Behind the China Missile Hype


Lieutenant General
If the DF-21D is decided to be used it will be against a MOVING TARGET OPERATING AT SEA. So far this missile has not been tested even to the point of firing at a stationary target at sea.

Shoot it at a deserted island or sandbar and end the speculation. A demonstration like that would go along way to making the world believe that DF-21D is a viable weapon system. The fact that nothing like this has happened causes doubts to surface about the effectiveness of this miracle weapon

As far as testing on a target on land that simulates a carrier, then why haven't the Chinese created a wooden mockup of the carrier, mounted that on railway tracks and hit it with this DF-21D while the target was moving?

They haven't because they cannot. DF-21D is a bluff.

Remember the Chinese are attempting to do something that noone has ever tried. And there is a reason for that

These pictures you posted mean nothing. Using PS anyone can try and convince the world that they have 'tested' the DF-21D on a carrier sized target but you know in your heart that it is just hype.

Oh and the words of these Navy people can easily be explained as fear mongering designed to pump up a threat needed when asking for a larger budget for when the military goes before Congress.

You make it sound like hitting a moving target is an impossibility when the reality is common occurrence in the world of missile.Any surface missile can hit a moving target over 250 km and so do the latest ATGM like Brimmstone or the Chinese equivalent.That is how they hit moving car or van with missile launch from UAV .So nothing special the technology, control algorithm, is well known and well proven. That is the reason they don't need to be proven.

The difficult part is whether the sensor can still recognized and hit the target as the target rotate or the missile spin as it descent 20 km because the algorithm has to mapped the target to the radar picture save in the missile head. That is the reason for rotating block testing, No you cannot used wooden sled exactly because that is not critical so useless. IF you say moving sled and rotating at the same time I can accept it but it just one hell of contraption to do that.
There are all kind of Chinese papers exactly try to solve the algorithm for this rotating head

You can argue but on different speed. Yes it make it even easier because relative to the speed of missile at mach 10 the 45 mile/hr behemoth is almost stationery.
Let do the math both tank and Carrier moved at 40mile/hr Typical ATGM speed is Mach 3 ASBM Mach 10 Typical range of new ATGM is 8 km. Say the ASBM war head is at 30-40km before it start maneuvering the control thruster. so you get the same ratio of distance/speed.The only difference is final control element instead of control surface you use micro thruster maybe faster algorithm and processor but here he civilian microprocessor is way faster than the military
The question is do the Chinese have the technology. Well they are not going to reveal the technology for sure.

But they do have civilian equivalent and they are pretty open with spec.
Shenzou 9 fly about the same mach 10 speed as any ASBM China is the only country that have fully automatic docking system in the world.The US use manual control for docking.The USSR and European have Semi automatic docking

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A GOT missile can target either a moving or fixed target, whereas a GOLIS weapon is limited to a stationary or near-stationary target. The trajectory that a missile takes while attacking a moving target is dependent upon the movement of the target. Also, a moving target can be an immediate threat to the sender of the missile. The target needs to be eliminated in a timely fashion in order to preserve the integrity of the sender. In GOLIS systems the problem is simpler because the target is not moving.
[edit] GOT systems

In every GOT system there are three subsystems:

Target tracker
Missile tracker
Guidance computer

Now they can direct the space to dock with each other within the tolerance of 16 cm over 100 km without human interference using micro thruster .That said a lot about their ASBM technology.

So based on that conclusion No ASBM is NOT a HYPE and NO I don't believe people with ranking of PACOM or Naval Chief inteeligence will purposely hype the ASBM in order to get bigger funding. When both Gen Chen Bingde and Taiwan Intelligence Chief Tsai Dershing said the same thing

Another thing SAR is impervious to Cloud So cloud is not going to affect targeting
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Junior Member
Well there's a difference actually, this comes from again, velocity. The SM-3 was able to hit the malfunctioning USA-193 satellite that which was falling to earth at about Mach 23. Though the trajectory of the satellite was known, the trajectory of the terminal stage of the DF-21D is most likely predictable also, as the exoatmospheric intercept window for the DF-21D should be wide enough so that the warhead bus would not be readjusting it's course for impact against the target.

