Lieutenant General
If the DF-21D is decided to be used it will be against a MOVING TARGET OPERATING AT SEA. So far this missile has not been tested even to the point of firing at a stationary target at sea.
Shoot it at a deserted island or sandbar and end the speculation. A demonstration like that would go along way to making the world believe that DF-21D is a viable weapon system. The fact that nothing like this has happened causes doubts to surface about the effectiveness of this miracle weapon
As far as testing on a target on land that simulates a carrier, then why haven't the Chinese created a wooden mockup of the carrier, mounted that on railway tracks and hit it with this DF-21D while the target was moving?
They haven't because they cannot. DF-21D is a bluff.
Remember the Chinese are attempting to do something that noone has ever tried. And there is a reason for that
These pictures you posted mean nothing. Using PS anyone can try and convince the world that they have 'tested' the DF-21D on a carrier sized target but you know in your heart that it is just hype.
Oh and the words of these Navy people can easily be explained as fear mongering designed to pump up a threat needed when asking for a larger budget for when the military goes before Congress.
You make it sound like hitting a moving target is an impossibility when the reality is common occurrence in the world of missile.Any surface missile can hit a moving target over 250 km and so do the latest ATGM like Brimmstone or the Chinese equivalent.That is how they hit moving car or van with missile launch from UAV .So nothing special the technology, control algorithm, is well known and well proven. That is the reason they don't need to be proven.
The difficult part is whether the sensor can still recognized and hit the target as the target rotate or the missile spin as it descent 20 km because the algorithm has to mapped the target to the radar picture save in the missile head. That is the reason for rotating block testing, No you cannot used wooden sled exactly because that is not critical so useless. IF you say moving sled and rotating at the same time I can accept it but it just one hell of contraption to do that.
There are all kind of Chinese papers exactly try to solve the algorithm for this rotating head
You can argue but on different speed. Yes it make it even easier because relative to the speed of missile at mach 10 the 45 mile/hr behemoth is almost stationery.
Let do the math both tank and Carrier moved at 40mile/hr Typical ATGM speed is Mach 3 ASBM Mach 10 Typical range of new ATGM is 8 km. Say the ASBM war head is at 30-40km before it start maneuvering the control thruster. so you get the same ratio of distance/speed.The only difference is final control element instead of control surface you use micro thruster maybe faster algorithm and processor but here he civilian microprocessor is way faster than the military
The question is do the Chinese have the technology. Well they are not going to reveal the technology for sure.
But they do have civilian equivalent and they are pretty open with spec.
Shenzou 9 fly about the same mach 10 speed as any ASBM China is the only country that have fully automatic docking system in the world.The US use manual control for docking.The USSR and European have Semi automatic docking
A GOT missile can target either a moving or fixed target, whereas a GOLIS weapon is limited to a stationary or near-stationary target. The trajectory that a missile takes while attacking a moving target is dependent upon the movement of the target. Also, a moving target can be an immediate threat to the sender of the missile. The target needs to be eliminated in a timely fashion in order to preserve the integrity of the sender. In GOLIS systems the problem is simpler because the target is not moving.
[edit] GOT systems
In every GOT system there are three subsystems:
Target tracker
Missile tracker
Guidance computer
Now they can direct the space to dock with each other within the tolerance of 16 cm over 100 km without human interference using micro thruster .That said a lot about their ASBM technology.
So based on that conclusion No ASBM is NOT a HYPE and NO I don't believe people with ranking of PACOM or Naval Chief inteeligence will purposely hype the ASBM in order to get bigger funding. When both Gen Chen Bingde and Taiwan Intelligence Chief Tsai Dershing said the same thing
Another thing SAR is impervious to Cloud So cloud is not going to affect targeting
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