are high.

4) Mig-29 was rejected because it’s because of the problems in obtaining parts and that it cost around $5million US to operate each aircraft at around 300 hours per years.

5) The F-16 could not be supplies in sufficient numbers. The Chileans were concerned that Argentina could have an American Aircraft with BVR AMRAAM (funny since Chile has them).

6) The F-18 would be another great aircraft, but I don’t see the US providing them is any significant numbers (just like the F-16).

7) The Rafael was rejected because there would be no technology transfer and it’s too expensive.

8) Used J-10 could be an option, but would China sell them?

9) The Spanish Mirage F-1’s were rejected because of the airframe fatigue.

10) Mirage 2000, but nobody will sell them since they’re still useful.

11) That leaves the JF-17

I need a drink of Malbec after that….:D


Ecuador delivers the A-37B to Uruguay, which confirms continued negotiations for the Swiss F-5E

(defensa.com) On the afternoon of yesterday the delivery of three aircraft A- 37 B "Dragonfly" was held at the Air Base in Manta, Manabi Province, Republic of Ecuador, deprogrammed in 2010, the Force Ecuadorian Air (FAE) to the Uruguayan Air Force, following the signing of a cooperation agreement in the field of defense between that country and Uruguay on November 26 in the city of Quito.


The agreement, framed based on the Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Defence between the two countries will strengthen ties within the parameter of bilateral cooperation, mainly in the areas of operations, teaching staff and Armed Forces Logistics. Within the framework of this, the FAU provide technical training and instruction to staff FAE.

The courses you can access the Ecuadorian staff are: Basic Course Advanced Course Flight and Flight, Professional Development and Learning in the School of Air Command and Staff Courses Employment Doctrinal and Contributions Technicians Command and Control including maintenance, and operation courses radar sensors, as both forces are clients of the Spanish Indra, which Uruguay was the first Latin American client of 3D Lanza.


In another vein, the Deputy Minister of National Defence Uruguayan Jorge Menendez insisted that negotiations for the F-5 Swiss, despite a political denial of an official agency of Switzerland, negotiations cataloged as "nothing easy."

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Argentina would not rule out buying Russian fighter jets or Chinese if UK block the targeted acquisition of Gripen

(defensa.com) As we reported recently, UK exercise its right to block the sale of fighter aircraft Gripen NG that Argentina would buy Brasil raised since about 30 percent of the aircraft manufactured by Saab is made with components supplied by British companies. The October 21 defense ministers of Argentina and Brazil announced at the launch of transport aircraft KC-390, the start of talks between the two countries for the sale of 24 Gripen NG fighter aircraft manufactured in Brazil to Argentina, following the signing of a "strategic alliance for the aviation industry" of both countries.


The transaction, valued at around 2,900 million dollars, would be a direct initiative of the Ministry of Defense of Brazil and not of Saab, the original manufacturer of the Gripen, which confirmed that it had made no direct commercial action for the sale of new aircraft or resale to Argentina precisely because the possibility of the British blockade. In fact, the Brazilian manufacturer Embraer, Saab's main partner in Brazil to manufacture airplanes, feared that the measures you can take UK to Argentina does not have the tickets could harm their future business.


This measure would be a blow to Argentina, which would shut other way to acquire a fighter with which to equip its air force, replacing the Mirage veterans. It is well add to the unsuccessful attempts to acquire aircraft above as the F-1 Mirage thrift Spanish Air Force, Mirage 2000 Second French hand or Kfir Block 60 reconstructed by Israel Aerospace Industries, although occasionally again join any of these proposals. The reasons why none of these deals were finalized and would be more focused on financial availability of Argentina and rights issues and business licenses. The Mirage F-1 Spanish needed to have a certification that France urged with the intention of making more attractive its Mirage 2000. The proposal of the Kfir would not have had sufficient government support so neither has advanced.

Thus, if the case eventually they could not be acquired Gripen, Argentina would not rule out the acquisition of fighter aircraft manufactured in Russia or China would in this scenario, since these would not be subject to any lock or commercial impediment to Although the Air Force would be interested in Western aircraft manufacture. Among the available options that could have been shuffled would be the FC-1 / JF-17 manufactured between companies in China and Pakistan. On the occasion of the show Paris Air Show last year Argentina had received an official offer to manufacture these aircraft under license in Mexico, specifically by FAdeA.

Collaboration with China has already materialized with making the CZ-11 Pampero, which is the Argentina version of Changhe Z-11 (in turn based on the Eurocopter Ecureil design, now Airbus Helicopters). Also today China is the second largest trading partner Argentina. Moreover it is the Russian option, which could be implemented in any member of the Flanker family of Sukhoi, which are already in service in Latin America, specifically the Sukhoi Su-30 MK2 Venezuelans in the case of Argentina could be acquired even using raw materials or food products as a payment option which would have given the nod Russia and already have used previously in other transactions of this type.

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