I highly doubt that a "recently" detected maneuvering warhead can be considered the same as a large falling satellite which had been tracked for eons prior to interception. USA-193 had known mass and was in uncontrolled free fall; which follows very basic laws of physics (namingly F=g*(m1)*(m2)/(r^2) and its derivatives); a maneuvering warhead is not following a predictable path. This is before the notion of mutiple missile launches and sub warheads.

In comparison, the DF-21D was tested against a rotating concrete slab that happened to be the size of the Nimitz. If that concrete slab was programed to maneuver in an unpredictable course at 35 knots, that would be a valid test of the DF-21D's guidance system and accuracy. However, it was simply, a rotating concrete slab. So although the test did demonstrate the DF-21D's accuracy against a rotating ship, it did not demonstrate it's accuracy against a moving and rotating ship, which is the most realistic example.
I don't think the slab was rotating.

But the main point was not that the DF21D can hit a moving ship or not, but that testing had been conducted like the SM3. So if you believe that a SM3 can hit a moving maneuvering target because of it's tests against predictable and known objects, then, you will believe that a DF21D can hit a moving ship because it can hit a concrete slab.

a SM3 at Mach 8 vs a Mach 23 satellite is an intercept speed ratio of ~1:3

a df21 at mach 10 vs a 45 knot (0.07 mach) ship is an intercept speed ratio of ~143:1

A SM3 warhead vs a intercept target warhead is a size of maybe 1:5

A DF21 warhead vs a carrier target is a size of maybe 1:1000

All of which suggest that it is easier for a DF21 to hit a carrier than for a SM3 to hit a DF21.

lol. There is no solid estimation of the penetrative power of "2 kg submunitions" at Mach 12. They can penetrate 25 mm of steel or a 1,000 mm of steel, we just don't know because there's no equation (that I know of) to estimate the penetrative power of a spherical object.

And it's unlikely anything would go straight through the Iowa other than an EFP. KE projectiles will tend to deform mid-way, if it doesn't blow up, that is.
Well simple comparisons can be made, they do not have to be spherical; you can have ~60 10kg fin stabilized penetration if you want;

A M829A3 DU anti tank sabot is around 10 Kg, it goes at around 1555 m/s or Mach 4.5. It is reputed to go through ~800 mm of RHAe armor.

A WHA 20mm Kw.K. 38 L / 55 cannon round going at 1000 m/s (~mach 3) at 0.1 kg can go through 60 mm of armor

in any case, if you are going at mach 10, your penetrative power would increase

Again, no one did any calculations pertaining to the penetrative power of spherical sub-munitions. It's also unlikely that a small diameter submunition (such as a 0.5" ball of DU) would penetrate enough armor and sheer space to actually do much damage to the crew.
My philosophy is this, if you penetrate the armored deck, the crew working in the hanger below is basically dead or injured. If you have penetration, you will have spalling (I doubt CVN are spall lined), If hanger crew is severly recduced and the aircraft + equipment within it damaged; the carrier is as good as useless.

So how big and what shape of the penetration needs to be is a different question.
Not exactly. The USN has already started and made plenty of headway into arsenal ships. In fact, IIRC, there's about 300 Tomahawk cruise missiles that's on board some Ohio class SSGNs that's patrolling within launch range of the PRC. Not to mention that because the USN's ships have modular VLS, who's to say that the Ticonderoga or Arleigh Burke class ships that are escorting the CV wouldn't also be loaded with Tomahawks themselves.

Well yes,
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the USA launched more than 1000 tomahawk at Iraq; which (in comparison to China) did not have that many military targets, nor that good air defense; and much smaller country. I mean tomahawks does not do that much damage; and I doubt China will let a Ohio sit there launching all of her 300 tomahawks; you get a few in the air and the boomer will have to relocate.

The DF21 also out range the tomahawk (at least on paper 3000 km vs 2500 km) meaning even if destroyer sacrificed their SM3 (or other) to launch tomahawks, they will still be in range of the DF21 themselves to launch it. -> I am just proving the point that the notion of staying out of reach of the DF21 as Nikex suggested, does not mean the CVBG is safe. (Can the DF21 work is a different question).

So if the CVBG is to stay out of the DF21's range, it can't really deliver munition into China. And Tomahawks deliver much less munition than strike fighters like the F/A 18. (which is what I meant when I said strike fighter had a range of 1000 km). A tomahawk carries 450 kg of munition vs. 8,000 kg on a super hornet. If the strike figther can't strike, the munition a CVBG can deliver is a fration of it's potential.

