China didnt told india to move, both sides agreed to move out. Just because india agreed that china to patrol that area doesnt mean that they recognize it as chinese territory. This spat was about the road construction. Nice excuse about the winter. it gave china more face saving than india.
No, those troops are no longer there and the road wont be built anymore. In fact the chinese government hasnt confirm if the road will be built or not. See this news article.
I understand you told me before that English is not your native language, but if you have THIS much trouble with English, then you shouldn't be on an English forum.
I'm gonna try to make the English as simple as possible, just for you, K? India says what India does. China can say what China does. USA can say what USA does, etc...
They don't speak for others, just for themselves. There is no reason for you to get your news on what everybody in the world is doing from Indian news, the same news that says the US is secretly scared of India's military and that bathing in cow urine can cure cancer/AIDS/everything. The only reason you'd pick that as an authority is if that is the only "news" that's saying what you want to hear. So let's look at what everyone says:
So far, all Indian news say India has moved out. Chinese news agrees; world news agrees. No problem. But Indian news say Chinese troops have moved out, yet they say there are still ongoing patrols. That means they can't even get their own story straight. Then China confirms that Chinese troops are still there; world news agrees that they are still patrolling (hence they are still there)
. If you still think that both sides all moved out, then either your English is shit or you're just picking what you want to believe and ignoring logic.
If you want to convince anyone here that Chinese troops are gone, please find a Chinese source that says China removed its troops.
Same thing with the road. I don't care what India has to say about Chinese building; they have no control. China says they alone decide whether the road will be built. India has no answer, no document to say otherwise, because China signed nothing and gave them no concessions. The end.
Look at all these good people trying to educate your pig head. Do you enjoy getting buried again every time you parrot the same stupid shit over? This isn't the masochist forum, Orthan.