The riots broke out during a peaceful protests by the uigurs , wanting and investigation as to what went on in that toy Factory in Southern China. According to the Uighurs.The police sparked the rioting by shooting at the peaceful protestors, Mr Nur Bekri the . Xinjiang governor is on record as saying said that the police shot “mobsters” after firing warning shots.
Now how many people died in that tragedy? compared to the current London one.
How anyone can take what those tools in the UWC says seriously is beyond me.
Those guys are as predictable as they are unimaginative. Every single time there is an inexcusable outbreak of violent protest, you can bet they will come out and claim the police started it by shooting 'peaceful protesters'.
Have you actually thought their claims through at all?
Look at the tragedy in Norway. One man with one gun killed how many people? There were hundreds of people on that island, and he had one gun. If they rushed him as soon as he opened fire, he would have only managed to kill a fraction of the number of people he did ultimately murder.
But in reality, when the gunman opened fire, the crowd broke and ran for their lives. It is the universal human reaction when unarmed people realize they are being shot at.
If police really opened fire on peaceful protesters, those protesters would run screaming back home, not go charging the police lines or attack innocent passers by for no reason other than their race.
As for the statement that police did open fire, well what police force wouldn't when they see rioters hacking people to death in the streets? That 'admission' proves nothing, but it is telling how you try so hard to twist that statement to suit your own goals.
The London riots are significantly different from the Xinjiang one, as the rioters were out for loot instead of blood. Had there been the kind of massed ethical attacks as happened in Xinjiang, the police response would have been significantly different, and rioters would have been shot dead by police as they tried to protect the innocent.
A better comparison would have been the LA riots. And refresh my memory, but did the police not shoot anyone there?
Again it is telling how you are deliberately ignoring the glaring difference between how the two riots were covered in the western media on the one hand, going out of your way to make a distinction where there is none on the other, and yet somehow completely ignored all the differences when talking about the police response and outcome. Cherry pick much?