---------- Post added at 11:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:21 PM ----------

What was meant was this. The ability of the F-35 to DETECT the launch of a DF-21D as soon as it cleared the horizon.
Okay, so what? if the carrier have to stay 3000 km away from China, the DF21 had worked. - the CVBG cannot launch strikes against China already; it is mission ineffective.
The smoke has particles suspended that act like chaff. And like chaff it is tailored for certain frequencies of radars that would be used to home in on the CVN. I have posted this article several times. I wish somebody would read it since it answers all the questions you and others are raising about the modern use of smoke or as it is known today: OBSCURANTS. Please note the bold parts of the quote. There are only so many ways to home in on a target. And like the Pershing 2 where the Chinese came up with the idea for a DF-21D, the homing radar is in the millimeter portion of the spectrum band
How do you know that it is in the millimeter range?

It could be satellite laser guide, or ground station triangulation for all I care. It technically doesn't need it's own sensors, It could have a data link from a base station which provides its with a location it needs to fly to.

It could have a seeker like a traditional Xband radar, or a theoretical quantum radar -> I don't know, and I don't think you know either. To assume that you can counter that frequency or that frequency does not overlap with American used ones is pure guess work.

Also, how will flight opts operate with a smoke screen on it's deck?

"....The application of obscurants on the modern battlefield has been widely examined by U.S. Army strategists and operators for over a decade and a half; (2) obscurants are firmly imbedded in U.S. Army doctrine. (3) Moreover, the effectiveness of obscurants against a panoply of terminal homing systems, from the visual to the millimeter-wave spectrum, is proven. In simple terms, the particles suspended in the medium of smoke can be adjusted in size to absorb and diffuse radar waves emanating from the seeker heads of incoming antiship missiles, thereby denying any homing information to the missile. In the modern naval battle space, where antiship cruise missiles (ASCMs) are a principal threat, adapting obscurant systems and developing tactics and operational schemes for their use at sea is prudent. Given the stark potential of antiship ballistic missiles (ASBMs), this adaptation may be essential. (4)

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Nike-X which became SPRINT accomplished these types of warhead intercepts decades ago. Check out SPRINT. It had 21 successful intercepts of incoming warhead. A remarkable piece of technology that has not been equaled even today

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Err yeah? So what is different from SM3 tests? all against simulated targets; and not multiple targets.

Again, my Scud + DF21 launch theory, can the system determine which missile is the real threat; which is false?

Multiple warheads? Sub munitions?

No one will send ONE missile to attack a CVBG piece meal; I highly doubt a CVBG can intercept lets say 100 incoming ballistic missile with 200 anti ship cruise missiles all impacting at around the same time. The DF21D is just a part of a long range anti ship capability that includes HN-3, HN-2000, KH-55, strike aircraft
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Junior Member
No one will send ONE missile to attack a CVBG piece meal; I highly doubt a CVBG can intercept lets say 100 incoming ballistic missile with 200 anti ship cruise missiles all impacting at around the same time. The DF21D is just a part of a long range anti ship capability that includes HN-3, HN-2000, KH-55, strike aircraft

its not about the missile, its about the OVERALL system. without the system that support the missile. those missile are worthless. its like fire bullet randomly. if CVBG is 1000km outside of china, then china can only fire land base DF21, and few sub cruise missile. thats only if they detect and able track it. but if US do any scout/sweep/preemtive strike than all those missile threat are reduce by several factors. all system such as SM3 are really last layer of defense, before US even use SM3 they will try to disable other missile support system, make the DF21 threat less as possible.


Banned Idiot
You make it sound like hitting a moving target is an impossibility when the reality is common occurrence in the world of missile.Any surface missile can hit a moving target over 250 km and so do the latest ATGM like Brimmstone or the Chinese equivalent.That is how they hit moving car or van with missile launch from UAV .So nothing special the technology, control algorithm, is well known and well proven. That is the reason they don't need to be proven.

If it is so common then why haven't the Chinese demonstrated this reality?

The difficult part is whether the sensor can still recognized and hit the target as the target rotate or the missile spin as it descent 20 km because the algorithm has to mapped the target to the radar picture save in the missile head. That is the reason for rotating block testing, No you cannot used wooden sled exactly because that is not critical so useless. IF you say moving sled and rotating at the same time I can accept it but it just one hell of contraption to do that.
There are all kind of Chinese papers exactly try to solve the algorithm for this rotating head

Lots of theory and speculation. However until the Chinese translate these papers into a working and functional weapon system it remains just talk. Hence the title of this discussion: "Behind the China missile hype" People call it hype for a reason.

But they do have civilian equivalent and they are pretty open with spec.
Shenzou 9 fly about the same mach 10 speed as any ASBM China is the only country that have fully automatic docking system in the world.The US use manual control for docking.The USSR and European have Semi automatic docking

Please. The Russian Progress supply spacecraft has demonstrated automatic docking for years. Your claim of China being the only country that has fully automatic docking system in the world is false. See reference below

"........The Progress (Russian: Прогресс) is a Russian expendable freighter spacecraft. The spacecraft is an unmanned resupply spacecraft during its flight but upon docking with a space station, it allows astronauts inside, hence it is classified manned by the manufacturer.[1][2][3] It was derived from the Soyuz spacecraft, and is launched with the Soyuz rocket. It is currently used to supply the International Space Station, but was originally used to supply Soviet space stations for many years......"

---------- Post added at 12:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:26 PM ----------

Aren't you the one hiding behind smoke as the all-purpose defense against every weapon ever created? That was your one argument. Now since your smoke screen has so many holes in it, you've moved on. What does that say?

It says that you do not understand what is being said. OBSCURANTS (aka smoke ) are a proven naval system with years of operation behind it. What is happening is that this PROVEN countermeasure is being updated as just one of many counters to the proposed DF-21D ASBM.

Think of CHAFF and smoke mixed together as a means of preventing the DF-21D to accomplish its homing dive on the carrier.

Throughout history, smoke has been used in various forms to obscure
naval forces at sea. During prominent naval battles in the twentieth
century, from Jutland inWorldWar I to the U.S.Navy’s clash with imperial Japanese
forces off Leyte in 1944, smoke literally contributed to “the fog of war” and
added to the complexity and confusion of battle

---------- Post added at 01:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:37 PM ----------

Okay, so what? if the carrier have to stay 3000 km away from China, the DF21 had worked. - the CVBG cannot launch strikes against China already; it is mission ineffective.

Answer: The detection of a DF-21D type target by the F-35 sensors alerts the CVN defenses to prepare for intercepting the warhead and do whatever it takes to stop the attack.

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Nothing special, Just another layer of defense against the DF-21D. And another headache for Chinese planners. Notice it gave nine minutes worth of WARNING to the CVN. That's alot of time to respond and DEFEND against an attack

06:22 GMT, September 8, 2010 BALTIMORE | Northrop Grumman Corporation's (NYSE:NOC) AN/AAQ-37 Electro-Optical Distributed Aperture System (DAS) for the F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter successfully detected and tracked a two-stage rocket launch at a distance exceeding 800 miles during a routine flight test conducted aboard the company's BAC 1-11 test bed aircraft.

"The DAS could fill critical capability gaps in the area of ballistic missile defense (BMD)," said Dave Bouchard, program director for F-35 sensors at Northrop Grumman. "We have only scratched the surface on the number of functions the F-35's DAS is capable of providing. With DAS, we've combined instantaneous 360-degree spherical coverage, high frame refresh rates, high resolution, high sensitivity powerful processors and advanced algorithms into a single system. The number of possibilities is endless."

An operational DAS system is comprised of multiple DAS sensors whose images are fused together to create one seamless picture. DAS successfully detected and tracked the rocket during a nine minute, two-stage, flight period from horizon break until final burnout through multiple sensor fields of regard. Unlike other sensors, DAS picks up targets without assistance from an external cue. Because DAS is passive, an operator does not have to point the sensor in the direction of a target to gain a track.

---------- Post added at 01:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:06 PM ----------

@Hendrik_2000: Another thing SAR is impervious to Cloud So cloud is not going to affect targeting
Embedded image processing on the TMS320C6000 DSP : examples in code composer ... - Shehrzad Qureshi - Google Books

Wonder how that SAR image would look to clouds of chaff? Any ideas or thoughts on that?

---------- Post added at 01:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:10 PM ----------


I highly doubt that a "recently" detected maneuvering warhead can be considered the same as a large falling satellite which had been tracked for eons prior to interception. USA-193 had known mass and was in uncontrolled free fall; which follows very basic laws of physics (namingly F=g*(m1)*(m2)/(r^2) and its derivatives); a maneuvering warhead is not following a predictable path. This is before the notion of mutiple missile launches and sub warheads.

By the same token it is highly doubtful that a warhead or group of maneuvering warheads can home in on a carrier which is also maneuvering.

---------- Post added at 01:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:15 PM ----------

@ Lezt:

How do you know that it is in the millimeter range?

Answer: The system the DF-21D is based upon, the Pershing 2 used millimeter radar to home in on its target, However the target was stationary while the CVN is maneuvering and shooting at the incoming missile

It could be satellite laser guide, or ground station triangulation for all I care. It technically doesn't need it's own sensors, It could have a data link from a base station which provides its with a location it needs to fly to.

Are you serious? Your satellite targeting system is in orbit and subject to orbital plotting. In other words it is moving and the carrier can be in places where the satellite cannot see it. All other systems you mention are too slow to target a moving object like the carrier

And as we have discussed earlier, there are OTHER big ships out there. The CVN is sure to alter its signature to look like a supertanker to confuse the Chinese surveillance system

It could have a seeker like a traditional Xband radar, or a theoretical quantum radar -> I don't know, and I don't think you know either. To assume that you can counter that frequency or that frequency does not overlap with American used ones is pure guess work.

And the Chinese do not know either. To bring up quantum radar like that is a factor is foolish. There is no OPERATIONAL quantum radar and will not be one for some time

Also, how will flight opts operate with a smoke screen on it's deck?

Sigh. Its not on the deck. It is between the DF-21D sensors and the sea surface. Just like clouds

Here is the video

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---------- Post added at 01:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:48 PM ----------


Err yeah? So what is different from SM3 tests? all against simulated targets; and not multiple targets.

Again, my Scud + DF21 launch theory, can the system determine which missile is the real threat; which is false?

Multiple warheads? Sub munitions?

No one will send ONE missile to attack a CVBG piece meal; I highly doubt a CVBG can intercept lets say 100 incoming ballistic missile with 200 anti ship cruise missiles all impacting at around the same time. The DF21D is just a part of a long range anti ship capability that includes HN-3, HN-2000, KH-55, strike aircraft

I hate to inform you but tests against multiple targets have been underway for some time. Here you go:

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---------- Post added at 02:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:54 PM ----------

Something for the DF-21D advocates to consider: What is the CVN and her escorts are able to REPEL several DF-21D attacks? What then?

---------- Post added at 02:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:03 PM ----------

In case anyone is wondering how ABMs aboard ships could handle a saturation attack by multiple DF-21s check this video of how things were done in the early 1970s.

Notice that the Sprint missile is small enough to fit into shipborne missile cells with minor modifications. Tested and ready for battle

SPRINT ABM - Zero to Mach 10 in 5 Seconds!

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Lieutenant General
It says that you do not understand what is being said. OBSCURANTS (aka smoke ) are a proven naval system with years of operation behind it. What is happening is that this PROVEN countermeasure is being updated as just one of many counters to the proposed DF-21D ASBM.

Think of CHAFF and smoke mixed together as a means of preventing the DF-21D to accomplish its homing dive on the carrier.

And you think that works 100%? China has chaff and smoke. Chaff and smoke does nothing if you never detect any missile coming into range. Like I have to remind you of the obsolete Seersucker that hit Kuwait City again that wasn't even seen by multiple layers of radar or any other detection devices?
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Lieutenant General
If it is so common then why haven't the Chinese demonstrated this reality?

China doesn't advertised their weapon development nor do they give press releases.In fact most Chinese missile test occur when the western world is in holiday like the latest JL2 Test. Nuclear Bomb doesn't need to be tested and so do a lot of Biochemical weapon. All they need is to do partial test to test critical technology
Most of Chinese missile test are directed inland away from prying eyes anyway
Test is only use to make political statement. As there is no urgent need to do it why bother.Want to see test? just tell the Taiwan to declare independent

Lots of theory and speculation. However until the Chinese translate these papers into a working and functional weapon system it remains just talk. Hence the title of this discussion: "Behind the China missile hype" People call it hype for a reason.

Now you are not only have problem with hearing .Your eyesight is not that good either.Didn't they test it on the rotating concrete block?

Please. The Russian Progress supply spacecraft has demonstrated automatic docking for years. Your claim of China being the only country that has fully automatic docking system in the world is false. See reference below

"........The Progress (Russian: Прогресс) is a Russian expendable freighter spacecraft. The spacecraft is an unmanned resupply spacecraft during its flight but upon docking with a space station, it allows astronauts inside, hence it is classified manned by the manufacturer.[1][2][3] It was derived from the Soyuz spacecraft, and is launched with the Soyuz rocket. It is currently used to supply the International Space Station, but was originally used to supply Soviet space stations for many years......"

Again you lack critical thinking Unmanned space craft doesn't mean automatic docking because the man behind control room in Russia space control is still controlling the docking process. They give command to the space craft.Their system relay on manned control until the spacecraft is to certain distance then the automatic docking system take over.The Chinese one are fully automatic.

And again the only multi kill vehicle program in US have been terminated long time ago and go ahead your pipe dream of Flash Gordon weapon. They are cancelled for the same reason why space war was cancelled!Impossibility
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Kinetic Energy Interceptor (KEI) - in December 2003, MDA awarded a contract to Northrop Grumman for developing and testing. It will have to be launched from a location not too far from the launch site of the target missile (and is therefore less suitable against large countries), it has to be fired very soon after launch of the target, and it has to be very fast itself (6 km/s). In 2009, the Department of Defense and MDA determined that Northrop Grumman could never build anything this technologically advanced and has cancelled the program, allocating no funding for it in its recent budget submission.

Here is why it got cancelled
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The KEI program had been restructured in 2007 to emphasize development of a high acceleration booster. However, we have encountered
considerable technical issues and delays during development, such as repeated first and second booster case failures, thrust nozzle concerns,
overheating of avionics, thermal battery canister failure, and C-Band transponder failure during shock testing. Even if such technical problems could
be solved without excessive cost and schedule implications, we have become concerned about the cost-effectiveness of the KEI interceptor, which is
currently estimated at $75 million per unit.

Please don't bring Sprint missile from stone age era.It is embarrassing
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Banned Idiot
And you think that works 100%? China has chaff and smoke. Chaff and smoke does nothing if you never detect any missile coming into range. Like I have to remind you of the obsolete Seersucker that hit Kuwait City again that wasn't even seen by multiple layers of radar or any other detection devices?

When combined with OTHER defensive measures it tips the scales in favor of the CVN

---------- Post added at 06:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:56 PM ----------

China doesn't advertised their weapon development nor do they give press releases.In fact most Chinese missile test occur when the western world is in holiday like the latest JL2 Test. Nuclear Bomb doesn't need to be tested and so do a lot of Biochemical weapon. All they need is to do partial test to test critical technology
Most of Chinese missile test are directed inland away from prying eyes anyway
Test is only use to make political statement. As there is no urgent need to do it why bother.Want to see test? just tell the Taiwan to declare independent

Doesn't advertise or cannot demonstrate? China was quick to unveil the J-20 to demonstrate that they were a player in stealth. Using that logic it sure seems that if they had something that could accomplish the mission that is claimed for DF-21D they would proudly show the world what they are capable of. The fact that they do alot of talking and displaying of diagrams and still pictures about the anti access and anti carrier capabilities of the DF-21D ASBM but cannot show one picture of this fantastic weapon in action leads informed people to believe they are bluffing

---------- Post added at 06:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:05 PM ----------

Now you are not only have problem with hearing .Your eyesight is not that good either.Didn't they test it on the rotating concrete block?

Others here on this very same board disagree that the concrete rotated or was even a carrier analogue at all. In my opinion it is all a bluff designed to confuse and conceal the lack of anti access capability China has claimed and perhaps even to conceal problems China is encountering trying to design this complex system


Lieutenant General
Doesn't advertise or cannot demonstrate? China was quick to unveil the J-20 to demonstrate that they were a player in stealth. Using that logic it sure seems that if they had something that could accomplish the mission that is claimed for DF-21D they would proudly show the world what they are capable of. The fact that they do alot of talking and displaying of diagrams and still pictures about the anti access and anti carrier capabilities of the DF-21D ASBM but cannot show one picture of this fantastic weapon in action leads informed people to believe they are bluffing

it is not a question of showing off but more of logistic. Again you are confusing strategic weapon and tactical weapon. China built most of their strategic development center away from Urban population deep in China's interior .They have no problem with building Tactical weapon center in city edge. In fact most conventional weapon are built in the cities!

CAAC was splintered from SAC in order to spread out the Aircraft factory away from the Sino Soviet border. And they decide to locate it to Chengdu which back in 1960 is a backwater .The factory is located at the edge of the city but due to development creep that edge of City is now become another city district.

J20 is prototype that need testing and continuous adjustment. They need expert to attend and evaluate the test. All of them are located in factory which is Chengdu. There are continuous hundreds of test flight. But for strategic weapon like missile they are hidden from the prying eye.The test is intermittent or few. So the expert can reside somewhere else in nondescript laboratory.The tracking and telemetry of missile test is control again located in different location.Capici!


Banned Idiot
@Hendrik_2000 Please use the Internet and research the Russian Progress space transport system. It has been able to auto-dock with the Russian space station since the time of Mir. Your claim is invalid. Sorry to have to give you the bad news that but that is the reality

"....The Progress resupply vehicle is an automated, unpiloted version of the Soyuz spacecraft that is used to bring supplies and fuel to the International Space Station. The Progress also has the ability to raise the Station's altitude and control the orientation of the Station using the vehicle's thrusters....."

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---------- Post added at 06:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:37 PM ----------

@Hendrik_2000 Satellites monitor Chinese military developments 24 / 7 If there was creditable developments of the DF-21 the world would know. When we see no news of Chinese developments we must draw the conclusion that China as reached a dead-end and is stuck


Junior Member

I highly doubt that a "recently" detected maneuvering warhead can be considered the same as a large falling satellite which had been tracked for eons prior to interception. USA-193 had known mass and was in uncontrolled free fall; which follows very basic laws of physics (namingly F=g*(m1)*(m2)/(r^2) and its derivatives); a maneuvering warhead is not following a predictable path. This is before the notion of mutiple missile launches and sub warheads.

Though that is true, like I've mentioned earlier, the CBG should have a bit over two minutes to engage the DF-21D warhead. The Ticonderoga can fire a missile every 2 seconds, so the rest of that time is free for evasions, calculations (which shouldn't take much time), etc. And again, we don't know how maneuverable the DF-21D is. At the very least, it has to have a MaRV (Maneuverable Reentry Vehicle) to adjust it's course at the terminal stage to hit the target. In that case, it wouldn't be making any evasive maneuvers or anything really fancy other than "go in a straight line towards the target", so yes, it would still be predictable.

I don't think the slab was rotating.

But the main point was not that the DF21D can hit a moving ship or not, but that testing had been conducted like the SM3. So if you believe that a SM3 can hit a moving maneuvering target because of it's tests against predictable and known objects, then, you will believe that a DF21D can hit a moving ship because it can hit a concrete slab.

Just to reassure you again, we don't actually know how maneuverable the DF-21D is. In most likely hoods, it is only maneuverable in it's terminal stage in the sense that it doesn't follow the traditional path of the ICBM of (go to space, fall down, blow up), but rather to go to space, fall down, find target, adjust course and hit target. That's the only guaranteed maneuverability the DF-21D has, and when it's on the "adjust course and hit target" part of the process, it's in an easily predictable situation that is similar to that falling USA-193.

a SM3 at Mach 8 vs a Mach 23 satellite is an intercept speed ratio of ~1:3

a df21 at mach 10 vs a 45 knot (0.07 mach) ship is an intercept speed ratio of ~143:1

A SM3 warhead vs a intercept target warhead is a size of maybe 1:5

A DF21 warhead vs a carrier target is a size of maybe 1:1000

All of which suggest that it is easier for a DF21 to hit a carrier than for a SM3 to hit a DF21.

Those are suggestions, not facts. In tests, which is really the only concrete information we have, the SM-3 beats the DF-21D, every time. Simply said, the SM-3 has proven itself, the DF-21D hasn't.

Well simple comparisons can be made, they do not have to be spherical; you can have ~60 10kg fin stabilized penetration if you want;

A M829A3 DU anti tank sabot is around 10 Kg, it goes at around 1555 m/s or Mach 4.5. It is reputed to go through ~800 mm of RHAe armor.

A WHA 20mm Kw.K. 38 L / 55 cannon round going at 1000 m/s (~mach 3) at 0.1 kg can go through 60 mm of armor

in any case, if you are going at mach 10, your penetrative power would increase

My philosophy is this, if you penetrate the armored deck, the crew working in the hanger below is basically dead or injured. If you have penetration, you will have spalling (I doubt CVN are spall lined), If hanger crew is severly recduced and the aircraft + equipment within it damaged; the carrier is as good as useless.

So how big and what shape of the penetration needs to be is a different question.

Velocity is a contributor to KE which is a large factor in penetration but again, penetrator design also plays an arguably more critical role. Simply having x mass moving at mach 10 in whatever funky shape you may want isn't going to pan out with the entire situation at hand, which includes producability, warhead shape and size, release mechanisms, etc. In that case, a bunch of balls is the best way to go. The problem with spheres is that, even though they're going at mach 10, and even assuming that they'd penetrate the deck armor of the carrier, after the penetration, there's a whole zoo of physics-terminology that is going out of it's way to FUBAR the sphere up. Simply said, assuming a DU sphere does penetrate the deck, it won't do much damage afterwards. So no, mass, velocity, shape do contribute the majority of what happens afterwards.

Well yes,
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the USA launched more than 1000 tomahawk at Iraq; which (in comparison to China) did not have that many military targets, nor that good air defense; and much smaller country. I mean tomahawks does not do that much damage; and I doubt China will let a Ohio sit there launching all of her 300 tomahawks; you get a few in the air and the boomer will have to relocate.

The DF21 also out range the tomahawk (at least on paper 3000 km vs 2500 km) meaning even if destroyer sacrificed their SM3 (or other) to launch tomahawks, they will still be in range of the DF21 themselves to launch it. -> I am just proving the point that the notion of staying out of reach of the DF21 as Nikex suggested, does not mean the CVBG is safe. (Can the DF21 work is a different question).

So if the CVBG is to stay out of the DF21's range, it can't really deliver munition into China. And Tomahawks deliver much less munition than strike fighters like the F/A 18. (which is what I meant when I said strike fighter had a range of 1000 km). A tomahawk carries 450 kg of munition vs. 8,000 kg on a super hornet. If the strike figther can't strike, the munition a CVBG can deliver is a fration of it's potential.

Nope. Unfortunately the USN already knows that it's air wing is going to be useless against China, hence why the development of arsenal ships. In every USA v. PRC scenario, the US wouldn't send any 4th generation fighters over China until we've completed a few rounds of SEADs ops with our stealth fleet, which is still vastly superior to China's in present and near-future terms.

Though the PRC is larger and more advanced than pre-invasion Iraq, a tomahawk is still a tomahawk, it still has 450 kg of explosives to blow up anything or anybody that comes in it's way. China has made headway and developed or bought Russian point-to-kill SAMs, but they wouldn't have enough, economically speaking, to shoot down all the missiles we'd launch at them.

And remember, those are Modular VLS. You can have a Harpoon missile in one cell, a SM-3 in the one next to it, some Tomahawks behind those two, etc. You can put anything in any amount you want in there so long as they were designed to fit in there and launched from there. Launching Tomahawks from your destroyers won't compromise your fleet's ability to defend itself from DF-21Ds, for example, so long as you actually have missiles that can defend yourselves from it.

Oh and, before we go too off topic, I don't usually read too much about submarines (because they suck :p) but I'm pretty sure that the USN's submarine arm is still superior to the PLAN's submarine arm.


After reading some more about the DF-21D, it's apogee (peak altitude) is 500 km, which means that when it's there, the US and Russia are guaranteed to be tracking it and any fleets around where the DF-21D was supposed to land (it's inertially guided before it's active guidance activates) would be alerted to it and would be tracking it for themselves. In that scenario, assuming the DF-21D is falling to earth immediately at Mach 10 once at it's apogee (realistically, it wouldn't, but for simplicity sake), gives the CBG about 147 seconds even to engage the DF-21D, which is a lot of time for supercomputers.
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